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Posts posted by starro

  1. On 8/6/2020 at 3:47 PM, JCMcBoo said:

    I can be patient... I can be patient... I can be patient...


    It's not working! 😉

    Awesome... just this weekend I had a good team rolling... leveled a lot and didn’t want to take the time to upgrade.  I would consider the button a great add.   I still like that one option sitting out there even if I normally might tinker with my enhancements otherwise.

  2. On 8/6/2020 at 8:48 AM, FoulVileTerror said:

    I remember that.   When Arachnos was known as "S.P.I.D.E.R."

    Sadly I don't have any of them.

    Granted, this is City-related.  Not really Off-Topic.   *shrug*  You may get more visibility if this was popped up to General.

    Thank you.  I am on a lead for a link that had the 6 pages scanned online.

  3. EDIT 7/19/20:  Yes, revalidate first.  Start Tequila --> Options --> Revalidate. 

    I have had this take a little time or get hung up on that 'one file' and never finish.  However it is a good and potentially faster fix. 


     I also recommend leave 32 bit client behind and go to 64 bit if you can.



    I stand by my old COH general fix -  aka scorched earth


    Find your directory where COH is installed on your computer for me it is D:\COH

    delete COH install directory - it's ok, your characters, account and stuff is on a server on the internet

    EDIT:  There is a screen shot subdirectory if you take pics while in game you may want to back up.

    I don't know if you can uninstall or just delete the Tequila/installer - get rid of that too.   Mine is inside of the D:\COH folder and not another location

    Empty the recycle bin

    Reboot computer

    Download a fresh new installer and let COH install again to a fresh install.


    When people start getting into modifying .dll or messing with .net or other things I have no interest in that, but if it works for them - good for them!



  4. 5 hours ago, Luminara said:


    I don't believe this is about purchasing.  A large development studio or publishing company might convince NCSoft to sell the IP, but that was never in the cards for any fan-based operation.  And given the small change value we can offer as donors, or even subscribers, there's no real money to be made in licensing fees for a company the size of NCSoft.  Most likely, the negotiations are simply for use of the server code and absolution of NCSoft in the case of liability issues.  NCSoft would retain IP rights, but wouldn't be dragged into any disputes over copyright issues.  That's a different approach from an attempt to buy the IP, and given the all but dead status of the IP, one they're likely willing to permit, as long as their collective ass is covered.

    Sorry, I used buy out too loosely and should have referred to license, lease or cajole them to legally grant access.


    in the end if it eliminates the possibility a whilly nilly executive can pull the  rug out and the community gives the game the attention it deserves - it’s a win. 


    We are on the 4th attempt here kids, it’s gotta give one of these days.


    well, good luck and keep trying.  Having followed all the buyout attempts I am very pessimistic but happy to be proved wrong.


    It's kind of like the old horror movie "don't go in the barn".  We send someone into the barn and they don't come out.  Who wants to go into the barn next?

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  6. don't forget more defeated villains also equals more opportunities for salvage, recipes, threads and other drops too.


    Depending on the villains and depending on the mission it's fun to play with.  If your butt is getting kicked bail and try new settings.

  7. My favorite memory is at launch when I tried to share a computer and an account with my husband.  This lasted about through the end of the pre-release and we realized this was unstainable and picked up a second copy of the game, second PC and I think even a desk to share in our office.  The thought of a game where we both experienced the same game from TWO computers blew our mind.  We fought crime and robbed banks.  We were both misty eyed and elated with the games untimely departure and later return on Homecoming.



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