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Posts posted by starro

  1. I hold no ill feelings to missing words media and city of titans and I understand they are volunteers just like homecoming.  They put in their personal time and effort and deserve some extra space and time.   I think like any new group of people they made mistakes and have had some serious setbacks.   If anyone else thinks they can crank out an MMO with volunteers under 5 years then good luck!  


    However, since about fall 2019 and joining Homecoming I am done.  I spent so many years waiting, following forums and scant news articles related to anything about COH or successors for so long.  I am just tired.  I unsubscribed from the spiritual successors and the distribution lists and I enjoy having this game.  I will probably try out the successors at official launch, but alphas, betas and vaporware are no longer interesting to me.  If homecoming folds up tomorrow and all the rogue servers are gone I think I may wander back, but I don't feel it inside anymore.

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    • Pizza (Pineapple) 1
  2. 18 hours ago, WanderingAries said:

    Sounds like your environment could use a Mesh network system then if you have that many devices. Your router's likely being overloaded with traffic.

    I would LOVE that.  Our house is built like a bunker as it is.   I have changed cell phone providers just so I can use a phone on the first floor.

  3. I live in a household with someone who wants to be technical and hook everything up to the internet.  I HATE google home, Hate google speakers and Hate google light switches. Since they arrived my internet is all disconnects and slow waits.  Just 5 devices on the network killed my Netflix, work VPN disconnected and frequent disconnects to COH between zones.   I get d/c going from atlas to steel canyon or I am taking minutes to zone.   I have the largest bandwidth my provider could offer as well.  Look at the items in your immediate area and get them off your wifi and unplugged just for testing purposes.


    When all these crap devices are off my wi-fi and I am home alone I can actually function on the internet.

  4. I like to read the bio and information on characters.  I think the Hopkins bio is missing/lost.


    Here is what paragonwiki says


    "Hopkins is the devoted servant and bodyguard of the mysterious Countess Crey. Since the day he was hired, he's been at her side constantly, rarely venturing outside the range of of her voice. Hopkins is clearly the second in command in the Crey hierachy. "

    2019-12-26 14_23_24-Clipboard.jpg

  5. 9 hours ago, GM Widower said:

    As one who has always favored redside myself, I would personally find it extraordinarily awkward if we remade redside without considering what those of us who actually like it want.

    Redside is where dirtbags and hooligans go to plan their next heist on the chumps in paragon city.  I love home.


    Sure, maybe some snow and a single tree, but save that fluff for the blueside for now.



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  6. the single greatest fix to all my crashes has been the move to the 64bit client.  99.99999% elimination of "Insert Random COH File Name" has run out of memory.  


    I know the client should not make the graphics look better, but..... stuff seems to move less jerky and I cannot think of any other changes on my PC in last 6 months.  TOT on a league and all the monsters coming out doors or a visit to Rikti ship raid seems smooth and yes no crashes on 64 bit client.

  7. 7 minutes ago, Clave Dark 5 said:


    /em giddy


    And just days after my second fifty, so thematically fitting for this holiday [see my sig], hit 50! 


    I also wanted to chime in and say that I love the green windows, I noticed them while flying back and forth over PI from the motel to monkey island to bash Eochai [side question for no one in particular: how do you pronounce that name?].    In between that and the decorations around Atlas, you guys are really knocking this out of the park for me.

    I haven't had a chance to check yet, is this just the extra costume slot and the temp costumes, or is there more?

    zombies, trick or treat, banners, small update for eternal night....

  8. 5 hours ago, GM Widower said:

    If Jimmy's going to delete anything, it's pineapple pizza Storm Summoning.


    Disclaimer: No, we're not actually going to delete Storm Summoning. We like our heads where they are, thank you very much.

    this talk of pineapple is very disturbing when it should be pineapple and ham

    • Like 2
  9. 5 hours ago, LorannaPyrel said:

    * New Content, across all levels
    * New Powersets
    * New Costume and Powerset Customization Options
    * New Incarnate Abilities
    * New People To Meet And Game With! ^_^



    I am stealing this post and adding - I will ask for the sky and the moon


    * Dev's feeding their spouses and children - this free ride is nice, but I am ready to send a subscription some where.

    * Ongoing community engagement.  

    * All ages content - welcoming community.

    * Powerset proliferation / Epic Power pools finished

    * New events (we only had the spring event 1 time before shut down and summer twice)

    * New TF, Zone events, missions, more more more!

    * New Zones (moon base!) / finish revamp on underutilized zones (BoomTown)

    * New art of all kinds - loading screens, stuff used for "who will die?"

    * New Stories (issue, multi-issue and more)

    * New characters - some one needs to take down Zombie Red Widow

    * maybe a new archetype or two, but not too crazy

    * maybe a new engine if the current is becoming too legacy to work with....



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