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About Riverdancer

  • Birthday August 6

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  1. Yay!!!
  2. When converting a lower level Power Transfer, it will up it to 50. In the enhancement bar it still shows 23, but if you don't clear it first before converting again, it will change the IO level to 50.
  3. Brickstown's The Crescent. It's just so chill and downtempo.
  4. Back on live, a friend and I each had a character with confuse (mind and illusion trollers) so we decided to have some fun. Group invis, and we entered the mission where Diabolique and Infernal were both there. We each confused one, and after a few applications, and constant spamming of it, we got them to fight! It took a while, but Infernal won. We were laughing so hard over teamspeak I thought I would have an asthma attack.
  5. I love my dark defenders, so it's no surprise that I am really enjoying my dark/dark controller. I've played so many defenders though that I tend to focus on that aspect instead of the control side of things, so that's something I need to work on. Does anyone have a dark/dark build kicking around? Nothing too crazy expensive. I'm not too concerned with a perma hasten build -- just one that is pretty flexible and fun to play (well, more fun to play). Does anyone use black hole as an 'oh shit!' power? -R
  6. I have an earth/storm and she’s one of my fave toons to play. Just make sure to slot KB2KD in tornado, lightning storm and gale. AOE hold, drop tornado and lightning storm and watch damage occur. It’s a lot of fun.
  7. Holy crap, Hey Armor! -R
  8. Thank you, came here for this info, wasn't disappointed. -River
  9. I believe it. My dark/pistols defender was a BEAST. I’ve heard good things about time/ and I may have to get one! -R
  10. I remember Doogie!
  11. Sounds like Dark - ridiculously useful and varied! Thanks Trick! -R
  12. This is exactly what I was asking! Thanks for the great info on Time! Much appreciated! -R
  13. I believe I asked if any one has played plant OR time. I wanted info on both. Sorry if that was confusing. -R
  14. I am curious if anyone has played time or plant (I cant remember if it's called plant, and I am not in game at the moment so I cant check), and if you like it? Are they as good as the other defender types? If I've seen in game correctly, it seems plant has an aoe healing dot, which reminds me of Druids in WoW, and I am intrigued. Interested to see if anyone has played and loves it. What are their strong suits? What are they bad at? -R
  15. It looks like a lot of Protector are choosing Torch as their server for the time being.
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