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Everything posted by Robothenri

  1. for 14 years of playing CoH, i've always had this russian iron man concept in my head. Made a few characters based on it, but nothing ever really stuck around. Lets see how long this one lasts 🙄🤣. SOVIET REACTOR - Sentinal Rad/Rad Cheers for looking.
  2. Hey Christopher, thanks pal, how are you doing?
  3. Hi guys, been away for a while, but i have returned with new alts, as seems to happen... 😄 A new robot of course, 'The Perforator' DP/MC Blaster. He has a bit of an attitute, and he perforates! And a new English themed hero, 'Albion Hawk', KM/INV Scrapper. Both are a lot of fun so far. Cheers for looking, and be safe.
  4. It is said that before the time of man, even before the planets were formed, two sons were born to the universe. Brothers, who together wandered the void, searching for meaning and purpose. They possessed within them great power, the power of the universe itself. Time passed, the universe expanded, the brothers travelled on, further and further into the darkness, searching for... something. But what? They had experienced everything that could be experienced, seen all that could be seen. That is until they came upon a small, blue planet... Cosmic Lightstar is an Energy/Energy Blaster, and Atomic Sun is a Fire/Atomic Blaster
  5. Yes, they change whenever you call them, or zone, or if you use your upgrade power.
  6. I'm enjoying this new character a lot! It's Metal face - MM Thugs/Pain Metal face had a difficult childhood. He wasn't a bad kid, just bad things happened to him. When he was born, he was so ugly his grandmother slapped a bucket on his head, and there it stayed for 18 years. This made relationships difficult, and Metal face grew into a strong but emotionally challenged young man, in and out of trouble with the law. He sought solice at a help group called 'We can all be Happy!'. Unfortunately there was a typo on the flyer and all the 'r's had been printed as 'p's. The group was in fact for people with an obsession with the movie character 'Dirty Harry'. Nevertheless, Metal face finally began to make some friends...
  7. It's a new day, and a new robot, DualBlades/Elec scrapper this time 🙂 . I think I'm going to struggle to justify this character as a 'hero', but I only play heroes, so here goes... "There's bad robots, and there's bad robots. Ghengis eats those robots for breakfast with a glass of castrol gtx. He then watches Wakey Morning tv and notes down recipes for cheese and asparagus quiches. Ghengis is a robot of the 21st century."
  8. Found some time to play again recently, which always means, NEW ALTS 🙂 These 3 are to be added to the robot army... ANNIHILATION, feared on the battlefield for the utter carnage this robot can inflict on the enemy! (Spines/Fire Brute) MONGROL, my homage to, well... Mongrol! (Elec/SS Tanker) And finally NURSE HATCHET, a slightly deranged med droid, who has a habit of causing more injury than she heals! (TW/Rad Brute) Cheers, probably more to come soon, hah 🙂
  9. and no fingers 😄
  10. I'm a big fan of 2000AD and the ABC Warriors (probably why most of my characters are robots), so when I created my Bots/FF Mastermind ROBOSTEIN back on live all those years ago, the idea was that each costume was a different member of a robot team. I've now recreated him again and he's currently running around in these two costumes, closer homages this time to the ABC Warriors, General Blackblood and Joe Pinapples 🙂
  11. Altitus strikes again. Here's Knight Star, my space faring, TitanWeapon/DarkArmour Brute with a bit of sorcery thrown in too. I've always struggled with Titan Weapons, but with the costume and idea, the AT just seemed to click this time. Liking it so far 🙂
  12. I don't often play support classes, but really enjoying this guy. Ill/Time Controller
  13. You're absolutely right, amazing how easy it is in the light of sobreity. Many thanks 🙂
  14. So here's one from me, some may know part of the story... He was a bit rubbish to play, Rad/DP defender... Then we lost our beloved game and I was forced to move to... the other British Hero became Doc. Britain! He was equally rubbish. Can't even remeber what he was even though I played him to 6 costume unlocks... yawnorama 😞 But from the ashes... of a boredom, erm, hell, the fires of hellish boredom, there rose a hero, and his name was... BRITMAN! I actually liked him, dual blades/ regen I think... Will try and recreate him. Not so much of a bio, as a progression of an idea 🙂
  15. That's rude! You mean all these posts are not about ME! I'm offended! (i'm really not ;))
  16. Just realised I'd not said hi.... Hi
  17. I need to find my pencil...
  18. And also, why is my inital post, the op post, the post I opened this thread with, why is it post number 45? 45 people have responded to a post i've not made until post number 45! I'm the opening post, what's going on?
  19. Glad to see this has stoked some conversation 😁. To the comment about it being a world of corrupt superheroes, this is only one super group. They mention there's 200 and somet heroes around. Maybe it's only these guys... And about Hughie, this is a great story. The Hughie character in the comics was actually based on Simon Pegg, artistically. When they went into production of the series they asked Simon if he would play the part of Hughie, but he refused because he felt he was too old, so they cast him as Hughie's Dad instead.
  20. So, I've been otherwise engaged over the last few weeks and not been in-game, but I was wondering... In light of the recent release on Amazon prime of a live action adaptation of dynamite entertainments 'The Boys' (10/10 imo) has there been a noticeable increase in antihero types, increased rogue isles population, fan characters? Or will that now happen because I posted this! 😂😂
  21. Dee Dee... CR... Caemgen... I feel the universe is slowly realigning! Hi guys, great to see you're all well 😉
  22. These are great, especially Rad Radio :)
  23. What are you even doing here then? :) I get you on this. The costume creator is great at flash, but not so much "less", I've had problems with it too, I wish we had a lot more "less flash" options. There is! there's as much non flash as flash! Experiment with parts, I'm not saying you're just taking a custom as a costume, take a custom, change parts, change all the parts. The customs are great as an idea, and idea's grow from that, just build slowly what you want, go through the whole range for every part, see what gels, be creative :)
  24. Thanks for the suggestions all, and I think you're right Goblinite. I'd already done some experimentation with the graphics levels which made no difference, so decided to do a comparision test and installed the client on my aging win7 laptop. The game runs very smoothly (to my surprise, good ol' lappy :) ) with no rubberbanding issues at all, so the problem is either with my gaming PC or with win10. Solution: time for a new gaming PC, yay!
  25. I'm getting it everywhere. I spent about 2 minutes trying to superjump from the Steel Canyon university entrance to Wentworths and soon as I landed, it constantly sprung me back to the uni entrance. I literally could not land at wentworths and stay there.
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