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Everything posted by captainstar

  1. ohhh, I wish. But doing more glowing stuff is complicated it seems. I asked for things like that since the game was with NCSOFT. No complains btw, I'm glad that we still have the game. 😃
  2. Eden trial forming!!!
  3. Some extra options made specifically to make our werewolves more menacing would be nice...
  4. A skirt (or a butt-cape) like that with wings would be very cool!!
  5. A event like the christmas with presents, or Halloween with more xp and badges... not just a simple mish.
  6. A St Patrick's day event would be cool tho...
  7. Oh, I had no idea. I was just thinking of a generic story to encourage more ideas here. But if the Devs are already planning something for this map it's good to know.
  8. My sg already has its own theme. I was thinking of a different group because KW City doesn't have any villains on its streets for us to face yet.
  9. Okay, this is my concept for a new group of villains. (They may have a basis in KW) The idea is that a couple of bandits who lead a small group of female assassins manage to intercept the shipment of Rikti technology before it reaches Black Scorpion, who wanted to negotiate with the aliens. They leave Black Scorpion fighting the aliens, outraged at having been tricked. But when they argue about the percentage of the sale of the cargo, the man hits the woman and says that 99% of the sales are his. But when he picks up what he thinks is a jewel, he catches fire and throws the jewel in the direction of his wife, who realizes that these jewels do her no harm. In fact, she gains powers of fire and ice when she picks up the jewel. And she shares this power with all the assassins who now faithfully follow her. I didn't think of the names of the main characters, nor of this new group. But the basic concept is this. (merely illustrative drawing that I got from Google)
  10. mystical auras
  11. costumes with jewelry
  12. Bigger demon wings...
  13. Can anyone post here how the new animation for laser eyes looks like?
  14. Got these comments from Facebook asking for ideas to improve kinetic powers: - AoE damage is to low for cast time - Buff the damage or speed up the animations. - I love my Kinetic Melee/Super Reflexes build. Love the ranged attack, and I think the damage output is great, but I do agree that the animations are a bit long. I especially agree with Shea, the one AoE is too long and the damage isn't very good on that particular attack. - The attack animations are slow and the damage is low. - I think the range could be a bit higher too. - I was thinking about this a few weeks ago but then got alt-itis. I love the animations, they’re unique. Don’t mess with them. I like the idea of Power Siphon but it’s underwhelming. Max of 5 stacks which is really difficult to maintain unless you are just using the first 3 quick attacks and who wants to have the tier 1-3 attacks on any build? Also, your first few attacks are getting the least amount of damage buff, so it’s counter productive to lead off with your big attacks after hitting Siphon. 1) I don’t remember the damage increase per stack, but I remember Dark Melee was able to get higher +damage from Soul Drain, so maybe either increase the damage per stack or raise the stack limit. Or alternatively, just change and make it a Soul Drain clone. 2) The AOEs. Burst, the only melee AOE, only provides 1 stack. Or at least that’s all I’ve ever seen it do. Allow it to add a stack per target up to at least 5 stacks or higher, if the stack limit is raised. Repulsing Torrent, I don’t believe Power Siphon even stacks for this power, but same as Burst, allow it to stack per target as well. This would allow you to jump in a mob, hit Siphon, hit your AOE and then you can start rolling. 3). Allow Power Siphon to act like Fiery Embrace for non kinetic melee attack, giving a flat damage buff for Epic attacks, or any damage attacks from the armor set - I have a LOT of melee toons. My only problem with kinetic melee is the animation times. Not as bad as TW but not good. There needs to be differences between power sets. Everything can't be the same as everything else, otherwise why have anything different at all. So, if I had to make a change, it would be to reduce the animation time a little. KM probably won't ever be my "go to" power set but I don't actively avoid it like I do TW. lol - the cast time sucks. theres a reason why ppl dont use it
  15. That's another thing I was thinking about. If we can increase the chest, it would also be interesting to be able to increase the back.
  16. AI with some photoshop...
  17. yeah, but so there is more then one way to trow fire from hands too and a "cryonic breath" that freezes a bunch of foes would be much more impressive, I think
  18. I was wondering if it's possible to launch these powers from our mouth. That would make my Shark supervillain more impressive.
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