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Peerless Girl

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Everything posted by Peerless Girl

  1. I don't see that at all. The "game begins at 50" thing began with Paragon when the ITrials and Incarnate stuff went in. It's never been true of CoH though, and never will be. Some people SEE it that way, and are used to that attitude from WoW and other games, but it's certainly not true in CoH, especially since, as you pointed out, there is no endgame content (yet). That's what "Coming Storm"/Battalion was supposed to be; we're not there yet.
  2. Thank you. Yes, that's exactly what it means, and this person knows that, and is simply pushing their agenda. Yes. This. And I'm nearly sure that's what they did. As for what metrics and analytics they have access to, that's not really our business, and it might be detrimental to them to share that with us. This is not a happy-go-lucky Kickstarter where all aspects of development and decision-making need be shared with the community at large. It's not a democracy. It's nice when we get info, but it certainly isn't required.
  3. This is more or less exactly how I feel. I snipped the post for brevity, but, that matches my experience as an old player as well. Nope, I haven't done it a single time. One of these days I will. I'm already in the Old Folks corner.
  4. I suspect that they already are set up to scale to a similar extent, they likely were when they were put in during DfB. I thought the base TP exploit was fixed ages ago.
  5. Some would argue that's an exploit. I'd be one of them, so it's probably good decisions are not up to me. To sink Inf out of the economy, obviously.
  6. I'm going to say this again. Market use/Marketeering is NOT the problem here. Market use moves money AROUND it doesn't CREATE IT (i.e. inflation). I think you KNOW that, and are simply pushing your agenda. I get that it impacts your chosen fun, and that sucks. Many things over the years (including ED and the Great Global Defense Nerf and the Invlun nerf have impacted mine. I even threatened to quit (and never did). It sucks when something you like is affected. But this is not the issue, I refuse to believe you don't understand this, because the alternative is....not nice.
  7. Yup. I know, I was there when Six made the post clarifying it. 😛
  8. Well when a two Infs love each other very much..they get together, and squirt out lots of little baby Infs.... I did not know that, I knew that's how speedruns were done, I didn't know it had been fixed, yeah probably should be looked at then. My guess is they'll be looking at RMs as a whole too. DING DING, we have a winner! This is exactly why some are against this.
  9. This was only really a viable mechanic when it served to prolong one's time play the game, back when we were paying monthly fees. Cost/time investment is still a thing, but those sorts of things were already being phased out and downscaled by Paragon after the shift to "FREEMium", this is really more of the same.
  10. Not everything you do on the market has to be "price gouging" if those prices are really out of the norm and too high, no one will buy them except those with more money than time and/or sense. Flipping things is a time-honored practice, as the property brothers would tell you. I actually liked doing market stuff as part of my RP back on Virtue in live, I did also go run missions, and play with my friends. Farming is not the only way, and with enough work, it won't necessarily be the "best" way anymore. That's my hope, anyway.
  11. My assumption is why it's on Beta. Feel free to go test it, and provide that feedback to engage in discourse.
  12. Prices will not go up in the long term from this, Jimmy addressed it. if they DO they'll handle it, I have faith. In the SHORT term they will for similar reasons to real life right now: panic (that and more people playing, which always raises prices).
  13. We reached that point on live, somewhere around the point the game was "gone to the Americans" I think. 😛 Debate is fine, but it's ultimately the devs' call. I think you'll just have to take some of it on faith, rarely do dev teams outline the entirety of their thinking for the player base (especially when much of it is likely in development). This team is no different, I'd wager.
  14. It's not as if they were "getting" anything from you in the first place so...(assuming you weren't donating of course, if so then to each their own, others will replace you).
