Hi there, Taffy Panda here from Discord CCs here. This is the first time Discord CCs has tried it and we've gone to great lengths to set this up correctly (hence the two-part model for those not on Everlasting). In the future we might consider a variety of names but then bunch the names into a "topic" of sorts so that as a judging collective, we can pick this out. There's always room to improve, so to speak.
A bit of a rundown of how our contests work - we have a prize for winners and special mentions, as well as awards since our panel might have preferences. However, for this contest, we will be giving an influence prize alongside the winning name. Think of it like a "getting started" fund for the character with the name.
Again, we'll see what happens with how this turns out before we set anything into place. Any other questions and I'll get back to you ASAP!