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Everything posted by BlastLord

  1. I have to agree with the Homecoming Team increasing the Sg cap to over 150 would cause problems it would take time to work on.
  2. Chaos United have 5 Chaos United Super Groups on our Coalition and one of them is a Villain Group on the red side.
  3. Chaos United is really active we got 3 Chaos United Super Group on Everlasting and we do run raids 2 or 3 times everyday since june
  4. I was thinking of adding a super group of the month page on the website for those who's SGs as well known, well active and done so much for the server communities it would be cool to see.
  5. There should be like PvE Base raids which gives you specific rewards when completing it. Getting more Super Group Missions to obtain artifacts to boost the stats of your SG members. I agree with everyone to increase the size of the SG systen it needs to be worked on big time. Adding a Super Group Perk system which would be good for reasons to join a Super Groups.
  6. I do love the new features on the forums keep it up.
  7. I am an AE fan don't go taking something out that makes me love the game.
  8. I know there are AE missions to make costomize missions but will there be a feature on the AE stuff to make a costomize AE Trial run?
  9. I know DFB is fun but it's the only low level trial run out there I was thinking there should be more then just 1 low level trial run which I'd perfer adding 3 more which would be something for the low levels to do. I like DFB it's fun but doing it over and over again get's board. Adding multiple low level trial dungeons would make things a but more fun to do.
  10. I know we were going to fight The Battalion on a next major expansion for CoH and the remainding 4 incarnate powers that were never released but I am just love the CoH lore and seeing something like this would really make a lot of us old coh vets happy.
  11. I am hoping you'll add the 4 remainding Incarnate powers onto City of heroes Homecoming cause I really wanted to get those incarnate powers for a long time? My 2nd question is anything about the so called The Battlion the old Devs discussed about on their last livestream?
  12. Do you guys on continue on working on the 4 remainding incarnate powers in the near future?
  13. Chaos United will be hosting a Rikti Raid around 6:45 PM eastern time in the Rikti War Zone around 6:45 PM eastern time, Grab your level 35+ and join us Chaos United lead by Sargus my level 50 scrapper who will lead the Rikti Raid. Send tell to my Global name @Under
  14. The Freedom I was on ran a lot of incarnate trial runs I even lead a bunch of them before when CoH was shut down I want to do them so I can work on my incarnate powers not to mention lead incarnate trials.
  15. We do help out those who are brand new to City of Heroes to help them what ever they need help with just message @Under
  16. I want to do incarnate trials with my scrapper when I was on the freedom server most of the times Incarnate trial runs are held in Pocket D.
  17. I know there is an EU server but in the future will there be a Japanese server as well for those who play City of Heroes in Japan?
  18. I was wondering if your going to work on the major expansion about the So called Battalion on what or who it is which Matt Miller and the other original Devs mentioned in the past after the tyrant incranate trial run.
  19. If anyone who came from The Unders from the freedom server i made a new SG on Everlasting Server, My toon's name is Sargus and my global name is @Under
  20. This could be a glitch in the game I would suggest sending a ticket on it.
  21. The CoH card game would be for Computer only not real life card game which the real life version failed but the computer game version might be a good shot.
  22. I would like to help out I am pretty good on Story Arcs I made an AE story arc but you know NC shut down CoH but i am willing to help out.
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