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  1. I whipped this up with the changes the author suggested, but did not manage to keep myself from changing the order of the powers taken a bit. This at least gets the afterburner problem out of the way ITF Master hardcore - (Fire Blast - Kinetics).mbd
  2. Here's what I came up with and am working on, thanks for the rikti raid! Porche2 - mine - Shield Defense - Stone Melee.mbd
  3. This sounds wonderful and looks nice, how well do you think your general setup would pair with other secondaries? I'm returning to the game and have no idea how balanced things are now. I know people have the urge to play whatever you have fun, but I would like to hear comparisons, especially from someone that regards their combo as working really well.
  4. why am I seeing multiple builds with boxing, kick, and cross punch? with cross punch pretty slotted. I guess it is a good offensive power?
  5. why skip bitter freeze ray in favor of freeze ray?
  6. not sure where you got MRB_Setup.exe from but afaik that's either a bad link, or a very old installer.
  7. Nice plan. However while the file isn't exactly text, there is a fallback the code doesn't use we are working to make the code fallback to if it has index problems reading the build. So peeking at the file in a text editor may help piece things together.
  8. Just inspected the code, your builds should be getting moved to a temp folder not deleted. Which isn't incredibly helpful, except to say they are still on your system until windows cleans up the temp folder.
  9. Which installer is this? Your builds were stored inside the binaries directory?
  10. we put up a .net 2.0 backwards compat release to try to help the mac users, have you guys tried that one? https://github.com/ImaginaryDevelopment/imaginary-hero-designer/releases says net20 in the title
  11. We've got sentinel ATOs working already, sounds like you have an old version.
  12. Yes the new alert is there when a powerset fails to load. This is expected with the old style Fitness pool that was being, (and may still be) added on save. This is the non-inherit fitness pool that doesn't exist any more. Rather than let the build fail to load, or fail silently to do something, I thought it best to alert the name of something that failed in case it ever is important.
  13. I greatly appreciate the effort to help us non-Windows users. Unfortunately I'm still getting the same error with this release. I guess at this point I'll have to hope that someone comes along who knows more about getting this type of thing to run properly under wine. .Net 2.0, 32bit, release mode binaries added :o For anyone that says it is running slow, see if this version is faster or slower.
  14. It fails for me even if ran as an admin, but that I don't mind. Probably because I use Windows 8.1 Pro instead of Windows 10. Stupid question. What's the path to the executable? C:\?\?\? That depends entirely on you. Where did you download or install it to?
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