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Everything posted by BlingBaby

  1. Well, my defense without any clickies is pretty low for a melee character. I have around 18% melee and basically 15% to everything else. Recharge takes the place of most defense bonuses. Powerboosted Unleash Potential gets me close to softcap without Link Minds. By itself, Powerboosted Link Minds gets me close to 30% melee (less to others). This isn't including Barrier at all--without it, I still have the feast or famine mentality when it comes to defense. Honestly, I just got sick of building for the softcap, so I just added some recharge-based methods to keep my defense highish for a while. I really just need decent defenses for long enough to lock down or outright destroy a group--or at least whittle it down to a couple bosses, which I can hold easily enough. Edit: I do note that your build seems primarily ranged. Mine is basically a striker/control brawler. I'm poking my Mind/Dark build atm, trying to make it perform similarly at range. I might find your build helpful.
  2. This is how I built my Mind/Energy//Psi. I like the idea of just setting Domination to autofire and having it go on its own. I have Hasten and Mind Link bound to my Q and E buttons, respectively. I'm considering binding Power Boost to a button as well, but don't have that done yet. Focusing on recharge, I find it pretty easy to cycle Power Boosted Unleash Potential and Mind Link with Barrier to keep myself with pretty high defense most of the time. Incidentally, without Hasten, I can still lose permadom by having a long animation power go off, being slowed, or by queuing up a power that is slightly out of range and having that take the place of the autoclicked Domination button. So, I like the idea of being able to perma while having the benefits of Hasten, but not depending on Hasten.
  3. Same here. I use my middle button to turn the camera. I don't even remember why I started doing it on Live. Might even be the same reason, lol.
  4. So really, this would be a command that levels you to 50 and puts you into the respec screen immediately? Sounds interesting for Test. I mean, it's purely for convenience, but I can see that it has a purpose. As I recall, you can't respec with untrained levels--says "respec failed" when you click to confirm the last time. Not sure if that's still an issue and how easy it is to bypass. Even then, it might be possible to have the system quickly select every power as it becomes available and fully slot each power to six slots before starting slotting the next power. Or something. In the event neither primary nor secondary has newly available powers, maybe assign a power from a random (or particular) pool just to move to the next level. The actual stats or powers wouldn't really matter as the next part of the command goes right to respec, so you're not really assigning an actual set of powers and slots, just a filler so the respec command executes without a hitch. Or maybe it's not an issue at all and I've solved a problem that doesn't exist. Go me. 😐
  5. I haven't run my ill/traps for a while. It's probably because of that detached playstyle. I may stay her off again, though. I remember how awesome it is during invasions. I did quite a few zombie invasions with her last year. It's almost like a chess game or a RTS, really. Glad you enjoy it!
  6. My votes were Assault Rifle, Energy Melee, and Poison.
  7. So, if I run a /dark sentinel, I should be using the heal more proactively? I'm pretty disappointed in it as a "save my butt at the last minute" heal.
  8. Oops, forgot to check for updates. x.x Thanks!
  9. Hey, For some reason when I load my latest stalker build, it has radiation emission powers in it randomly (like mutation, enervating field, radiant aura, etc). I'm not sure what the deal is, as I'm not even using an old save. I DL'ed the HeroDesigner_Rel_2.6.0.2_F2019.07.31.00.zip from the link in the first post in this thread earlier today. Just figured I'd let you know. Thanks!
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