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Posts posted by captainstar

  1. I made this suggestion a few days ago in the game, I don't know if anyone has talked about it here.
    I would like that when we hover the mouse over an accolade it will show the badges we are missing. Or maybe the names of the badges, on the side of the accolades, could be a different color when we already had it.

  2. Hello guys, I know that the developers have done a lot for us today. So I just want to leave this suggestion here in case they want to implement it one day.
    I love the concept of radiation powers. But I think these animations could be better and more "intimidating". Like the example below. Electron Haze could also be improved, to look less like a "green vapor" that we shoot at enemies. 😅


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  3. 7 hours ago, Solarverse said:

    If you check the front page, there is actually a tutorial video on how to do just that. Hope it helps.

    Yup, I know about it. But I think the problem is her computer, maybe she have 2 folders of the same game like I did when I installed the new launcher. Or maybe the files that I created are in 32 bits, and her computer is 64 bits (don't know if that is a thing). But tks for answer anyway. I tried to put the files that I have in the google driver and send to her yesterday.

    I just hope that fix the problems. 

  4. I was making the arc of Patron Mako, until I came across a mission that had a lot of Peacebringers. And trying to find the bosses of the mission I took a really long time. I thought I was going to break my keyboard as much as I kept hitting the tab key.
    So my suggestion is this, make these mission bosses, that are on big maps, have a different aura from the rest of the group.


  5. Hi. hi..

    I was trying to show my friend @Ivory Kicks in our game the MOD that I did for the boombox with CoH Modder, but she had a lot of problems to install it. I thought it would install quickly, but it looks it generates a zip file that she had to find it.

    I don't know if she use our forum a lot, but if anyone with more experience here can send her a tell to try to help her I will be very gratefull. 😁

  6. 2 hours ago, AerialAssault said:

    This has something to do with invasion enemies always spawning slightly to the right of the player, and when one spawns in, they tend to all spawn in that one place. My guess would be that the spawn point is attached to the player, hence why they always seem to get further away.


    I'm not sure what the solution could be ... having the spawn point randomized around the player might make invasions a bit more chaotic.

    What if they appeared a little above the heroes and villains? That way I think it would avoid this problem.

  7. 29 minutes ago, RubyRed said:

    Yeah, sorry, that's all I got. 😞

    No worries, I looked through tutorials on youtube and found out what the problem was. There were 2 different folders that I could have placed these dlls in, and I just put them in the 32-bit folder. Now I just need to find a tutorial about how to use thins thing. lol

  8. 2 hours ago, RubyRed said:

    Rather than trying to install the files individually, you'll probably have better luck downloading the correct installer packages.


    MS Visual C++ 2010 Redist (x86): https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=5555

    MS Visual C++ 2010 Redist (x64): https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=13523

    DirectX 9 web installer: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=35


    Those might fix the problem, but also a lot of the old Pigg Viewer tools haven't been maintained in so many years they refuse to work no matter what you do.

    Tks Ruby. looks like this help with the d3dx9_28.dll problem. But the other 2 still are happening.


  9. I think my computer has something against PiggViewer. I've tried to install it 5 or 6 times so far, and I almost screwed up my computer trying to fix this problem. He keeps warning me of these dll problems:


    I tried to download dlls from this site:



    But it did not work.
    Then I tried to download the latest version of Visual C ++, and used the program to repair the files. It also didn't work. I don't know what else to do, if anyone has any suggestions, I am very grateful.

    But I think the problem is that this site doesn’t have the 64-bit versions of the dlls I need.

  10. 16 hours ago, Solarverse said:

    Let me know when you get your computer back up and running and I'll send you the file for pigg viewer directly.

    Ok, my brother just came here and fix the problems that I have. But he had to format my computer for that and I lost all the things I put in data. =/

    But do you have a portable pigg viewer or something like this to run here? If so, you can send me now.

  11. 1 hora atrás, Solarverse disse:

    Eu sugiro que você aprenda como fazer isso.  😉


    Não me importo em ajudar, mas você está pedindo muito lá, cara, rs.

    Well, i tried to instal the pigg viewr. But it keep me sending some dll errors. Then I tried to find a solucion in YouTube. And I f*ck up. Now I can't even enter my computer. And I'm talking trough my cellphone. But really ty for all the help.




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