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Shrug I don't see a reason why not This was a result I posted in the pylon thread This was just with the secondary. No primary power used like the pets. The instant snipe feels pretty much like a Stalker AS if you use it this way.
If you want a good support lore pet look into the Knives of Vengeance Radial that the added with I24 It cast 2 buffs. Guardmanship has +400% recovery rate for 1m15s +250% regeneration +30% dmg additional Rallying Cry +20% to hit for 30s +30% dmg +8 protection vs stun/sleep/immobilize/hold/confuse/fear/knockback/repel/teleport +100% resistance to recharge and lots of other stuff
Ice Mastery has a few points for it and is a very strong Epic pool set. If you go Ice Mastery have room for this 3 powers Sleet is a location dot with -def and -RES that does knockdown and can take addtional 2 -res IO procs. If I could descripe this power with just one word it would be AWESOME. Hoarfrost is not only a big emergency heal but it has +HP too and will add some significant hitpoints and it has a toxic resist too. Take it and enjoy it. Frozen Armor The S/L def shield with fire/cold RES. It opens up your way to cap +45% s/l without much trouble if you use melee attack. Since the changed a few numbers with I24 it's even worthful to throw a Shield Wall IO with +5res vs all in it with a 2er Luck of the Gambler for global recharge and extra def. Now there are 2 powers left Hibernate Theoretical it should be your oh &$/$ button but it's not insta cast and if you really that deep into trouble the chances are good that you will simple die from a alpha attack or can get out of this trouble with e.g. Hoarfrost with a aoe stun etc. I tested it back on live and never liked it. Ice Storm This is a rain location dmg power. In this case the dmg is not minor like sleet. It does more dmg then the aoe dmg from the other sets but has a much larger cooldown. Additional mobs will run out of the area if the are not under control, with a stun or are rooted. It's a good power but your build need room for it and it it really needs 2-3 extra slots for IOs. I have it in my live version but on test I respec out of it for the instant snipe version that is tested there atm. Not essential and with a primary dark I doubt you should make room for it.
As Rikis pointed out get the melee attacks, the are awesome in the set. The dark power boost is a bit special because it has a dmg buff too. Plus Midnight Grasp can take the dominator IO sets, so that you could add the +dmg or orb IO there with a melee dmg IO set. Add some macros to your list that can help certain things. You need to change it for your buiild but as an example for my fire/dark/ice I added: /bind q "powexec_location target Sleet" /bind e "powexec_location target Bonfire" /bind r "powexec_location me Gather Shadows" Sleet is from the epic pool so that when you press q you it will now cast on your target location and r will use the self buff. Works with other powers too so in case you pickup Spring Attack from the leaping pool you could add it instead for the Fire Bonefire and so on. In case you found the howling from the Umbra Beast later annoying you can silence the sound with a null file, no need to turn off the audio. There is a guide somewhere for this and works for any other sound you dislike too
Reasons Your Dominator Isn't As Strong as it Could Be
marex replied to oedipus_tex's topic in Dominator
Since the added with I24 resist to the IO sets, you can get some extra resist just with building your normal melee/def sets that are not to shabby. With both the +def epic shields it should not be really a problem to reach +45% def to s/l on top of permanent domination. As an example, this is how my fire/dark looks (one outside buff from Tielekku) https://imgur.com/a/Xvo7JFi if you throw the T4 barrier on it you could even add an extra +5% def/res . with the -to hit from dark and from the interface I would rank my dominator as stronger then my scrapper and stalker. It seems a bit, hm silly from my pov that somebody would not pickup the melee powers. As an example I did run a mission with my bio scrapper that has thrown only psi mobs at my face, not something I like with it if you play at /x4 - /x8 . for my dominator even it has the same bad psi resist the this is not really a issue with perma domination and our good control side. I would add anohter point to the OP list. If you are not playing a Villian as Dominator you miss something really cool, points to the Villain Alignment Power..... -
From the pure numbers /fire should do more dmg then /dark However I like the exta -tohit for the incarnate content I use additional a diamagnetic interface for even more -tohit. You can switch to reactive if you just need more dmg. No complains to run a fire/dark dominator solo through +4/x8 DA and other story arcs, I posted from test some numbers in the scrappers forum If you have a hour or 2 time, jump over to the test server and add with the popup a full IO set to your char and test a /dark and /fire what you like more.......
Well if you chose a farming S/L map like the comic con one, the are build for Brutes that sits on the 90% resist cap, because even one savage leap will do >500dmg with 30%resist and we don't have much hp either. As an example if you have >45% try the Council farm from Unai Kemen, even after 3min the could not kill me at +4x8 To bring this into perspective: I run a farming Brute with 90% fire resist through a pure fire dmg map on +4/x8 (boss on) and my results are for one run are: dies in ~10sec with 0 def dies in ~12sec with 12.5% def dies in ~25sec with 25.0% def dies in ~32sec with 37.5% def dies after 2min 45sec with >45% (without healing flames on auto) From playing a fire/dark at +4/x8 on every mission you first priority should be perma domination, nothing does more for you then to have it perma after that in case you have a epic def shield you can cap >45% def with it easily. Just remember that dosen't help in the same way for incarnate stuff because the have a +tohit bonus. However a high s/l def with quite a bit resist to back it up helps at that difficulty setting. It's nice to have, but you don't need it in every case..... Stats for me without the extra toxic resist from hoarfrost are (with the outside def buff 2.81% from Tielekku and the scaling resist buff from Reactive Defenses starts at +3% and goes then up to +13% at very low hp):
I just did a quick test how the Dominator would work out on test Dark Assault+Ice Mastery (Test Server with snipe changes) Degenerative Core Flawless Musculature Core Paragon Ageless Core Epiphany (for endurance) Perma Domination Chain:Smite-Midnight Grasp-Gloom-Moon Beam (Gather Shadows-Sleet when up) Assualt Radial Embodiment (double dmg) 2:20 ~401.72dps 2:21 ~399.78dps Assault Core Embodiment (+dmg) 2:13 ~416.13dps 2:04 ~437.96dps The +dmg Dominator proc was in Midnight Grasp. Pure +dmg Hyprid slot did work a little better then the double hit Sleet did have both (target aoe) -res procs in it
Yes both story arcs that you can do from https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Belladonna_Vetrano_(Contact) and https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Number_Six offer the same reward window you got from the Dark Astoria arcs.