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Posts posted by captainstar

  1. 1 hour ago, RikOz said:

    ... if this is possible to do.


    Issue: I have encountered not one, but two story arcs that each include at least two missions that require street-sweeping for Carnival of Shadows in Peregrine Island. Every once in a blue moon I can find a large group of Carnies to punch. Most of the time, though, I end up flying around fruitlessly and have to keep returning to those two ships docked at the south end of the island to see if maybe a few Carnies have respawned there.


    This is tedious and boring. It's as bad as the Council street-sweeps in Steel Canyon, where as soon as you see some Council, they're gunned down by the 5th Column faster than you can punch them.


    Lorewise, the strange lack of Carnival mobs doesn't fit with the contacts' insistence they they are causing mayhem.

    Totally agree with you!

    • Like 1
  2. On 1/19/2021 at 3:36 AM, Mir2 said:

    Thank you so much for creating and sharing.


    I am receiving an error with the "cursor" mod (possibly with all of them, but I am trying only the cursor mod).


    Bad rawInfo size of 128 bytes for cursor texture or icon 'cursor_select' of 16x16 size

    I no longer have a cursor at all; just a black box (unless I am at the edge of a window; then I get the standard double arrow to adjust the edge of the window)


    I think I followed the simple installation procedures correctly.  I have tried changing the screen/UI Resolution to fix it, but nothing has worked.


    Any suggestions on how to get the new cursor to work?


    Thank you,

    Well, I have one that is working. Try to delete your data paste and put this one in the same place.


  3. 4 hours ago, Tyrannical said:

    I'm bemused, if anything.


    Taking things away from people to simply benefit yourself isn't going to land you much support.

    Yeah, cause I'm in charge of this server to make any decisions about it, right?

    And I was "demanding" that all people here follow my orders, probably.

    Pin on Reaction Faces

  4. 10 hours ago, Tyrannical said:

    So you want to stop people from enjoying echo maps to save yourself a few megabites of storage?


    Good grief...

    Hey, is just a doubt. I'm not an expert in computers. Some people here get to angry for nothing.

    • Haha 1
  5. 15 minutes ago, Greycat said:

    So... you want to remove the echo maps all together? That's what it sounds like.


    No thanks. And I don't think "space" is a problem. The maps being there do not preclude "more changes later."  You may not like them or find them interesting. That's fine, you don't have to go there. They hurt nobody by existing.


    As far as doing "anything fun?" Fun's defined by the person having (or not having) it. The old Dark Astoria is a big part of several characters, for me. As is Galaxy. (By the way, as far as "moving the badges to the official maps," where would you move the Galaxy badges? There's no non-Echo version of it. The tutorial's not the same.) Not to mention several of the badges have specific relevance to *those* maps - and, of course, getting both Atlas and Echo:Atlas gives a specific badge of its own, as well.



    I understand your point. But we could keep just Galaxy echo then. And about the "extra space", is more a thing for our computers. 

    But if you says that not gonna change the space problem so much, then I have no problem too.

  6. One little doubt. Do we still need that "echo maps" to do anything fun?

    A part from get some badges and do that quick Adamastor kill?


    Otherwise, I think we could relocate these badges to the offical maps, and change the "Adamastor kill" to the official DA now.

    And maybe save some space to do more changes later.

    • Haha 1
    • Confused 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Greycat said:

    Not a problem.


    If tankers are complaining about it, then whoever's using KB is not using it well. (Or they're just kneejerk complaining, which also happens.) 


    Plus, technically, the option is at character creation. If you don't like or can't use KB properly? Don't pick a set with KB. There. Option at character creation granted.

    Not if I want a power with the same animation effect as energy. Radiation get close, but a bit slow in comparation.

  8. On 12/18/2020 at 11:16 PM, Player2 said:






    I used to do blind invites when I started  the game. I didn't get angry when nobody accepted. But I think I invited the same person by mistake twice. And 'she' accepted the invite the both times just to say that blind invites is a bad thing and then leave the team. I get angry with her and we discussed. And she got angry with me too and probably blocked me, if I remember well. (oh, and she edit that quote that we can use in team to "NO F*CKING BLIND INVITES") lol

  9. 8 hours ago, Christopher Robin said:

    Who could it be?

    Believe it or not it's just sheeeee. HmWYqjbR_o.gif


    That is a modification file (or "Mod" for short) he's using that temporarily supplants one of the games existing symbols.

    It doesn't overwrite the actual games files in any way so they were allowed but there are a couple drawbacks.


    Since the costume data is local to your machine, only you and anyone else who has the mod file sees it.

    Everyone else sees the original chest piece that you are supplanting. So mods would

    be of no help to you in a costume contest for example.


    Everyone else, whether they be other players or even other NPC's, who have that chest detail will

    be seen on your screen as having the mod, not just you so you need to pick what you supplant

    carefully. It's even more important if you plan to share your mod because everyone who

    uses it will be affected too. It also helps to know about the popular mods out there.


    The Superbabes  SG logo is one example that still floats about today because

    the person who originally made it supplanted one of the common star symbols.


    So @captainstar, to pick an example, thinks he looks like this in game...





    But to the thousands of people who had the

    mod bundle back in the day he would look like this.




    I could tell you some funny stories about the unintended consequences of

    modding "gone wild" but I will just say choose your files wisely

    because some will follow instructions to put them in but

    may not be tech savvy enough to take them out. rs4wmRnk_o.gif



    Great strides are being made to make adding / removing / sharing mods easier from what I have

    been reading. Shout out to @The Philotic Knight, @Oubliette_Red, @Solarverse and many

    others past and present for all of their hard work put in on the modding front. bdD2kT31_o.gif


    Yeah, I remember one day, a long time ago, when I saw a guy in the game with a Superman costume. I notice that he probably have the same MOD than me, since I was seeing the Superman logo in his chest. But when I tried to talk with him, saying that I could see his Superman logo... he runed away! lol I think he got afraid of doing something wrong in the game.

  10. 23 hours ago, Sable Phoenix said:

    I never realized before that the chest symbol in the costume designer is almost an exact copy of the one from the show.  How cool is that?

    That is a MOD that I use, to have some famous Superheroes symbols in the chest. It's a thing you put in the game, but only you can see it. 😉

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