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Everything posted by Klaleara
In a farm mission? Sure. That is still the case though lol. In a regular mission team, no that wasn't the case, ever. Unless you were stuck on some crap server that forced their way of thinking on you. Maybe Infinity was a godsend, idk.
We on a disagreement there then. I've got PLENTY to do as a MM. But if we aggro 1 too many groups, I'm mostly just focusing on surviving, and not doing damage like I should be.
I can play City of Heroes blindfolded. With my forehead.
Klaleara replied to SmokinIndo's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
Idk, can 15-20 minions/lt's do damage if they are capable in doing so? I know solo, if I was just to jump into that group as a MM, it would hurt, even if I debuff them. In a group hard to say, cause they are simply dead lol. Granted, I do think we should raise their accuracy a bit. Problem wtih raising accuracy across the board, is that you have to make it so they CAN hit, but not make defensive powers useless. Touchy to balance that. Another option is to set it up so Boss's have Leadership. Add some strategy to it. Try to burn down bosses, as to "Demoralize" the Minions/Lt's. -
But...that's what they do now....so what would be the point? lol I hate the aggro cap because tanks can't do what they are made to do, take aggro away from squishies, so they can do what they need to do. Instead of running around with their heads chopped off. Or the other option, make a build where you're a walking god and don't have to worry about damage anymore.
I can play City of Heroes blindfolded. With my forehead.
Klaleara replied to SmokinIndo's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
And thats why in my previous post, I said I'd like the health increased, specifically for Minions and Lt's. Controllers aren't useful as Controllers due to the fact that literally everything melts within a couple seconds. Why put something in a hold when it will die within 1-2 seconds. -
As a squishy, I hate the aggro caps. Even in normal content, I find myself fleeing across the map, trying not to die, because the tank literally can't even taunt them off me. Aggro cap is one of the few things I currently VERY much dislike in CoX.
I can play City of Heroes blindfolded. With my forehead.
Klaleara replied to SmokinIndo's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
I personally would love higher difficulty modes. But I hope it isn't just an increase to level if they do, as accuracy is already kind of annoying at +4. Just the health of Minions, and Lt's, so they don't melt. Then increase boss/eb/av damage and accuracy, so they become more of a threat. You do three things with this. 1. Minions and Lt's matter again, as atm, they don't even get a chance to shoot before they die. And with them surviving a bit longer, the threat of each group should jump quite a bit. 2. Boss+ mobs have to be taken seriously again, as they can actually hit, and the damage would be pretty potent. Maybe give Boss's+ Leadership too, buff the accuracy/damage/defense of the minions/lt's around them. 3. You bring back the control is Controllers. Considering that everything is usually dead besides a boss+ within the first couple seconds, the only thing they are good for is the damage really, which imo is wrong. -
Replace or change repair for Bots MM
Klaleara replied to TheSpiritFox's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
Agreed. ANd I'd be fine with attacks taking MM ATO's. Cept the attack itself is kinda useless then? But whatever, better than nothing. Pets need all the help they can get, especially for survival. Also, Mercs should 100% have an artillery strike that disorients enemies or something as their 18. -
I'll change how I'm approaching this. I'll be quitting shortly, due to the fact that I'm running out of content (I'm not saying this as a threat, devs don't care, they don't make money off of me even if I do donate). And I haven't even been playing that long. I don't care to grind the same trial, mothership, etc, over and over again. And there is a plethora of other mission story archs I could do. But I still want to progress my character. Any level should be able to do any content at their level, or above. Who cares if its easy, there is TONS of content that is easy that is more rewarding than missions. Not only that, but I'd be bumping it up to the difficulty that I'd like. Because that is how "I" want to play. If someone wants to then grind out mission rewards because somehow its easier (Which I truly don't see, considering 15 minute trials that give hella better rewards exist), let them. This comes down to, "Why punish the good, because of the bad". I'm not an alt-aholic, I have my 2 characters that I enjoy. And I want to progress them to the very top, while doing unique content. I love CoX, it is still my favorite MMO mechanically. And changing this would only make it for the better, by far.
All of those you listed have leadup missions (Or entire zones). And if you haven't done them, you're completely confused where you are on the story. Not only that, but if you team with people at all, you don't get any of the story either.
I would love seeing entire zone auto-exemping. Do wish I could keep all my powers though.
It is literally just numbers. CoX does not have missions DESIGNED for certain level ranges. It was just capped at that level. There are not mechanics in CoX that require you to do certain things with certain abilities you only have at certain times. And yes, it is a problem in my opinion. Just because that is how they created it, doesn't mean it was created in a good way, or couldn't be improved on. Nor am I just talking about AE farming. There is AE farming, MSR, Trials, Strike Forces, and plenty of other things for great rewards. "I" just want to go do the story archs, while feeling like I'm running in place. There is literally no downside to this change as far as I can see. Well, I guess the man power to make the change is a downside. But increasing level 50 content by a huge margin is not something I'd ignore completely.
