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About BlueDragoon

  • Birthday 01/01/1004

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  1. Not on the same scale, but this happens to me way too often... went to pay 9 million, dropped 90 million, etc.
  2. I judge people's "wealth" in the game by how many fully built-and-slotted characters they have. Massive stores of inf isn't that impressive anyway when you haven't built anything out of it.
  3. More of that sensitivity, haha. It's not about being sensitive (you really think I'm sensitive? I play PvP exclusively in this game for a start, can't be thinskinned in RV). It's just about the simple fact that being snarky isn't gonna win you friends.
  4. I don't get any of that from Phil's posts. My best friend taught me: You have read texts/messages/posts in as bland a voice as possible. You cannot know where the person intended inflection. Italics and Bold just don't do justice. Neither do emojis. Well when I've seen him post in the past it was usually some snarky /jranger one word reply to people. So it's not hard to see why that kind of approach would rub people the wrong way.
  5. If it's PvE, anything.
  6. Could it be anything to do with your sarcastic/unhelpful/disruptive replies to people's topics, I wonder...
  7. No. BF doesn't do anything in PvP. You can pop 4+ breakfrees whilst being held like that and it won't do anything.
  8. So much wrong in this post. So much wrong. I spent the first month of the game being up power-pushing people around RV on an energy/emp corr and watching them die before they hit the ground. I don't bring it out that much anymore because most people have enough kb protection to resist a power push. Those are not "vulnerable/weak ATs". That generalization is just plain... wrong. They are disruption slots in a team. Also, asking for a player-based rule-set in the arena is just admitting that there is a flaw in the game's design. Yeah so I doubt you were killing Ice/Plant blasters and such on it. You said it yourself, it's a +1. You KB'd someone into next week while someone else bursted. But there's other ways to lock someone down and have a DPS burst them. You can go the sapper route for example, or just use domination holds. I don't see why kb is especially a problem. If you think that KB'ing and insta-kills mid-kb animation lock are acceptable game mechanics, I don't know how to speak with you. Of course not, but what about being held for 10 seconds and unable to do anything, is that gamebreaking? And is the solution to these problems erradicating knockback entirely? Why not ask for a rework on how the mez itself works, and mez in general? As that's the real issue with the games balance.
  9. So much wrong in this post. So much wrong. I spent the first month of the game being up power-pushing people around RV on an energy/emp corr and watching them die before they hit the ground. I don't bring it out that much anymore because most people have enough kb protection to resist a power push. Those are not "vulnerable/weak ATs". That generalization is just plain... wrong. They are disruption slots in a team. Also, asking for a player-based rule-set in the arena is just admitting that there is a flaw in the game's design. Yeah so I doubt you were killing Ice/Plant blasters and such on it. You said it yourself, it's a +1. You KB'd someone into next week while someone else bursted. But there's other ways to lock someone down and have a DPS burst them. You can go the sapper route for example, or just use domination holds. I don't see why kb is especially a problem.
  10. * Force Bolt - mag 54, need mag 49 or so protection * Gale - mag 41, need mag 35 or so protection (interesting note: Gale works funny and will sometimes apply two packets of knockback, which means it'll cut through KB protection on just about any non-squishy) * Power Push (Defender/Dominator version) - mag 46, need 41 * Power Push (Blaster/Corruptor version) - mag 35, need 31 * Lift/Levitate - mag 35, need 31 (I literally have that on a saved note because everyone asks the same question). Thing is those powers belong to pretty weak and vulnerable ATs and builds. I don't think I have been KB'd once in all my time in RV. Is this mostly a concern for team arena matches? Can't you just come to an agreement with the other team, i.e. no knockback builds? People already say things like no TK. I think it's fine because you'd need to build specifically for a "knockback build" by taking these powers, and you gimp yourself in other ways by taking them.
  11. To be fair, what can even output this level of knockback, a Forcefield Defender? Can't think of much else.
  12. Yep you took the words out of my mouth. And in regards to the fog, even though it felt like a pain to navigate as you say, I also felt like the fog added a sense of being suffocated, or surrounded, by whatever creepy stuff was going on in Astoria. I know CONTENT wise, old vs new there is no contest. This is purely visual. I should've rephrased perhaps... do you prefer the foggy echo, or the red/cthulhuesque new Astoria? And yeah... I'm sure there was ever only two versions? Or?
  13. Global: @Wanderlust Aliases: Blue Dragoon, Redeemer, Heartache, Hardship PvP Builds (Fully IO'd and mostly accoladed): Ice/TA Blaster Psi/Regen Scrapper StJ/Bio Stalker -ResStacking/Anti-Stalker Spider (lol, mostly for zone meme) But as others said, I'm EU so I will probably almost never be able to attend these 1am sessions. I'll try stay up for it.
  14. Just wondering what people think of newer Dark Astoria's ambience/atmosphere compared to the old zone? Personally I loved the "Silent Hill" theme of old Astoria, it was really creepy and having it as a dead zone nobody really went to made it feel extra eerie. The new iteration is ok too, but a bit less subtle about being dark and dreary.
  15. It's bad and I never pick it, but visually I love Spring Attack followed up with any meaty AoE.
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