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Everything posted by CaptainAmazing

  1. All great advice, thanks again everyone! Caulderone, I think I went a bit overboard with my Winter sets and could consider swapping it out for an energy based protection so I'll definitely look at that. Skygod, Air Superiority was an essential in my build, situationally great attack which I think I've taken at level 6 mostly because I only had Jab and Haymaker at this point. I left Flight and AB till the very end because I wanted other more essential powers as early as possible. I could switch one of them for LBE and take flight a level earlier i suppose. I've also considered dropping conserve power or taking that one much later because i dont really use it at all anymore but again its useful when im exemplaring down and dont have some of the incarnate boosts to end use. *edited to change afterburner to air superiority
  2. Thanks everyone, all of that is really helpful. My own build stands up quite well against all of those, slightly weaker in some places but slightly stronger in others.
  3. Hi all, Apologies, you have almost certainly seen a million requests like this. I've cobbled together the build below, I know very little about sets but below is what I am currently using and have not really struggled tanking anything. The aim was to be a great at getting hit at all levels because i often play lower level stuff to help people out. I wanted to have capped flight speed by the end (including incarnate) and I wanted laser beam eyes because i find it useful to grab runners and second groups (plus i think its cool!) Any advice, tips, suggested (start from scratch) is welcome, as is being pointed to other builds on the site. I found it really difficult to find other builds when searching for things like 'ss/invul build' etc, i assure you i did look before posting this! Many thanks in advance. http://www.cohplanner.com/mids/download.php?uc=1542&c=711&a=1422&f=HEX&dc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
  4. So, when i enter my Superbase I always seem to be facing South...anyway to change this ? I've tried rotating the port point but this doesnt seem to do anything. thanks in advance.
  5. Hi all, I've made a great big hangar and used some vanguard floors to make wall tiles, problem is that they dont 'draw' until you are right up to them. I also find that the draw distance is further away when you are in edit mode and requires you to be closer when just wandering around your base. I have also noticed that some items have a different draw distance, some photos below to illustrate. It may be that I'll be forced to change the wall tiles for something that has a better draw distance but wanted to check before undertaking that work. many thanks in advance. Neil.
  6. So I've installed all of these (Thank you for the work!) Slight problem with the teleport beacons though as they appear to be blank white screens. Almost certainly something i am doing wrong but any advice would be appreciated.
  7. Hi all, Just a quickie, I'm wondering if anyone is aware of any sets or Enhancements that specifically resist blindness? seems to be my only hole (apart from mild psi) To be fair it only tends to happen on +4x8 Arachnos missions... thanks in advance. Neil.
  8. Thank you, thats helpful to understand. Is there a list anywhere of all the enhancements in the game?
  9. Hi all, I'm finding it difficult to manage my recipes and enhancements that i make from them. Generally i just check my recipes after a mission or a period of time and make the ones that i can and then i sling them in a storage box in an effort to collect sets to use on my various alts. The challenge I'm having is that once you have made them into an enhancement it is no longer easy to tell the rariry level. As recipes they are coloured yellow, red, purple etc so you can tell at a glance. Am i missing something or has anyone got any ideas how to help me organise this stuff a bit? Many thanks in advance. Neil.
  10. I've been looking for something that helps me manage salvage. Terrified of throwing anything away but also struggle with storing it, I'm sure a lot of people use multiple storage racks but this is also awkward without some way of managing the added inventory. Even a resource that offered information at your fingertips. I'm probably not articulating this very well so im going to go away now and have a bit more of a think about it but the gist is managing salvage. thanks in advance. Neil.
  11. Apologies for the necro! What is the thinking behind not getting Absorb Pain and not touching the Medicine Pool powers, I'd have thought you would want the self-heal and maybe even the secondary res or heal? Thanks in advance.
  12. Any chance that long range teleport could be attached to the map thumbtack so that you can port from one side of a zone to another? just an idea :)
  13. Hi all, I read somewhere that the flight speed cap is achieved by putting 3 slots in Flight and 2 in Afterburner. Can anyone confirm this or at least set me straight? many thanks in advance. Neil.
  14. So I've been looking around have seen talk of a couple of legendary hover/flight macros, sadlly when following the links to them the 'waybackmachine' has not stored those pages. My suspicion is that the best we could get is a button that switches back and forth between hover and flight. What I would love is a macro button that leaves me hovering while stationary (fighting melee) but as soon as i start moving it switches to full flight (and maybe afterburner) and then back to hover when i stop moving again... ....if it could bring me a coffee and massage my feet at the same time, that would also be good :) Many thanks in advance! Neil.
  15. That is amazing! Thank you very much indeed.
  16. I've got a couple of questions and a request for specific help on a macro I've been trying to put together. I want to make my character say something everytime a certain power is used i.e. resurrect and say "Rise!" locally. Should i be binding the macro to a button or can it be worded to activate the power no matter what button i am using for the power (because i may move buttons around as i level up) The other macro im trying to do is to allow a button click for my young son who plays with me to auto target me and then follow me. So far I've got a button that targets me but sometimes targets others or even my pets and a separate button for follow. Id prefer something reliable and one button only. Last question is about where macros are stored and is there a file i can move around machines or make available to all my alts? many thanks in advance! Neil.
  17. Sorry, the last build you did came up with an error when trying to load into mids. can you check and repost?
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