  15. That would put them too close to IOs, which already exist for that purpose. I'm for not removing as many of the original mechanics as is possible within the realm of streamlining (but not streamlining too much) as Indystruck just said, DfB was already dropping SOs at low levels, if they were intended to replace TOs entirely and DOs to an extent, Paragon never would've done it. And you can just as easily learn on DO drops (and make more of that precious Inf everyone is moaning about being removed) as you use those that drop, and AS you can, upgrade to SOs, just like you used to use TOs and upgrade to DOs as you could, it just removes an (unnecessary) step from the chain (TOs). Game is not balanced around IOs, nor should it be. Argument invalidated. And no you don't "Have to" but many of us did, to keep our enhancements "greened" and no you don't need to sell all the time now either, since we have MANY more (free) Enhancement trays than most of us did on live. That one's invalidated too, sorry. That might be fun for those who wish to use them. Six already said he'd stick them on a vendor out of the way somewhere for fun. I'd support this in combination with that probably.
  16. I see exactly where Six is going, and the entire point is NOT to have to go to a vendor all the time (but you DO need to go to add new enhancements, so they're not totally invalidated). There's no really much danger of "power creep" at the early levels due to the sheer lack of slots you have, and no stuff wasn't "scaled to TOs and DOs" even in Paragon's day. Some of the absolute latest content (the Matthew Habashy arc in particular) might be, but if you bypass or run the old tutorial and go into Origin Contacts, hell no it's not, that stuff was hard from the get-go, and will only now be "slightly better". I'll vote yes on these changes (or at minimum, test them out before complaining).
  17. Reasonable attempt to twist my logic, I'll give you a 5/10, but most of the judges will probably score you lower. 😛
  18. I would not be opposed to that. I agree it doesn't get run enough (and parts of it are a pain when it is). Have to be careful though, because it was also speed ran quite a bit back on live, so there's a balance. Yup. That's why I either built to account for that, or on characters where it had a worse effect on my "bottom line" ran a separate build for exemplaring.
  19. Six already said it was a very small use of resources. Straw man unrelated arguments don't further your original goal. They also made making money easier, and the game easier sooner. I would rather wait until writers could put together a compelling story and new missions than I would have it rushed and hurried (if it ever comes at all). Agreed. I vote a hard no on that because by that same logic....(see my next reply). Now you're just being silly. By the same token, how about I advocate just removing the entire IO system, the market, and return us back to issue 8, and force YOU to use only SOs? Your logic makes about as much sense as that. There is no one true way to play (except the dev's way of course :P) and thankfully, you're not the kind of person in a position to decide that for all of us, and neither am I, otherwise the AE wouldn't be giving influence at all, and would only give XP and tickets. There are reasons one person's play-style and opinions don't dictate everyone elses, because it's selfish and short-sighted.
  20. Oooooh. Ok, then yes, that is much better. I like that. And yes, I too have lamented the /ah command (while still using it for convenience. You are correct however, that ship (of Heroes?) sailed long ago. Call me on board with this then, Six. It's true, the Cylons really DO have a plan.
  21. I am speaking about the fact that it was Paragon's stated intent that the game be balanced around SOs, and stay balanced around SOs. IOs were seen as a "bonus" and was never intended to be a balance-point. By the same token the game is not balanced for Incarnates either (outside of certain Incarnate Trials). That is the "end game progression" NOT IOs. Some may be "willfully ignorant" but if you were there, you know this, if you are new, then it's worth explaining that, unless HC changes Paragon's original goals, the game was not intended to balance around IOs because it had spent 3 years developing content without them, and there was never an intent to "re-invent the wheel". You can advocate changing that, of course, but something tells me HC's devs don't intent to do so lightly.
  22. Right, I knew the missions still existed. I still love Agent Six's stuff for Naturals, it's just that the store part is now pointless. Would be cool if she had something cool and unique (and the others too) to offer for doing it. You can. The game was never balanced around IOs, and hopefully, never will be. And the "lack of gear" was actually a huge selling point for CoH back in 2004-2005, because there wasn't anything like it at the time. Remember, WoW didn't exist yet, and it had the "same old" gear system every other game did.
  23. As far as I know, there's never been a situation where you got zero rewards for doing it. Because at the very minimum you were paying of XP debt with it. Mind you I started in i3, and I think the debt cap had been instituted by then (or would be before it really affected me). I remember meeting people whose 50s had so much XP debt they were basically infinitley paying it off.
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