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About OEM61

  • Birthday 01/01/1004

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  1. You propse double-clicking each enhancement instead of dragging them. I propose a single button to not have to double-click every leftover enhancement. Of course there are other things that they could do, but there is nothing in your suggestion that would work where my suggestion would not. You = Double click an enhancement in the "holding area" to place it in your tray. Me = Click a single button to move as many of the enhancements in the "holding area" to your enhancement tray as possible. Whatever I can not scroll to see you can not scroll to see. If I have leftovers then I can now drag some enhancement(s) out and drag the other(s) in. I still saved myself a lot of clicking and dragging. If there are still some enhancements that I can not see (I do not recall how many enhancements are visible in the holding area) then you can not see them after double-clicking what you want. In either case a scroll function could come in handy, but I would rather stash 70 with one click and then sort through the remainder, clicking and dragging them in or out of the tray, than double-click 70.
  2. I'd just go with a single button "add rest to tray" option for what I don't slot. If there isn't room then it would slot what it could and leave the rest and then you'd have to figure it out after that.
  3. I don't see any harm in this, though I think that maybe rather than holograms they could just open up a full-screen image of the character in question, like clicking the I.D. option for your own character, and then rather than the personal information it could have the quote (possibly with a fair bit of room, like the character background) along with the character name, origin, and AT. The hologram angle, where players could project the character into the game, could create some very crowded spaces. Even if the holograms couldn't be clicked on, they could still create a lot of unnecessary visual clutter. And not to derail the topic, but I am opposed to any individual memorials going forward. Create a single memorial for fallen heroes and another for villains, or make a single memorial and put it in Kalisti Wharf. Let people that want to pay respects to a departed player gather there to pay respects. Like I said, I don't want to derail things, so that's all I am going to say about that. Oh, and rather than just giving the card to players I think that players should be able to click on a character and "request business card" so they could get one that way. In case they wanted to know more about some hero they teamed with or even just saw on the street. It wouldn't be a literal request. You click, you request the card, you get the card. I wouldn't want to actually bother people, but I might want their card for whatever reason. Hopefully it wouldn't be used for evil.
  4. I have looked for some information, but a search brings back so many hits that the result is a great deal of searching and not finding the answer I am looking for. Basically... 1 - If I am level 40 and the enhancement is part of a 1-30 set, will it work at 40 or is it capped at 30? I mean the raw numbers (you know... +18.5% accuracy or whatever) of the enhancement. 2 - What about set bonuses for that 1-30 set? Is there a circumstance where I will lose them? 3 - If I am level 20 but the enhancement is part of a 30-50 set. Will the raw numbers of the enhancement(s) go down to level 20 quality or will they just not work at all because I went too low? 4 - And now for a level 30-50 set. Is there a circumstance, say exemping down to level 20, where I will lose the set bonuses? 5 - Am I correct in my understanding that level 50 only enhancements/sets will work no matter what level I exemp down to? I am just trying to figure out all the conditions where an enhancement / set might fail me. Thank you.
  5. Maybe, but I am not familiar with setting up leagues. I'm sure it's no big deal, but I have just never done it. But yeah. Some people will always want to be the highest level, some may be fine with anything that is at least their current level, and a few might be fine with anything that is a "zone appropriate" level. For giant monsters and such, anyway. TFs are a different animal. But like I said, I don't really blame them. I just think that quitting without even checking on the plan is a bit of an overreaction.
  6. A day or two ago I sent out the call to take down a Winter Lord in Independence Port. I was a 22 or something like that. Someone comes into the zone, asks to help fight the Winter Lord, I invite them, and they immediately quit, telling me that they were not going to fight at that loss of level. I would have passed the star, no problem, but since I had spotted the monster and sent out the call, I expected that I might get some tells asking for an invite and I couldn't invite anyone if I wasn't the team leader. People want their full power. Exemping down will cost them options and possibly some enhancements, and if they do not need to sacrifice those things then why push the issue? It isn't that anyone expects to instantly die, it's just that they do not see a need to limit themselves for no reason, and there is absolutely no reason beyond what some other player might think is "more fun". Not really a great selling point for most other players that just want to fight the monster and move on.
