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Posts posted by Aurora_Girl

  1. 1 hour ago, Miss Magical said:

    The forums are much more insular, elitist and touchy, and home to at least a few hardcore vets who have had a very long time to get used to what the game is like and are deeply prejudiced against anyone they perceive as challenging the status quo.


    As one of those insular, elitist and touchy hardcore veterans who have had a very long time to get used to what the game is like, I would like to know exactly what "status quo" you feel like I am protecting. 


    See: literally any of my forum contributions. 


    Also, high horse, glass house, yadda yadda 🔜

  2. 38 minutes ago, Bill Z Bubba said:

    Want to stay ranged and not die? Sentinel.

    Want to go heavy damage but stay solo? Scrapper.

    Want to never die but be slower? Tank.

    Team a lot? Brute.


    What the demon said. Powerset choices, at this stage of your return, should 100% probably be about what YOU want to play; with that in mind, don't worry so much about builds and anything like that. 

  3. So, it being the season and all, I like to do a little more homage-y alt costumes for my toons. Normally I stay away from the obvious stuff as a base look/name/concept because a) lazy and b) getting generic'd, so Halloween gives me an opportunity to lean into the idea a little with existing characters. 


    Aurora Snow (ice/cold corruptor) - Emma Frost

    Straye (savage/sr brute) - X-Force X-23

    Venym (poison/rad Defender) - Black Suit Spidey

    Aurora Guard (shield/StJ tank) - American Dream

    Lilyn (dark/psi dominator, succubus) - Supergirl (for the lulz, obvi)

    Pyrotide (water/thermal corruptor) - Rescue


    Not sure if screenshots would be pushing the limits on good taste, but I'd love to hear if y'all do the same thing or if I'm just a total weirdo!

  4. Find your niche. 

    If you like to be powerful, you can do that. 
    If you like the idea of not being as powerful, you can do that too. 

    If you hate teaming, don't team. If you hate soloing, play an Ice/Empathy controller. (Kidding, mostly.)

    If you hate IOs, don't use them. If you hate the incarnate stuff, don't do it. 

    Folks generally only get their feathers twisted when others try to push their "favored" playstyle-related ideals on others. Kind of like real life, in that way. 

    • Thumbs Up 3
  5. 3 hours ago, arcane said:

    Disagreement =/= trolling. The devs here will only tell you the same.


    That being said, even by my own brash standards, Ms Aurora is being a tad edgelord here 🙂

    Well. I *tried* to be gentle with the first post, and I knooooow you're not supposed to feed them but by golly they look so withered how can I help myself?

    • Like 1
  6. Hmmmmm. A real chin-stroker here. 


    Clearly the first choice is Vanessa's clique, because duh. Buuuuuut, then again, hobnobbing with Belladonna does provide its own set of perks, provided I could get her to crack a smile now and then. 


    Can I choose Carnival of Widows? Because I choose Carnival of Widows. 

  7. When do we want 'em?


    Whenever the costume designing/glorious devs decide they can devote the time and attention to do it the right way!


    Seriously though: I would love to see shields receive an "interior" selection/color/pattern selection option like most capes do. It's a bit of a peeve to have my metal-round-shield-wielding Not a Super Soldier have what looks like the inside of an old, old wooden ship. 


    San Diahhhh go. 

    • Thumbs Up 2
  8. 1 hour ago, Black Talon said:

    All of you, thank you very much for the opinions, guidelines and links.  From the submitted viewpoints, it's pretty easy to reach the definitive conclusion that the whole Incarnate thing...?  Eh, well, maybe.  I will get B.T. to 51 and proceed on from there, but with regard to any new power sets...?  Bud, I'll just take the extra slots for the already-in-place powers that weren't quite filled to capacity and go from there, and the already-established power pool sets offer plenty extra to choose from.


    I will likely start a new thread after 51, with the title: "Incarnate Power Sets: Why the People Who Set This Up Should be Boiled Alive in Their Own Urine and Left to Rot in the Sun".  Otherwise, submission of opinions on the whole "What Happens After 50...?" thing are still encouraged to post on here.


    A) Can't wait to read the Pulitzer-worthy nonsense that thread is gonna be. 


    B) As stated, that is in no way at all how the Invention/Incarnate/Veteran Level system works, please actually read the guides before you get all "piss metaphor" on these shiny volunteer-run forums. 

    • Thanks 1
  9. 45 minutes ago, BZRKR said:



    Right? I wonder what happens at the holidays.


    "You gave me a TOASTER?!"


    *Chucks it out the window*



    In slightly different terms: do iTrials, read up on incarnate and Praetorian lore. Use orouborous...ous to catch all the arcs you missed or want to do again. Run task forces you haven't done. THEN SWITCH ALIGNMENTS AND DO COMPLETELY DIFFERENT ORIGINAL STUFF AS A VILLAIN!






    Or bitch, ymmv. 

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