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  1. Hi JJDraken, I would like to request for a Fire Blaster/Earth Manipulation/Fire Mastery Blaster with flying and she will be mostly ranged for team play. Expensive build plz! ❤️
  2. I forgive ❤️
  3. What's the new power set? Is it Wind? 🥰🥰🌬️ Ty for all your hard work!!
  4. Do you happen to have your build? I just made a storm/storm def and need an example to look at 😅😅
  5. I honestly hate how slow the henchmen are following you. Most of the time in a team, by the time my babies arrive in the fight, the bad guys are already dead. Also hate that I have to take group fly just for my minions to catch up to me or fly with me when I'm flying.
  6. Thank you! I'll take a look at it 😄
  7. Hi forum peeps! I would like some help on my build. I plan to do team stuff like iTrials, TF/SFs, and random team mishes. Here is what I got so far. Any help will be greatly appreciated. 🙂 (Odd, it won't let me share it on mids 😞 ) Corruptor - Electrical Blast Poison.mbd
  8. Thank you! Ok Time it is.
  9. Hello! So I was thinking of making a Dual Pistols hero and not sure if I wanna go Time Manipulation or Force Field as her secondary. Any recommendations? What are the pros and cons for them? I mostly do iTrials, mishes, radios, or farms. I rarely solo if at all.
  10. Broad Sword and Shield Brute. Makes me feel like I'm Wonder Woman and powerful 🙂 Also very survivable and deal a pretty good amount of dmg too. All around just very fun flying at my enemies and just whack 'em with my sword and shield lol.
  11. So far I'm having a lot of fun with my Broad Sword/Shield Brute. Very high survivability.
  12. All IO'd out, with Destiny and Hybrid T4. No end issues and mobs go down pretty fast at +4/+8. Will do more testing later.
  13. I went Storm/Storm Mu Mastery Defender. Pretty fun so far. Haven't tested Corruptor yet though.
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