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Everything posted by Robothenri

  1. Hi all, wondered if this is a known problem. For the last 2 days CoH has become totally unplayable due to severe rubberbanding issues. I've tried live and test with a variety of characters and they're all the same. I can move for about 5 seconds and then I'm rebounded back to where I was. It's as though the game is caching my position every 5 seconds and then resetting me to that place. I've not changed anything in the last two days. I'm not having any other issues with internet or the pc, I can happily watch online tv with no issue, I tried 'that other superhero game' that I was playing until the new CoH was available, no issues playing that, it's just City of Heroes that seems affected. It's a complete show stopper, the game is unplayable. Anyone having similar experiences or know what the problem is?
  2. On the old official CoH forums, there was a thread where someone was doing requests to make costumes for people. I had a costume made for me by that person, and it looked practically identical to this. Are you the person who made that costume for me? It is indeed me, Robot Henri at your service! How you doing Cheese Slicer, good to see you're back. Would be great to get that costume and fan art thread going again, I was just thinking about it the other day. I'd do it myself but, you know... lazy ;)
  3. Amazing costumes there, I'm so glad this game is back :). Here's a few of mine, first my main character from back in the day, and recreated again now, It's the original bad tempered automaton, it's ROBOT HENRI! RobotHenri001 by john whalley, on Flickr RobotHenri002 by john whalley, on Flickr Next the man who could irradiate a grapefruit at 100 yards, Nuclear Zero! To be honest, he irradiates everything at 100 yards... he's a bit of a liability :-\ NuclearZero001 by john whalley, on Flickr If you don't believe they exist, you're in for a surprise! If you're looking for a pot of gold, chances are he got there first! It's CHANCE, my mischevious Illusion troller. Everyone's got to have a Firekin, I went literal with the Fire troll thing... I could go on, I've got hundreds of these, but I'll end for now.
  4. Hello from British Hero ;) This was one of my mains from before the shut down, also did a little comic strip bio for him. And even had a steampunk version. Unfortunately I don't feel the need to recreate him now I'm back playing CoH... ...though I will be replacing him with a version of my Champs character BritMan :)
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