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  1. Floor 4 - angreal storage, the library, the hall of sitters, the 3 arches.
  2. Floor 3 - personal rooms and offices.
  3. Floor 2, integrated storage and workshop utilities.
  4. The entrance and first floor, including waygates to all zones (activated by avendesora leaves) and hidden utilities in the pillars.
  5. The Harbour and village., including Choedan Kal and a Chora tree.
  6. The Black Tower: a Wheel of Time inspired base. Server: Excelsior Code: TheBlackTower-32812 Based in Dragon Mount, and active volcano. Not fully finished, but 90% there. Aerial views of full building and harbour:
  7. When playing a new character with DXP on, influence is usually in short supply, so I sell everything I get, instead of turning the drops off. As a small QoL feature, it would be usefull if there was an option at vendors to sell all common salvage/enhancements/recipes etc in one click, to speed up the clear out after a few missions. It would also be useful to have a single button to move all your common items to the AH in one go too, instead of one by one, choosing a single price to set for the whole lot i.e. a "quick sell" option.
  8. Your character name (the character with the red star): Base Guardian Your global handle: @Electronuts Your Supergroup name: Lab 49 The shard you’re on: TorchB The passcode for entering the Supergroup base: LAB49-2067 The character names or global handles of any Supergroup members that contributed to building the base (up to a maximum of five, including yourself if you contributed): @Electronuts 4 areas to note: At the end of the central hall, Aleph point will take you to the graveyard At the far end of the graveyard, the stone temple will take you to Heth point, the floating throne room In the Library, the large book will take you to the Gimel point oasis and ... the Samekh point dungeon - follow the lights and go all the way down
  9. Your character name (the character with the red star): Electronuts Your global handle: @Electronuts Your Supergroup name: Lab 63 The shard you’re on: Excelsior The passcode for entering the Supergroup base: Lab63-7550 The character names or global handles of any Supergroup members that contributed to building the base (up to a maximum of five, including yourself if you contributed): @Electronuts 4 areas to note: Entrace area - head to the south east for in base teleports to... The Villa Pocket 63, which contains another in base teleport to the interior of ... The Globe
  10. Thanks, yes I'm at the very bottom of the plot. Will try moving it somewhere else.
  11. Here are a few screenshots of my Excelsior Lab 63 base. Its inspired by lots of others, not least pocket Z on TB. I had most of it completed a while ago, but just added a Villa level. SG enterbasefrompasscode Lab63-7550
  12. Hi I made a stove for my base, using plasma tvs and a few small items, based on the tips found in the MacGuyver thread (thank you Dacy). It looks great to start with, but after I log out and back in again, the items reposition themselves to look like junk. Any help on what I'm doing wrong would be very much appreciated. Before log out: After log out:
  13. It would be good to be able to rename the in base teleport points to something more appropriate to where they go.
  14. Is this something that could be solved more easily with more flexible costume options/animations?
  15. I love the idea of using Portal Corp to change servers in game.
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