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Everything posted by Pixie_Knight

  1. *blinks* But... incarnate abilities didn't seem to me to make you that much more powerful? And in fact, I was finding them to mostly be clutter in my hotbars.
  2. Never know though, do you? Mind you, I haven't actually done most of the TF and SF. I've ran Posi, Synapse, and... uhm, I think Citadel. I've then ran the one in Cap Au Diablo. Think I might have ran Statesman's TF once, and an Incarnate trial once or twice. But that's about it.
  3. Until, of course, you aren't. Only takes one shot from a sapper to ruin your day 🙂
  4. I didn't say "shorter", I said "easier". As in you're not worrying about sappers and/or other adds while trying to fight the specific Boss/AV/Pylon.
  5. Eh, I figured that the Praetorians were wearing their 'work cloths', aka costumes, during the earlier events. While when you see them in Praetoria it's self they are wearing their formal uniforms. The work cloths aren't used when dealing with events in the imperial city it's self, but rather when acting outside it (or attacking other dimensions). EDIT: It's not like the original arcs gave that much information on Praetorian Earth's society to begin with.
  6. But... wouldn't clearing out other mobs, such as malta sappers, make such a mission much easier?
  7. Didn't you have to accept a teleport by the time Cimerea was added? I could swear that was added in issue 4.
  8. I remember playing a stalker on Live back in issue 6. I kept running into a player every time I joined a Strike Force, and when I talked with them I found out they were using strike forces as their only leveling method. The strike forces would stealth every mission they possibly could. Then when he got to 40 (Grandville hadn't been added yet, and villains were still capped at 40) he went to finally buy enhancements for all his slots. Only to discover he didn't have anywhere near enough infamy to do so, because every mission was being stealthed if at all possible. He also didn't really know how to play his character due to the majority of his strike force teams having one stalker stealth the mission and assassinate the boss mobs while everyone else stayed back at the door. Thus he only rarely got to fight. Another time, I remember a stalker who got pissed and booted everyone from a strike force because he ran off to stealth the first mission... and didn't bother mentioning that he was going to do that. So the rest of us did what teams normally do in a mission... we engaged the enemies. Personally, I didn't mind getting booted from the team. Stalker lead strike forces where most missions consist of "stalker runs through the mission alone, stalker kills boss mob and his buddies (also alone).... were boring as hell and made me wonder why I bothered to join the strike force.
  9. Eh, I personally tend to not stealth missions. Yes I realize it's "faster xp/minute" to stealth to the end and only fight the boss spawn. However I'm not in a race, there's no driving need to reach level 50 RIGHT NOW. And it's more fun to fight my way through missions. Not to mention you get more xp per mission, influence, salvage drops, and recipe drops that way.
  10. Sadly, the game engine can't handle 2 different types of weapons being in hand at once. Probably due to the weapons being baked into animations for the related attacks. It'd be nice though if you could do things like fire force/laser blasts from your eyes while still holding a katana.
  11. When I do PUG, they tend to be a mixed bag. Some are great, some are horrible, most are average. It really depends on if you have a collection of 8 people soloing who just happen to be near each other, or actual team members who communicate goals, intentions, and are willing to work together. It's blind invite PUGs that I find are the true bane. I've rarely encountered one that was worth being part of.
  12. I remember making a DM/Regen scrapper named Ultra Healer back on live. I'd get blind invites by people who saw the name, and assumed I was one of those crappy "empathy/doesn't matter" healer builds that only ever uses the direct heals from Empathy, the rez, and the direct heals/rez from the Medicine pool. Got yelled at a few times for falsely advertising myself as a healer. So I'd point out "But I do heal... myself. Check my badges, I have a whole bunch of the healing badges."
  13. Just close your eyes for a moment? Or look away? 🙂 Was my solution in RE7 when super disgusting stuff like the dinner scene occurred.
  14. Modern graphics cards can probably handle that (and hami raids) better then the top end cards of 2005 could.
  15. For most of CoH's life you couldn't recruit more to a TF if someone dropped. And still can't recruit more if doing an ouro flashback for a story arc. Which kind of makes sense, since you're a time traveler in that case.
  16. That was a change made late in Live, I think. About the same time that the Positron TF got split into two smaller TF.
  17. I usually only PUG, if I team up at all. That said, they can be a mixed bag. Sometimes the team just meshes, and you end up running down the streets of Steel Canyon during a Posi TF in the classic flying V formation, completely by accident. Other times you get a team leader who recruits your TA/A defender after you got done explaining to them that you can't heal, and they yell into team chat "YAY! A HEALER! WE ARE GODS NOW!" They then ramp up the difficulty to the absolute max, when the party is level 5 and 6 and doing Hollows missions. Yes, that seriously happened to me back when Trick Arrow was first added. Of all the PUGs though, the ones I absolutely refuse to join is the "blind invite PUG." If you can't be bothered to ask me if I'm even interested in joining your team, I can't be bothered joining your train wreck of a team. You don't want teammates. You want warm bodies to raise the difficulty so you can pretend it's still Issue 3 and there's no aggo cap, Global Defense Nerf, and Enhancement Diversification while soloing the mission.
