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Peerless Girl

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Everything posted by Peerless Girl

  1. Remember that these origin pools were began under Paragon, not Homecoming. All they're doing is fleshing them out and finishing the work right now. I expect any original content (like Shock Therapy) to be fairly much more...uh...original. Edit: Ninja'd by Jimmy. That'll teach me to reply before I've read the entire thread.
  2. But Jimmy, what about the f00rls? We're going to need a lot more f00rls for all these new shards!
  3. Got "caught up" for November, December, and January. Missed the last few windows!
  4. Not everyone has heard of or ever dealt with a private server, if you have any easy-to-answer questions, I'm sure the community will help!
  5. Personally I'd rather see Rage either not stack/only run a single stack/be made into a toggle. OR leave Rage as is AND provide a mutually exclusive "passive buff" ("Superman-style") that doesn't require the "management". I realize CPH doesn't really want to use that "hack" anymore, but I'd rather have a power that frankly doesn't "tempt me" to "overuse it" (and doesn't require me to micromanage it/use up my auto power on it), BUT doesn't destroy the ability of those who want to play with stacking and crashing it the ability to do so, but means *I* don't have to. That's just my two cents on it, having been an Inv/SS tank for 7-8 years.
  6. I disagree with you, and damage is nice, but not a tank's primary purpose. Jab also works great for stun sets, thankfully CPH has decided not to mess too much with what works. Heh.
  7. Respectfully. If you hate the Jab animation, change it to the punch/alternate (I do). I'm GLAD they aren't swapping them, since being forced into punch would've sucked for my chain as punch is noticeably SLOWER than Jab (and Jab stuns and is part of my soft crowd control). I use AS in place of punch (it's flat better with a guaranteed knockdown/flipup). And I wouldn't have liked being "forced" into punch when my build has been Jab--AS--Haymaker for about 9 years now, so I'm gonna go out on a limb and say thanks for not swapping that, CPH.
  8. I fully expect complete legitimacy eventually, as I'm sure that's what the talks are leading toward. I'd like to see the leeway to improve and develop more new things, and be "sanctioned" doing so. A hybrid model of "sub/purchase" (maybe even a "lifetime" similar to STO/CO) as well as microtransactions for "non P2W" type items, cosmetics, QoL/nice to haves is probably a good way to go, especially if/when the game is allowed to make money. Ideally it would remain "free to play" in that you'd never HAVE to pay anything to play (but COULD if you wanted either through donation or some sort of "sub") and nice-to-haves/costume slots/cosmetics could be microtrans, but definately no micro that makes someone more powerful overtly than anyone else. That's my take, and I would expect that, if a "legitimate license" were granted. Edit: Graphics were overhauled in 2011, it's unneeded IMO except for some modernizing of the code and API's.
  9. I wouldn't want to see *too* many of the NPC's "signature" parts given away, since I think it cheapens the major story NPCs (Ghost Widow's hair for example). If other hairs were designed similarly, that's one thing, but just giving wholesale access to the unique stuff like GW's hair, Hero 1's cape, etc. is going down a slippery slope of "give everyone everything", which might not be best.
  10. Nah, you're someone stealing a well-known game NPC for your own use, and affecting his rather similar attitude as well. Last time I checked using in-game NPCs for yourself was frowned upon, I would *certainly* hope you're not doing that *in-game* too..otherwise it might be an issue for you...
  11. The activation and animation time are part of what balances these base teleport powers from being used in combat, and being easily interruptible. That's part of the problem with the slash command, so I wouldn't expect that to change.
  12. I don't care how many mental and verbal gymnastics, and Evel Knievel-style leaps in logic you take, it doesn't justify an exploit, period. It is however, entertaining watching you try, so please, do continue.
  13. It doesn't have to apply in EVERY situation to be broken. It's flat broken, period. Anyone arguing against that either has self-interest at heart, or simply doesn't know how game balance works.
  14. I should smack you for that. No Brute or Scrapper has ever, or will ever beat my Tank. I do just fine thank you, and I imagine it's only going to get better...
  15. Don't think anything will replace it, since it was never supposed to exist in the first place. The only question is if teleporter powers might get some reduction in recharge to help compensate, I'd imagine. This is really no different than those getting bent out of shape because "the snipe changes" were live when Homecoming came up (back in April). They were never in the "live" game, only beta, yet people mis-remembered them existing when the game was up. This command too has only been present since Homecoming came up, at least for us.
  16. This game already has the easiest and simplest travel in existence. The slash command was an oversight and a mistake, it's trivializing content, making an exploit exit for combat and PvP, and renders all other travel/base TP powers moot. It's a command hook designed to be used by the portal interface, clearly, it needs to go away, and I can bet good money it's GOING to go away. There's nothing more to be said on it. There's no debate, there's no bargaining, there's no questioning. There's just what needs to happen. Close your eyes, and accept it.
  17. Powerhouse has it exactly right, IMO, test it crashless, and I would also convert it's end cost to a toggle, and turn it into one, thus freeing up my auto-power for say, Jab or something else useful. I'd do the same with Practiced Brawler and Kuji-In Rin, FWIW.
  18. The -def was active on live except when you overlapped (stacked) rage, then it overwrote itself and canceled itself out. it was a bug, and one that was allowed to persist for long periods of time. Rage used to set you to Only Affect Self (like Afterburn does now) but I and some others complained to Castle significantly about not being able to taunt or hit anything to hold aggro and do a tank's job with that in place. It was changed to -Damage (-9,990 or something), instead. The Def debuf has been there almost as long as I can remember, but it ended up not applying properly when the second instance of it tried to apply, they knew about it, but to fix it would've required a full rewrite of the powers/queuing system, which I gather Score did in i25, which "fixed" the bug (and allowed powers to behave much more properly in general). Rage likely needs to be looked at, but it's not something that can simply be "reverted" because it is code that is needed for the entire powers system now.
  19. PK, You said what I wanted to say and said a lot more that I knew I was feeling but hadn't been able to put in words. I appriciate this post, and thank you for making it. I couldn't be prouder of our team and where the game is, and even more excited for the future.
  20. Character: Peerless Girl Account: Rayne Battle Cry: Down you go!
  21. Leveling pacts are handled by the statserver, which is crashing pretty much constantly. They also have some database queries which need to be run in a specific order, but the order is not guaranteed; this is called a "race condition" and results in lots of errors, especially when the servers are as overloaded as they are right now. So fix we need to figure out why the statserver keeps crashing, then we need to solve the race condition, then we can enable leveling pacts again. It's not intended to be permanent, but I can't give a time estimate because of everything else that's going on. That sounds perfectly fine and reasonable, I was just curious what was up and/or if it was intended to be permanent or not, that tells me what I need to know. Thanks Leo!
  22. Are leveling pacts PERMANENTLY broken, or just broken for now? I have several characters that operate in a duo, and LP is extremely beneficial to them.
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