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Tony Amore

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Everything posted by Tony Amore

  1. Anyone here that used to be with The House Of Crowe on Protector? I miss you guys! We had some great times together! 😀
  2. I remember before the Big Collapse of 2012, I had Hasten six slotted with recharge enhancements and it would fire off automatically before the 2 minute time limit expired. Boy that was fun!
  3. I love Hasten but doesn't it cause your powers to eat End like crazy?
  4. Friendly fire would mess me all up! Although I guess it would be funny the first time I use my Empathy Defender and get yelled at by my teammates for healing the enemies.
  5. Do you mean like the Fitness pool? Or like Fast Healing for Regeneration Scrappers?
  6. Dear Devs, Any chance you could remove the NPC bartender from the large bar on the upper level blue side of Pocket D on the Everlasting server? We have Heroes and Villains that like to moonlight as bartenders there and the NPC gets in the way. And as always, thank you again for bringing our beloved city back!
  7. Did I also mention I'm slightly nuts? 😁
  8. If CoH goes legit and we can join on a subscription basis, I'd pay $1,000 a month to be able to keep playing! 😄
  9. Due to my work schedule, I used to have a really tough time staying awake after 8pm on Sunday nights. Then my doctor recommended City Of Heroes. Now I'm lucky if I even go to bed at all! Ask your doctor if City Of Heroes is right for you.
  10. Great job everyone! You guys filled it up before I had the chance to kick in! How long did it take to meet the goal? Must've been super quick!
  11. Holy crap I've created a monster. <hides face with hands>
  12. Wow! I read a lot of diverse opinions regarding ED and really didn't expect to kick up so much dust. It was not my intention to stir up a poopstorm, and I thank you all for your input!
  13. I always considered when the original devs instituted Enhancement Diversification a major mistake that caused a lot of heroes to go to other MMO's. Is ED still active or did the new bosses flush it down the toilet where it belongs? Doc
  14. Hi all. I just wanted to get some clarification on something. I don't play more than one toon on one computer (because I am a game geezer and can't multitask worth a crap) but my housemate also plays at the same time and we team up. Is this considered Multiboxing and will we get suspended or banned? Have a great day! Doc
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