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Helios Mage

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  1. Bro is living paycheck to paycheck in a video game. But in all honesty, just play a level 50 character for a bit and you shouldn't have any problems. Or if you are bougie AF, make some alt accounts and make afk farmers so you can still play the game.
  2. Hi Everyone, I am mostly a blaster player, but I already just run in the middle of the group, so I figured making a tank was the next best choice. BUT, I have pretty much no idea about slotting or power choice. I saw a lot of TW/BIO builds out there for scrappers, but I can't find a BIO/TW build for a tank and I am sure they are different. If anyone has one that they are willing to share, I appreciate it!
  3. This sounds small but probably isn't, I think its time for lvl 55 enemies with how OP everyone is these days.
  4. Yes the ally moves towards the mobs so you don't have to, and then he will stop at the next baddies that meets his eyes. Its essentially the whole purpose of an AFK farm lol. He wont move again until you kill the baddies surrounding him. In order for you to be successful in an AFK farm, you usually need to be fully IO'd, lvl 50+, and have your set bonuses geared towards defense and resistance of the damage type the baddies in the farm are dishing out, along with enough regen and recovery to keep you afloat. Then some type of AoE attack set to auto, preferably one that doesn't require attacking through the ally. AFK farming is usually best done on a tank or brute.
  5. Hey thanks for trying it out. I'm not sure what you did wrong honestly, only 1 group spawns around the ally at the start of the mission and then the other groups spawn after he is freed. He only starts to move after you defeat all the baddies surrounding him. I even checked this morning and it is working correctly. Seems like you may also have an issue with the build you are using if you are unable to move between groups without dying. I afk farm with an elec/rad tank build that was posted by America's Angel in the Page 5 fire farming microguide.
  6. Those of you looking for S/L AFK Farms, I recently made one that uses the Atta Map. 53436 is the farm. All you have to do is find the Ally (AFK Ninja who will be in Atta's room every time), put him on follow, set whichever attack you use to auto, and come back every 45 minutes. Make sure to allow AVs so the ally does not die. Every now and then you get stuck, but I minimized that happening by maxing the size of the ally and minimizing (but making as wide as possible) the size of my own character. I think it beats having to come back every 5/10 minutes with the small asteroid maps and you get to make passive influence while still playing the game on another account.
  7. I noticed there weren't really any AFK ATTA farm maps for S/L builds so I made one. I am using the elec/rad AFK build with some adjustments because the endurance drain is actually more than the build can support. Even though it says focused accuracy is unnecessary to run, it takes much longer to complete the map with focused accuracy off. Slotting for endurance in focused accuracy and losing 2% melee defense doesn't really affect the build, but I run 2 accounts in the map so maneuvers stacks. Anyways! I got side tracked. 53436 is the Atta map. Set yourself to allow AVs so the ally doesn't die, follow the ally (AFK Ninja who will be in Atta's room everytime in the same spot), set atom smasher to auto, and just reset every 40ish minutes. Only thing is you sometimes get stuck while following the ally, but honestly is much easier than resetting every 5/10 minutes.
  8. Hey everyone, Just made myself a FIre/Temporal blaster wizard themed, I don't make blasters that often. I was trying to make a blaster capable of soloing AVs/TFs and wouldn't have too hard (at least let me get a couple powers off before I die haha) of a time doing the new hardmode ITFs. Temporal is a new area for me so I'm struggling with power choice. I was trying to go for 45% S/L/E Def. If anyone has a build it would be much appreciated.
  9. Played on Champion as Slick Quills, was part of Everyday Heroes SG. Pretty sure we were pretty high on the prestige ranking, surprised to not see anyone here in the threads so far.
  10. Hey guys, Is there a way to make everything larger on mids? I have a 34 inch screen and everything on mids is so tiny and i cant figure out how to zoom in.
  11. Hey everyone, so I randomly decided to roll a spines/stone brute without checking the forums first to see if this was a thing or not. Really enjoying lvling him up though. I've been wanting to make a build that doesn't rely on granite, but I can have it there as an "oh shit im gonna die" button. I haven't been able to find a build and was wondering if someone could help me out. Just been trying to get a solid build for tf's, and so im not dragging everyone down when I don't have a kin on the team. Doesn't have to be cheap either!
  12. I recently got my nrg/nrg blaster to 50 and I was wondering what incarnates would be best for him.
  13. Hey everyone, i just came back to the game and figuring out how to make a build has been pretty difficult. I recently downloaded pines and there seems to be a lot of new things out here. Ive been trying to make a PVE build for my ss/fire/soul brute with perma hasten, not sure if thats a thing still, but it hasnt been working out. If anyone is running a quality build and doesnt mind sharing, i'd definitely appreciate it.
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