  18. It depends on what you're fighting. In Dark Souls I found some bosses a HUGE pain and served as a lengthly stumbling block, while others went down like a two dollar member of the oldest profession on half price Tuesday. Sometimes it's not the boss that's the most challenging part of an area, but just getting to the boss. DAMN YOU BLIGHT TOWN! In order of hardest to easiest (for the ones I've played) I would list it as 1.Demon's Souls 2. Dark Souls. 3. Bloodborne Demon's Souls has nasty hard areas that test your patience and reflexes, but the bosses so far have all gone down like a chump. Conversely, in Dark Souls the areas tend to be fairly easy to navigate (granted with some tricky spawns to watch out for), and the bosses are a mixed bag. Some will be huge roadblocks, while others are stupidly easy. There are exceptions such as Blight town and Sen's Fortress (AAARRRGH!), but for the most part areas aren't too bad if you're careful. Bloodborne on the other hand, the areas are convoluted and somewhat confusing, but the enemies are (usually) easy to defeat. Bosses can be a roadblock, for a while. But even at their worst, they still feel possible without having to cheese them. Unlike some of Dark Soul's bosses. Still, I'd rather play CoH 🙂
  19. I don't have a PS5 yet, cause I'm unwilling to pay scalper prices. But I am playing Demon's Souls. Then again, I have an original model PS3. Good thing too since my PS2's disk drive stopped working last week.
  20. Yeah, Recluse is a pain and a half even as an Elite Boss. As an AV, I definitely feel like I want backup.
  21. We hadn't spoken in several years at that point due to our schedules being so different. That said, by Sunday when a manager who hated my guts for reasons I never understood called me up at 11:45 to 'remind' me I needed to be at work in fifteen minutes (I'd checked the schedule when I clocked out at 2am, and I was off until Wednesday) I was exhausted. Ever watch the original Night of the Living Dead? Remember how slowly the zombies shuffled about and how aware of their surroundings they are in that movie? That was more speed and alertness then I was able to muster. I'd used up all my remaining energy getting into the cleaner of my 2 dirty uniforms and biking to work. And I was still both the fastest and best dish washer the store had. Sure enough, when I checked after clocking in the schedule had been changed at 8am that morning, with the manager who hated me being the one that signed off on it. Store owner came in around 1:30pm and saw me shambling about the kitchen. And since he knew I wasn't scheduled that day since he's the one that wrote up the schedule for the week, he was not amused. He clocked me out after changing it so I'd get paid time and a half for the work I'd done that day. He then drove me home and made sure I got into my apartment safely. I didn't even make it to my bed. I ended up passed out on the floor moments after I closed and locked the door.
  22. WTF, TMI, and many other three letter acronyms. This you did not need to share.
  23. The closest I've ever come to playing CoH while drunk was back in 2007. And that wasn't due to drinking, but lack of sleep. At the time I worked part time at Burger King Wednesday through Saturday on the close/closing shift. For those not aware, the difference between the two is that if you work till Close, you clock out when the store closes for the night. If you're working closing however, you don't get to clock out until the store has closed for the night and the kitchen is shut down and cleaned. Which means that depending on who's working that night, it could be anywhere between midnight and 5am before you get to clock out. That last one only happened a few times while I was working there. My usual habit was to head home from work, sign into City of Heroes (and the forum, I played while posting on the forum), and play until about 7 or 8 in the morning. At which point I'd head to bed after setting my alarm to wake me up at 4pm. That way I'd have time to grab a bite to eat before heading to work. On Fridays I'd do a load or two of laundry as well while playing CoH, since I only had 2 uniforms. This worked out fine, usually. But one week a friend of mine from Australia that I hadn't spoken to in years signed into MSN Messanger just as I was about to shut down and go to bed. So we started chatting, which lasted until noon. At which point I didn't have time to go to bed, I'd sleep too deeply and be late for work. This repeated every day for 4 days. By the time I finally went to bed, I'd been up 90+ hours.
  24. I posted on this forum again for the first time in a while. Also washed the dishes, did a few loads of laundry, took out the trash, and played Pathfinder: Kingmaker for a while.
  25. Yeah, I prefer using a cinema screen when playing 'flatscreen' games in VR. And as I said, I realize it would be a monumental task. It's a pipe dream, but it would be amazing. For more general "using my PC in VR" stuff like browsing forums I prefer using the office (or now the new Gamer Room) Virtual Desktop environment. Much better then the baked in Oculus virtual desktop. And far far superior to the one in Big Screen.
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