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Happy Valentines Event, y'all! Super grats to Dax Furnice and to GUTROT! Both leveled to max 1547 on LOVE!
Tears of a Clown's accomplishment brings a tear to my eye. Incidentally, I also am a clown. Hahaha ❤️❤️❤️
There were five kingdoms by the sea. i. House of Role Plays & Theatre, ii. House of Minimus Maximus and the Speed Runs, iii. House of The Badgers, iv. House of Casual Leisure (pronounced 'leh zure'), and v. House of the Trohl. I admit, I am bored. Seriously considering a new alt which I will NOT badge. See you soon my little badge whackadoos.
Y'all have been working really hard and helping one another, and it shows. Good work. Well done.
My new friend Kaipto My new friend MindRipper My friend My other friend My new friend Celtic Cutie My new friend ERad Cutie My new friend Ura Hero PluckySidekick is next! They need on this list because this list has needs!. (I am back on Torchbearer for the week but will have new tokens by next weekend)
Heads up: Mindripper is a super sweetheart and helped Ura Hero with weight class badges. This is a shout out. Get all your doubt out. It was a love bout. And now we get Ura Hero's Swiss now't! PS: Kaipto is super cool too! And I really enjoyed hanging out with the Celt/Rad personage on Disc.
This is how I feel. Do not punch me on the injured shoulder: "Cellblock Club - Where Really Good Things Happen to Really Bad People!"
"The Hateful-hami 8 " BEST NAME EVER! Congratulations!!!! 😀😃😄😁😆😅😍
Kaipto MindRipper My friend My other friend My new friend Celtic Cutie My new friend ERad Cutie Ura Hero is next! We need to find, capture, frisk, badge, and release. PluckySidekick is next! They need on this list because this list has needs!. (i will message you, not massage but if you need a massage, i know a guy)
i got special permissions to visit some folks on excel in a minute for more swiss runs, someone find Ura Hero! there will be cookies with choco and christmas dahrizzlllllle !
Kaipto MindRipper My friend My other friend Ura Hero is next! We need to find, capture, frisk, badge, and release.
I can't resist. Making random cheers, poems, limericks, or catcalls when the moment strikes: "Whose money?" Crowd: "Lunch! Money!" "Whose money?" Crowd, louder: " L u n c h! M o n e y!" "I s a i d ' W H O S E M U T H E R R U C K I N G M O N EY' ? " Wildly cheering, slightly inebriated, gloriously ecstatic and completely barefooted crowd: " L U N C H! M O N E Y ! " All this, as the speakers start blaring lyrics from 'Got Yer Money" and drones launch a polychromatic portrait in the sky.... Crowd starts singing, on repeat, "I said 'hey! Baby! I got yer money!" Then the grandpoohbah of all badgers (so like *&*^&% or &^&%#### or Mc**&^) leans in and says "Welcome to The Seven". And dude, that is exactly how I would start the next season of The Boys. And like you could choose to either be a villain in The Seven or a gutsy inside good hero! Damn, I am gewd. G E W D, Also, damn, you are gewd. crowd pumps out an increasingly loud: " G! E! W! D! " Also, if any of my badge friends wonder why I don't make season premier trailer mockups for them - um, they don't have great names like Lunchmoney. 😄 Ah ha ha ha "i said hey, bay bee, i got yer money"