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  1. Do we know what Praetorian Hamidon looks like fully?
  2. Wow I am not gonna lie the idea of focusing one straight up DPS kinda sounds like not only a breath of fresh air but feels like something blasters should have always been doing. Thank you all, It seems I got some work to do on the test sever (big grin)
  3. Thanks, Def it is! That said, Regen really? I was not expecting that to be honest, but it totally makes sense.
  4. So I have been playing around with 2 of my blasters, one Firex3 and the other BR/Dev/Mace. Both are great, I have zero problems when it comes to damage and I say alive pretty well. What I have notice between the two of them is that while my Fire blaster has almost full on Res with about 36-40% Def, they can take a hit and pretty well when attacks get past the Def that and with knockdowns, hold, etc, they door very good for survival. My BR/Dev/Mace blaster on the other hand does VERY well at not getting hit with soft cap Def you know....until they DO get hit with a small padding of Res. I have only tried a few 2 star TF/SF and none of the new content that just came out, if I wanna try harder content which works better? A very strong Def with back up for getting hit with -Def, a strong Res with back up for getting hit with -Res or a mix of both with a solid attack chain? I want to pull this off with my next blaster which will be Seismic/Earth, sadly I am on a Mac so none of the joys of Mids, that said the guys and post here have been a MAJOR help with countless hours on the test sever. Should I go full Def, full Res, a mix of both or pick a different powers other than Seismic/Earth if I am really trying this?
  5. MAN, I remember those days! Seeing a group of 12 imps buzzed up with Kin; was high speed walking death in a blender! Can you imagine if we had Cold back then!?!
  6. Isn't Shoal Rush and Tide Pool like a one, two punch? Well that's the idea I got from it, if not needed it would really free up a lot of room for my build.
  7. UGH! I have trouble with this arc on multiple characters that so much so I don't think I have finished the whole arc once. Like you said a lot of the mission are hard so much so that I can't even imagine trying to betray the old fart! He has been 5 steps head of me story wise way back to the whole clone arc at level 20. (heck not even sure if that is where it truly starts to be honest)
  8. I think it was more so a design with rules that tried to keep characters from being "overpowered" but that was like way before the incarnate system which in so many ways throws the whole not being OP out the window. Most so I wonder if a lot of the old rules in some ways are outdated more so when updates and redesigns to Enemy types, that said (haha) I am nowhere near smart enough to know how you would undo some of those old rules and not break the game in someway haha!
  9. Thank you BOTH very SO MUCH! This is a BIG help! Now I know to keep the ones I have from drops and work on the rest! Thank you!
  10. This topic is perfect if I may do a little small hijacking. I am working on a Brute I just got to level 50 and read up on Purple sets finding out that they don't give you the stats if you drop too low in levels to which I have to ask. Is there a point in having them then outside of say maybe making one build where you stay at level 50 or never drop below 45 and then go nuts with purple sets (and kill your wallet!) while having another build for everything else? Don't get me wrong the stats and bonus are SO do die for, but is it even worth the time and money when outside of Trials and max level arcs, you spend 95% of your time around level 35 and lower???
  11. I hardly ever post but you just gave me 3 years worth of pure NIGHTMARES! I LOVE that story arc and title, but never once did I even stop and think about what it would be like fighting some power sets! >.< I can see it now just bubbles EVERYWHERE! T_T I am scared someone hold me!!!
  12. Okay I saw a lot of the post that talk about way later in the game. I don't know if you are a new player or just new to the AT. I will just drop my 2 influence in. Both the Soldier and Widow big change/upgrade is when you hit level 24. That said I will say leveling the Widow to level 24 is way easier. Right now my Solder is level 18 and and am trying my best and fastest to get to level 24...but trying to do a few arcs too lol (my own personal thing) That said it's not my first time and I LOVE the Crab Spider! Hang in there and get to level 24 to which you will be asking the REAL question! Do I go Crab or Bane!?!?! That is one I can't answer for you! Heck I almost wanna make a second Solder just to have a Bane! Wish I could say the same about the Fort on the Widow side by Forts make my eyes bleed! You think level up a Soldier is painful? For me it's like someone said, "OKAY! you are level 24 and you have been having a blast up to this point.....how would you like it if we take your toys away and you world have to work your way back up to this in say another 25 levels...or two?" Meanwhile the Night Widow is winking at me and comes sits next to me and goes, "You wanna take a long walk down a beach with me in the blood of all our enemies and friend alike?".....then my legs go rubbery and I wake up a week later with a killer hangover.....I think I got too personal there by the point is just stick with it till 24!
  13. I am not big on posting but THIS x1,000! City really was one of the last games I knew that for the longest it was the "journey", then we got time travel, content in all level ranges new, and finally endgame. So many of the MMOs now days only do endgame to the point that if you are not rushing to be max level, it's kinda a lonely game unless you have like minded friends! I am all for "to each their own" but the whole "the game doesn't start till max level" is what is killing a lot of new games, heck half the games are trying to now go back to "classic"....that should tell you something! 95% of the games now have it to where whatever powers you have be the time you get to level 10 or 20 is all you will ever have in games that reach up to level 50 and higher! You no longer out level anything which adds to the feeling of never getting stronger when you have the same 8 powers with 3 of them being passives. No Dev team can ever make enough content any more when people burn through an "Endgame" dungeon that took half a year to make in less than a month and are hungry for more! If this is your favorite way to play, I ain't mad at ya, I tip my hat to you....but it makes me sad when someone jumps into an MMO, be it old or new, gets to max level in less than a week, does whatever the new Endgame place is in a week and a half time, then sets up camp in a forum or Twitter/Facebook/Reddit and is telling everyone how bad said game sucks cause they blew threw it in 2 to 3 weeks and the game has NOTHING to do!
  14. AH! Thanks a lot guys! I totally forgot about Acrobatics! I think I am gonna have a nice sit down and go over my character for a few, thanks again guys!
  15. I had finally saved up enough to get a KB protection in one of my Dark Armor characters and while it works great I have notice that anything on boss level or higher with strong knock back will send me flying still. It seems like a thing I won't run into often (or I hope so) but would adding one more KB IO be overkill or totally worth it in the future???
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