There are plenty of things at level 50 that give better rewards than missions. Not only that, but I'd still be doing content at my level, for rewards appropriate to my level. Unsure what is so game breaking about that. So my response is, yes, that is what I want. And to add even more, plenty of other MMO's that do similar things this day and age. Not nearly as much of a dramatic difference as you're making it seem.
I would far prefer to play at max level too, I think this would be the best route to do it. And potentially easier coding wise? No idea.
So, I've recently come to the realization, that missions don't scale (Alternative, and preferred, fix to this problem, is make it so missions scale entirely). And the only way to really do them is to hit up the Ouroboros. But the problem I have, is the rewards don't scale up, so besides story, it is pretty pointless. And I do want to learn the story, but I also want to feel my character progress. So please change it so using the Ouroboros rewards to scale when reduced to lower levels. Hell, make it so rewards only scale during the first time you do the mission for all I care. I just want to go do the content I missed, while still getting stuff. Better than farming AE all day every day.
Fulcrum Shift released from both ends
Klaleara replied to Klaleara's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
I feel like your attempt at sarcasm actually made what you were trying to say nearly impossible. Siphon Power is pretty negligible compared to FS, almost every person I've talked to about my MM/Kin, has had me drop it for something else. So no. And its not like ranged won't get the buff, they will just risk getting killed (And potentially wiping their team) trying to get it. On top of that, it would help MM's with ranged pets. As far as I'm concerned, this is QOL. Doesn't make it way stronger. And I have no idea what you're talking about with stacking buffs, lost in translation. -
The devs could easily add more difficulty to the missions. Like Diablo's Torment level or something, just keeps increasing. Increase the number of baddies, bosses, and levels. And if you wanted to get really creative, increase the chances of Kryponite enemies. Enemies who are powerful against specific Incarnate choices. Say you picked Alpha "Agility", and a "Reflex Incarnate" enemy shows up, which possibly slows down Agility users, and does increased damage to them. /shrug just random thoughts.
Increase the number of powers that can be placed in auto
Klaleara replied to DrRocket's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
I don't see why the good should be punished for the bad. Especially in this game. I also don't see adding more toggles creating more afk farmers. I see the number staying the same, but that is just theory. -
History lesson (This is not what I'm asking for exactly): Back in the day, Fulcrum Shift's buff used to be released both from the enemies affected, and from the user casting Fulcrum Shift. It was pretty insane, because there wasn't a target cap like today, and you could basically double the buffs received if you over-lapped the buffs. My suggestion though, is to do something similar, but do not let them stack. The reason I ask this, is due to the fact that you basically have to be in melee range, I see squishies run in their for the buff, when they should definitely be at range still, and it isn't uncommon for them to not come out again. Changing it so FS buffs both ends, melee gets the buff while in the middle of the group. And ranged gets the buff by standing next to the Kinetics. The only difference as mentioned, is don't let the two stack, because I fully believe double buffing would be too powerful. That, and I really don't want to run into the group of enemies either. This also greatly helps MM/Kins who have a mix of melee/ranged pets (Or just ranged).
The bigger problem, is people getting kicked at the end of a TF, and being replaced by a friend.
Control secondaries might be a bit overpowering for us. I mean, the ability to lock down an entire spawn and then vaporize them with aoe damage? Might be a BIT much. Especially since immobilize is set to turn kb into kd now. Imagine taking the aoe immobilize power, and letting your pets just decimate the spawn... Would be glorious, but a bit op. :) I don't see it as OP personally? Considering quite a few classes are literally OP to an extreme (There are multiple classes that can carry an entire group with themselves only on the highest difficulties). You would be losing heals, and support for your pets. You either lock the enemy down, or your pets start dying. I don't think it should be a "Mastermind" though, and probably a sub-class, like Sentinel. Due to the fact that people might take a Mastermind for their defender secondary, just to find out its a controller secondary.
https://forums.homecomingservers.com/index.php/topic,989.0.html Just because I think its far more effective to have one big thread at the front of the page, instead of a few small ones spread throughout.
If it matters at all, /Kin has a good amount of RP value. In the fact that you are draining your enemies, to power your Undead. I see that as being very Necro'ey. But Nature could have a life and death aspect too. That could be fun to pull off, and probably unique. /Ratherbecoolthanmeta
Unsure what you're talking about here, wanna provide more info?
Actually hit level 24, and no clue what power to take. Got my travel power, and all 3 leaderships. I don't have Siphon Power, Speed Siphon, or Life Drain.