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Everything posted by Klaleara

  1. I remember having that Phys-x card, and boy was that a blast. One of most pointless and coolest physics implementations I've EVER seen in a game.
  2. Been playing for almost 2 weeks, most days. Between every mission I throw up a LFG. I have yet to find a single person to group with. Getting preeeeetty bored of soloing. So I highly approve of this.
  3. joke's on you I don't remember Arachnos Soldiers being able to summon all that stuff, that some temporary power or something? Or am I missing something insanely awesome? Cause an Arachnos Squad would be super sexy.
  4. This is more for fun, I'm not even sure if Homecoming can change things within the game without crossing boundaries and getting shut down. The point of this, is that I'd like to see Necromancy separated a bit, and having more of a unique feel, than just zombie models with dark powers. Change 1: Make it so Tier 1 Zombies die significantly easier, and reduce the cooldown of summoning them significantly too. This is to better simulate the endless army that Necromancers control. As they are dying, you constantly keep summoning them. With this, they should also passively take on the Pet Enhancement buff from the Tier 2 Grave Knights (AKA, you can't have to cast the buff on them every time you summon them). Change 2: This is to better synergize with Change 1. Soul Extraction will have its cooldown reduced, and no longer capped at 1 summon. Could either be ghosts, or skeletons. With your Zombies dying more often, it will provide a better, and more consistent use for Soul Extraction, which is rarely used in my case most of the time. It will allow the Necromancer to have more pets than normal, but definitely still behind with Thugs + Gang War. Change 3: Remove Life Drain, and replace it with a sort of "Corpse Explosion". Since Corpse Explosion is a bit too violent for CoX, and goes against the actual thought of just "knocking them out", I would change it to expel their souls, or corrupt them, and cause Darkness to reach out from a downed enemy/downed ally (Which could also synergize with low health Tier 1). The ability will spread darkness on the ground, and will debuff the enemy, while also dealing more damage. If it touches another corpse, it will not only expand from that corpse and grow stronger. Concept behind the changes: To me, Necromancy currently feels just like any pet class with shadow powers, and a zombie skin. I'd love to see it expanded to feel more like the eternal/endless army of the dead. And to have more direct abilities that effect corpses. That and Life Drain was boring to me, would want something more interesting than that. Parts of this is a huge buff to Necromancy in general, but since you'd have to casting Tier 1 Zombies a lot more, I feel like it balances out a bit as you will be more busy keeping your pets up more than normal MM's. I love the idea of casting more Necromancy stuff, than just using my Secondary more often though. Maybe just a personal preference.
  5. I didn't see a better place to post this, so sorry if this is the wrong spot. But uh, I'm having a truly hard time trying to put together a Nun outfit. She will be a hero side, full on Nun bent on fighting back evil! And I really want to make it happen, but its proving more difficult than intended. Any geniuses out there able to help me out a bit?
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