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Posts posted by starro

  1. 16 hours ago, TemporalVileTerror said:

    Oh wow!!!  Of all the villain groups that could use a refresh, but I always forget the Warriors exist.  It would be a shame if they get some juiced up powers and start causing problems.

  2. We do have the spring event in progress and we did get a tiny patch in the last month.  There is another patch pending out there for some kind of testing associated with the Hamidon raid.

    There was a community update as well asking for more volunteer game masters and stuff like that.


    I agree that I am really curious what is coming for 27 Page 2.  I cannot think of what is in flight.... I cannot recall any open topics.  There is always bugs and balancing and my wish list is a mile long.


    However the volunteers are probably juggling real lives and ambitious goals with limited times.  I am ready to get this winter over.

  3. I frequently visit Massively Overpowered | MMORPG news and opinions (massivelyop.com) and enjoy the Lost MMO's series of articles.


    There is just something about this latest entry I really like - I feel like it is COH's long lost cousin for look, feel and customization. 


    Sadly the work was pre-COH and never made it to go-live.  


    The Game Archaeologist: Lost Continents, the Jules Verne MMO we never got | Massively Overpowered (massivelyop.com)









  4. I completed both arcs for the first time earlier this week - I am a casual COH player so a little slow getting to the new stuff.


    I liked the content and found both the hero and villain stories good addition.  I have always loved  the COH lore and look forward to the main story, side stories, reoccurring characters.  Even if Batallion never happens I would like to see more side stories and stories (3-7 missions) with each issue.


    My few comments

    * With each issue Paragon was refreshing the villain groups.... This was much needed for my favorite group - the Vaz.

    * As advertised bring a friend, especially for squishie like my fire/weather controller or spider soldier. 

    *  This is not old familiar content.  Great new maps on the villain arc.  Holy cow you put some groups tightly packed or in got-yah spots.

    *  At one point I got through the content solo at -1x1 settings, but the villain EB's still got me over and over until I phoned a friend. Hopkins......

    * Whoa with the ambushes!  Nyah, bring 'em on!

    * Man, that is a lot of text.  Before the mission, after the mission text walls.  I liked it but the husband was like 'what are you doing? let's go!'   

    * I want to read text, but when it is pew pew time I have even more text to get through with heroes/villains after me.

    * those sniper guys!

    * I could not get to Dr Vaz in his cell without some funky camera angle as there was too much rubble.  I finished the arc and went back but did not see why Cortex was waving as he would not interact.  I did not connect the dots to see what was going on.   I hope we can see Dr Vaz restrained like Hannibal Lector to make that more dramatic.





  5. 3 hours ago, Wavicle said:

    Need to echo some other comments:

    @PiecemealThe zoombies are way to fast and damaging. I didn't try these missions out in beta. I'm running it now on a corruptor with my tank buddy and he has no chance to pull them off me in time to save me.

    I hover above the zoombies for about 60 seconds and then they are disarmed and stand there.  They do not even retaliate.  But yes, if they go boom on my controller she is gone quick.

  6. The updated Null Gull zone is nice looking.



    • The Winter Forest, a special zone previously only accessible via Null the Gull, has been updated to be a seasonal hang-out spot


    So, I click on the gull, but I do not see that as a destination option. 


    Null the Gull

    --> What Can you do?

    --> Could you send me to a different place?



    Sorry if thick headed... not sure how to get there.


  7. I will 3rd recommend the new launcher and recommend using the  64 bit client if you can use it.  Since Homecoming I had frequent crashes (random file out of memory) during gameplay or the client would just plain not run.  A validate would not help me either, i often just delete the folder and redownload to a new directory at least 1 time a month..  Since I started with the new launcher and the 64 bit client I have maybe had one crash in the last 6 weeks.

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