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Posts posted by captainstar

  1. 3 hours ago, Christopher Robin said:

    No worries @captainstar your not being too pushy

    just by asking what Pirate Cashoo (PC is a she btw) is up to.


    I will say Pirate Cashoo's work is often in high demand and paid commissions come before

    freebies so she might be working on those or visiting family for the holidays (bad time to travel

    as I understand it though) heck maybe she's just enjoying the game, there is a bunch of new content.

    I'm sure she'll check in eventually and let us know what's going on.


    Well said @_Kai_. zb7XgP0P_o.png

    Ok, tks Chris. I just got excited seeing this kind of art for free I think. lol But I can wait, for sure.

  2. 15 minutes ago, Christopher Robin said:

    Okay the Superman, Flash and Batman are easy.

    I think everyone has at least heard of Mr. T and Ash (this is my BOOM STICK!).

    I also know the man with the gun is Frank Drebin from Police Squad and the Red Suit and curly

    hair is the Greatest American Hero. The Egyptian redhead is likely Isis (the goddess not terrorist organization lol).


    The three in the upper left I'm guessing are Kelly LeBrock from Weird Science, Starman and the kid from Sliders???

    No clue on the who the other five are. Does anyone one else besides captainstar know them?

    Not Starman, Automan! And one of them is just a "cosplay" of a Galaxy Ranger. The others I'm gonna let people guess. 

  3. I was trying to make a character in honor of detective Frank Drebin, but I noticed that the 3 elderly faces we have available look a little angry. So I ended up choosing the first face, which seems a little sarcastic. And that is why I would suggest a new, more pleasant elderly face. Another thing is that I think the Controllers and Dominators pets could be a little more elaborate, to look a little more threatening, and not just a glowing light effect that walks.

    The Naked Gun Frank Drebin Quotes You'll Still Laugh At

  4. Just now, Player2 said:

    That's actually Firestar, the Marvel Comics character.  Starfire is the green-eyed, golden-skinned Tamaranean princess with more of an auburn to orange shade of hair (depending on the era of comics you're seeing her from).



    Oh yeah, sometimes I forgot simple things like this. I'm gonna edit my post, tks.

  5. 2 hours ago, Flashtoo said:

    Makeup and masks aren't really "separate" costume parts the way face details are - they're surface patterns overlaid on the head part, same as choosing "Diablo" or "Blend" or whatever on your tights. That's why the eyebrows and any scars that are part of the face you chose show through the mask if it's colored anything but black. We do not have the technology to add two color overlays on the same piece.



    Agreed on the jewel belt though!

    Tks! But I am not trying to demand these changes, I just give some suggestions here to find out if it is possible to apply it. Maybe one day.... hopefully.

  6. On 11/10/2020 at 11:03 AM, AsbestosBill said:

    If anyone is looking for advice on builds for fire/fire/fire, I built this build as best I could at level 32, bought attuned IOs for the slots I have (just used regular IOs for the slots that would be purple or Architype Os because money). Prior to the change I'd solo'd from 1-32 on -1x1, now I'm absolutely melting things at level 40 on +1x2, and thinking of going up to x3 or x4. I never drop or run out of end unless I'm distracted. Highly recommend. My only need is to keep the odd anti-mes inspiration on hand. Thanks everyone for your help on this toon.

    Yes. Can you send this last build you made in mid format to me?

    I'm trying to download here, but it's not working.

  7. 10 hours ago, Christopher Robin said:

    These are pretty cool thanks for sharing them @captainstar.

    I'm kind of curious who these lovely cosplayers are

    and who he pink hero below GW is playing as?



    Supergirl is Enji Night, the others I find out just searching in google images for their superhero names and "cosplay". And the pink lady is Atom Eve, from Invicible. If you haven't read his comics yet I highly recommend.Invincible Presents: Atom Eve #1 - (EU) Comics by comiXology

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