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  1. Also try Gfxreset (Command Line Parameter).
  2. Thanks for the replies. It's strange because I've had my toons at roughly the same coordinates for a while and haven't moved them at all. Oh well, no worries. Edit: This seems to have sorted itself out. My toons are no longer getting a log out timer in Pocket D. 🙂
  3. Quality of Life "Players in supergroup bases, Pocket D, Ouroboros, or in a "safe zone" volume (mostly day jobs that are indoors or in protected areas) are able to log out instantly." There's a log out timer in Pocket D now. There was none the last time I logged in, which was 10 days ago. It's not a big deal, I'm just wondering why this changed?
  4. I only use Pale Moon (and occasionally Firefox for certain sites), but you can try using User-Agent Switcher for Chrome to spoof a Firefox user agent string for the homecoming forum domain. If it doesn't already have the latest Firefox user agent string, you should be able to add it manually. Domain = forums.homecomingservers.com User-Agent String = Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:106.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/106.0 This image shows where the site-specific setting is located.
  5. It could just be a corrupt file. Run Tequila and click Options, then Re-Validate. Hopefully that will sort it out.
  6. Adding another item and taking it back out is the only way I know of to do that.
  7. Thank you very much! 🙂
  8. Crashes when exiting the game in Windows XP. Only does it when quitting after logging in a toon. It doesn't crash if exiting from the frontend without actually playing if that helps.
  9. Just follow these steps after you've copied the folder to the SSD. 1. Open the folder. 2. Right-click any file. 3. Click Properties. 4. Copy the path next to "Location:" 5. Open regedit from Windows Search. 6. Navigate to these subkeys. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cryptic\COH\Installation Directory HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Tequila\Settings\CoHPath 7. Right-click each subkey name and click Modify. 8. Paste the new path into the Edit String box and click OK. 9. Close the Registry Editor. 10. Create a new Tequila desktop shortcut.
  10. Maybe some files are messed up. Try the Re-Validate option in Tequila.
  11. The only one I know of is Episode 5 of Pandora's Box.
  12. This happened to me too a couple of weeks ago. Apparently there was a messed up file because revalidating in Tequila fixed the problem. Give that a shot.
  13. Probably the best thing to do is reinstall Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015.
  14. I don't know of a way for tequila to do that, but you can manually create shortcuts to any of the client binaries and add command line arguments to launch them instead. To directly launch the 64-bit client, locate the cityofheroes.exe and create a shortcut to it. Then add the command line arguments. For example: "C:\Games\City of Heroes\hc-bin64\cityofheroes.exe" -patchversion 2019.09.30 -auth -patchdir homecoming Just remember that you'll need to update the shortcut when new versions are released by opening http://patch.savecoh.com/manifest.xml in a web browser and replacing any command line changes. You don't need command line arguments to launch Icon or Paragon Chat. Just create shortcuts to icon.exe located in the game folder or ParagonChat.exe which on newer versions of Windows is usually located in C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\ParagonChat.
  15. I don't actually use tequila to launch the game (and delete any files/folders it downloads that I don't use after each new patch), but I'm pretty sure you can just double-click what you want to launch in the list of game versions instead of clicking the (non-existent) play button.
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