  7. What I would say is just add a defense boost to super speed. Make it cost what it costs endurance-wise, make it go however much slower it goes in combat, but add some defense boost while it is on because faster=harder to hit. Same basic idea as hover or combat jumping, but since there is no room to add a new power to the pool, just build that little extra functionality into the basic movement power. Not that I would be opposed to a 6th power in the Speed pool for such a thing, but it would open a can of worms that the devs would be dealing with for a long time as more and more people would be suggesting things to fill in the 6th slot of every other pool set. (Or just take combat jumping and use it as the "combat speed" power as it does provide enhanced movement around the field of battle and a small defense buff) I'd also be good with a "high-speed melee" kind of set. From the rapid-fire punches to a high-speed ramming attack and whatever else. But SR is fine as near as I can tell. I have not played with it since the old days, but I don't really see many complaints, either. I am real hesitant to support big changes to existing sets. People are out there using it. The proposal seems to just give it more and more, so something, somewhere, has to be taken, and I don't think I would want to be maining an SR character when that shoe dropped, or having to explain those changes to the players that were.
  8. This is what I do. I refer to the wiki to check and see if they have any badge missions, and what story arc they offer, if any, and sometimes the only time I talk to them is after I have out leveled them just just so I'll get introduced to a new contact. So do the missions from Jim Tremblor, pick whoever from the contact selection he offers, and proceed to ignore them if you wish.
  9. But a level 15 wouldn't be sent to Talos. At least not on their own or when teaming with similarly-leveled players. You would only ever have access to mission zones that you are eligible for in my ideal. Again, maybe that makes it impossible for the game to implement, but you would be level-gated. If you were a level 24 hero then you would only get radio missions in King's Row, Steel Canyon, or Skyway City. They may have to further modify the required number of radio/paper missions to get a safeguard mission based upon character level. Use the current system as a guide for how many at what level, but disconnect them from the zones. Makes it even more complicated, makes it less likely, but that is my ideal.
  10. Too late now. I'll read it, as I thanked them for the info, but the toon was already gone. I've forgotten a lot of the old things. I'll remember them in time. And there are the new things that I will learn. I'll get there. But I never meant to sidetrack the discussion. That was why I suggested that the missions randomize the zones if they do this. I can hear about an emergency in Skyway City while sitting in Independence Port, or about something in King's Row while tuning in while on Peregrine Island. It would force radio/newspaper teams to move. If there was a flagging option for running the old missions, anyway, and that is the only way that I would do it. If someone wants to run missions in some specific zone then they would need to find a level-appropriate character, set them as the lead, and everyone SK or exemp to that level and just run missions like you do now. Nothing would change there. If you just, as an individual or team or whatever, wanted to run missions in any zone at your current level, though, then you would need to be prepared to run missions in every zone. You would have to go to the missions rather than have the missions go to you. But that's just my take on doing this. It may have all sorts of problems I am not seeing, aside from the obvious system changes they would have to make.
  11. The exploration badges within the safeguard zones. Only way I knew how to get those would be to tag along with someone doing those safeguard missions. As I said, I am not good with asking people for stuff, so I was thinking I would have to just hang out and wait for someone to offer up slots in the safeguard missions in all of the appropriate zones. The other ones (Bomb Squad, Interceptor, etc.) I thought that I could pick up after enough repetition in any safeguard, but the exploration badges I would have to be in the specific safeguards, so bye-bye 50, hello re-roll. I had a hard time seeing myself just sitting in AP waiting until someone offered up a safeguard, and then moving to KR and repeating, and SC and repeating, and... But you have provided some potentially educational links, so I will read up on those later on (about to hit the rack). Thank you for the links.
