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Posts posted by starro

  1. I made a new blaster with archery primary and trick arrow secondary sets about two weeks ago in anticipation for issue 27,

    I started to play her more with the launch of issue 27 and I am at level 8.  


    I think I am impervious to holds from from Madness Mages (COT), Death Dolls (Skulls) and big ugly psychics (Lost).  I get the RED HOLD text in the upper right corner and  my character is frozen in place with hands in the air.  However I can still fire off Snap Shot and Aimed Shot at my targets and it looks like arrows are coming from the characters chest while held with hands in the air.  I was thinking for other powersets when in a held state I cannot fire powers.


    I have tried to get a screenshot but that the PC not cooperating.  I am going to try this from my desktop over the Holiday too and see if I can replicate.  I am not sure how else to capture additional information.  I hesitated recording a video in case of the ban on recordings.

  2. On 10/20/2020 at 2:01 PM, carroto said:

    Looks like Tony V deleted his post.  Can anyone who had a chance to read it summarize?  All I get from reading the rest of the thread is that he got engaged.

    Paraphrase from memory:  "New job, developments and new life opportunities.   After many many years in the COH community TonyV is off to new adventures.  I am not a point of contact for negotiations, Homecoming, Titan Network and anything else  - peace out!  If I show up any where online I am just a regular community member like you. "


    I think there was a slip up he mentioned merging Titan Network and Homecoming but the two camps clarified shortly and said 'no'.  

    • Thanks 1
  3. On 9/20/2020 at 11:50 PM, Darmian said:

    I must ask!  If you've done Dark Deeds in Galaxy City: Part Two...how did the second mission go?

    I started and I liked but time ran out and this last sunday I had little time online. 


    I was not sure how the two were related,  I really want to start fresh and hopefully no calls to interrupt next time!


    I do say I like the writing.   Very brief, to the point and little descriptors.   I have tried to write these AE arcs and I find the character count limitation too small.  However I am always remended to write for the reader and not the writer.  Players want the skinny not the verbose.   No one really wants to read War and Peace in an AE.


    I am going to look for more AE content.

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