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Peerless Girl

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  1. I've seen it in less than 5 minutes before, but it's been quite some time.
  2. Looks like it's gonna be a slower donation month this month. I blame taxes.
  3. I am not opposed to a more heroic walk for female heroes. The Longbow one looks to be the best candidate.
  4. I believe those only happen every quarter or so, not every month, probably some coming.
  5. Finally caught the window, Paid my March, April, and May monthly donation and am all caught up!
  6. Whee, caught back up for my monthlies from June-October. All paid up for my "subscription"!
  7. Missed it by THAT much! (Like..10 minutes). Next month baby, next month...
  8. Missed it this month. Next time, baby!
  9. about 30 minutes, actually.
  10. Going to presume one of those will be in Europe, and the other 2 in the US area, one probably for backend/dev stuff or beta servers. Just my guess. But the systems have so many available threads and cores they can divide them up a lot of ways.
  11. Awesome work as always guys, donating again for the month.
  12. Given the Inf Price of getting these ATOs, yeah I think I'd rather see the others brought up, than those brought down. That or the cost of the ATOs brought down.
  13. My decision to run something doesn't revolve around Merits. I've always been a roleplayer first and foremost. I could also probably solo it easily on my main (Inv/SS Tanker) before the Tank changes, I know I could now. Least if she was built as she was on Live.
  14. I THINK I've done both 2-3 times (and one or two of those were after the WSTs went in with my SG) but yeah...less than fun.
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