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Gobbledygook last won the day on March 11 2023

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  1. Can we get it for Scrapperd and Stalkers?
  2. TL;DR!!! @Sovera Thanks for providing both builds. I decided to go with the Triple fire tank. I'll start him tomorrow. I'm also going to start my new Sentinel. A triple fire. Would you mind offering any guidance on building a Triple Fire Sentinel?
  3. RISE, OH FIRE ARMOR POST!!!! Ok, now that it has been properly necroed, I have a question. When is the last time you ran a pure fire build?
  4. I'd like to thank everyone for their assistance. I have some homework to do.
  5. Ok, I'm finally ready to learn more about procs. Is there a guide somewhere on how they work and how to build for them? Like, is there a certain accuracy and recharge speed you want in your build, or the powers themselves? How to choose which powers to proc? Should you proc along the way, or wait until you get to 50?
  6. I must have missed it in the previous posts but, what time does this take place?
  7. I'm not going to summon anyone, but thank you both, Zect and Plvrizr. I now have a template for earning the inf for my Rad/SS. He's been setting at 48 with just generic IO's for close to a year. I first rolled him because that was the new king of farming back then. I do have a question, though, as I come for playing mostly Brutes and Scrappers. How is the ST damage? When I solo AV's, I normally do them set at +2. I'm fine with with doing them at +0 or +1.
  8. I had a FM/BIO and got him up to about 24 before I scrapped him. (Ha Ha, I scrapped a Scrapper.) He was tons of fun. I had just watched a Ben 10 marathon with my kids, and I realized I could make Swampfire in CoX... Ok, I'm rerolling.
  9. It's the shield itself. I once had a 50 Elm/Shield Scrapper. I know it's a little thing, the way the body moves when the toon is carrying a shield, but it kills it for me. Kind of like Stone Armor. I'd love to play one, but I hate the aesthetics. Yes, even the crystal one turned to look as transparent as it can.
  10. This is perfect! It looks like the only actual expensive things are the ATO's.
  11. I huess I could roll up a toon on Victory. I'm currently having a case of Altitis, so that shouldn't be a problem.
  12. I wanna do this one day...
  13. Hi all, I started an Elec/Shield Stalker, then I remembered why I don't make shield toon. With that said, however, I am wanting to keep going with Elec Melee. I'm thinking of going Invuln because it was one of my favorite Brutes. I'm just not sure how the resistance works with Stalkers. And yes, I'm aware that Invuln is a Res/Def hybrid set. Which other armor sets would you recommend, and why? Are there any that just synergizes with with Elec? P.s. No Stone Armor either. I just can't stand the aesthetics.
  14. Super Strength for Stalkers!!!
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