  12. Yeah. I mean, I didn't look too closely at stuff, but the core idea is fine. Masterminds started out as a villain-only AT so some of the sets leaned very heavily into that identity. Now that they can also be heroes, some more minions that can lean more into that identity are welcome by me. Now, having just taken a closer look, I am not sure about some of the other stuff. Might be a bit too much to ask for all new "other" powers. Empyreal flame could just use existing fire attacks, possibly with some exotic default coloring, but since demons already have fire I think that it would, at minimum, have to be some other flame-based powers than what the demon masters use. Or they could just go with something as yet-unused for that role. Radiation (maybe that is Empyreal Flame?) or energy feel like they might fit that role best, but I would lean towards energy. Energy blast or manipulation to pull the direct attacks from. Save radiation for a future "mutations" set and ice for some sort of snow-critter mastermind, whether that be a holiday-theme (three snowmen, two elves. and a reindeer?) or otherwise (snowmen, icemen, and a Yeti or maybe penguins fit in there somewhere... Past my bedtime).
  13. I like this one. It's all instanced anyway, it's one "city" with multiple "districts" so it's not like the radio wouldn't have range or the paper wouldn't cover the stories. I could get my missions and safeguards in any zone I am eligible for. I don't get to control that. If I am in Peregrine Island but elect to save poor old Stephen Fayte then I go to wherever Stephen Fayte is being held, whether that is KR or Steel Canyon or anywhere else. I would hope that they could just use villains of the appropriate levels, so they may be limited, but the missions and zones shouldn't have to be. I am just trying to avoid anyone getting caught up having to exemp down, so rather than forcing you to have to fight Vahzilok and exemp you down from 45 to 14 or whatever, replace the Vahzilok with a level appropriate group. Still, if the choice was to exemp down for some missions but keep all radio missions in all zones available then I would be for it. And by "all zones" I am not asking for zones that aren't otherwise eligible, even. I just mean let me get those missions in any zone that offered me those missions at any time. If they want to expand eligible zones then so be it, but it isn't necessary to me. If I happen to out-level some safeguard zone now I have to rely upon happening to hear someone offering to run radios in that zone or having to ask for the same and hoping someone agrees. I am not opposed to this sort of teaming, but I am not the most socially outgoing person in the world, so for me it would have to come down to waiting to hear someone offering. As it is? I just deleted a 50 yesterday to start over because I screwed up the radio badges. I hope I don't screw up anything else this time, or at least remember/figure it out before it's too late to do anything about it.
  14. That was what I was thinking. I am no big theory builder, but this has been touched on here by others... I can fully slot a bunch of attuned stuff for levelling, and then un-slot every bit of that and replace it with boosted set stuff. Then I have all those attuned enhancements for the next alt I want to level that can use them. Sure, there will be some stuff that won't be useable, maybe a lot of stuff depending upon the ATs involved, but if this alt can't use them then the next alt or the one after that may be able to, so just stash it somewhere. Even if you make a bank toon or two with their own private SG base loaded with enhancement tables just for you to deal out to whatever alts need them, it seems like a better plan than just dumping them for whatever change you can get only to pay a much higher price to replace them down the road. Or I can keep the attuned stuff slotted for those times I want to exemplar and slot boosted sets for when I do not. If I do exemplar then I have the best of both worlds. If I never exemplar (though there could be a cause for anyone in the future, no matter how much they may think otherwise) I have sets for alts and benefit by being able to sell a whole lot of the recipes I find (I only need what I am going to slot at 50 or so, or whatever the max level is for some specialty enhancement I may want to drop in somewhere. ============= Now, interface improvements I am all for. I have only played around with converters so much, but if there are some improvements to be made then make them. Needless extra steps won't be missed.
  15. Yes, and my F3 Blaster loves it. Not sure why the OP felt that ancillary rezzes should not be part of the deal. I mean, I have to pick the pool and then pick the power. It's the same basic investment as a Fiery Aura Tanker or Brute or whatever. And if pool rezzes don't count, why should pool toggles get a benefit? All in all it just seems like too big a mess, though. Too many powers would need to be redesigned, and then some of those powers would need to have two forms to prevent the ancillary versions from working like the primary or secondary versions. It sounds like a massive project just waiting to not work right.
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