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Captain Powerhouse

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Everything posted by Captain Powerhouse

  1. Would need the archetype and name of the powers.
  2. You should be able to swap ammo for each attack if you want, even today live. Give it a test run to see if you find any bugs.
  3. It does the correct amount of damage, all sentinel T9s are balanced in entirely different ways, closer to melee AT mini-nukes like Shield Charge or Lightning Rod (not carbon copied, just closer to them) than to Blaster/Defender/Corruptor nukes. The typical Sentinel nuke is a sphere and does the bulk of its damage only to the smallest area in the center, cones cant do that, so instead of that Full Auto for sentinels randomizes how many targets in the cone will get hit for the bonus damage that would normally only hit those foes in the exact center.
  4. And you will notice we didn't do any changes to Archery this page despite it being well known it lacks in damage in other areas.
  5. In our internal tests, having a 16 target cap nuke at a 60s cooldown was simply too much. Increasing the target cap to 16 is not possible without also increasing its recharge significantly, but rather retain some of the set identity than homogenize the nuke.
  6. This is excellent feedback. Cant promise anything but will look at available options.
  7. It was not ignored, its something that was considered very early among many other alternatives. We simply don't see it fit to give a T2 attack, doing 100% design formula scale damage, also having a 100% chance for scale 10 stun.
  8. Replacing powers during proliferation process is perfectly acceptable, and we do it all the time. It isn't the same as taking powers away from players that have a power already in their builds, no one likes their characters being drastically changed. Roughly a quarter of players have Beanbag in their builds, so this change would have ha required near unanimous reception, or nonsensical feedback. The feedback we have received here and via other sources, though, inform us that this would be disruptive to long-standing active players. At the end of the day, just access to Aim does not make a powerset good, you can go and ask Sentinel users of Assault Rifle. At its most recent build, AR is not just in viable, its a very good performer, without having to disrupt existing players.
  9. Entirely replacing a power with another power that does nothing close to what the original power did, is something we never do lightly. We have in the past bent the cottage rule significantly, but turning Beanbag into Aim was an extreme test case. Unlike other changes we move forward with despite some opposition, this was a complete removal of a power and replaced with something entirely different. In the past, our most drastic changes have attempted to stick to add effects, change values, or in cases activation styles. However an ability that does damage, always retained damage even if values might change. Attempting to keep enhancement options consistent when we change powers is almost always a goal with rare exceptions to things like AoE/ST set categories. In this case, the only enhancements that the two powers could even share would have just been recharge and end cost. With all this in mind, out of the gate we moved forward with the disclaimer that should there be opposition, it would be rolled back. This was never about popularity, but about avoiding as much disruption as possible and meeting certain performance goals. Even if the change to keep Aim was obviously more numerous, the disruption to its users was high enough that we decided to roll it back. In the process we tuned up the set a bit more, attempting to reintroduce some of the lost functionality in Ignite while we were at it. I understand that some are disappointed with this approach, but we have adjusted the set to be very viable without the need of having Aim on its toolkit. Please, try to keep the feedback threads on topic and avoid further disparaging fellow players.
  10. This is a bug, the power is summoning lower level patch pets if the target is higher level than you, internally fixed (as of 5 seconds ago) and will be fixed in the next patch.
  11. Sentinel version was not changed, it was scale 4.4 hold for as long as Sentinels have existed.
  12. Discussions of sets that are not part of the changes are off topic, please stay on topic.
  13. You can always force the weapon to re-draw by double tapping Esc within 5s. This will clear the "remembered" weapons and force the weapons to draw once more. You can think of double-esc as a "sheath" command.
  14. Just dropping by for a quick update: The No Redraw themes were a big hack that constantly broke sequencers and introduced many animation bugs, it was also not a viable solution for many weapon-based sets. This new system is an engine change that comes with its own technical limitations. It was attempted to make the new system entirely skip redraw if within a fight, its something I personally really advocated for, but at the end of the day turned out to not be possible. [Insert spaghetti code/house of cards/Jenga tower references here]
  15. Nothing changing at this point, but for the record: Mastermind endurance "tax" is 20%. In a hypothetical world where it went away, you would not get anything like a 30% end cost reduction on those attacks.
  16. When slotting options are changed, any enhancement that was there stays there, they simply cant be added going forward or re-added during a respec.
  17. Only the closest henchman to you will execute the placate move. Everyone else will simply get 3 seconds to crit.
  18. Hey guys, don't have much time to address everything that has come up but want to quickly address a few recruiting points quickly: Repulsion Field will have its radius increased for 25ft (for repel) along with faster pulse (not sure if that was patched already) should result in very rarely things getting so close they get knocked back unless they have repel protection or are *very* fast. This wont make it as easy to push things around in a large map as some might had grown used to, but I feel its a good middle point of making it usable for more players in more places. Repulsion Bolt recharge will be going back down to 4s Detention Field was touched but the change did not pass internal testing. We still plan to do something about it in the future. Personal Force Field has not been touched due to it being somewhat popular, but we still brainstorming on this power while trying to retain its utility around.
  19. Legacy reasons. Maybe one day I’ll pull the bandaid on that one.
  20. Mag 1 KB will stop any Knockdown that is not high magnitude and vector based. Knockbacks will still go through, they are not exactly uncommon, but they are not seen as regularly as knockdowns.
  21. Clarification: powers are not going to change the enhancement sets they accept. Although Cleave is a blurry line power at 40ft range, there is a reason "Targeted AoE" sets were renamed to "Ranged AoE" sets a while back. They should only go into ranged AoE attacks that accept range enhancements.
  22. To expand a little bit on what Faultline stated above: We are not giving extreme details on powers that players don't activate directly. Powers that are controlled by the AI will usually get more broad patch notes about performance adjustments. Player powers will continue to get as precise notes as possible.
  23. Not an "issue" as much as just the way that screen works. Its worked this way for years for VEAT respects, they always been able to skip their T1 from their secondary.
  24. I understand your concern. This thought did not escape our minds. For the most part, though, players at those level ranges are still limited by power slots. Someone that decides to start taking many of these powers earlier is likely going to have to make a harder choice by taking those instead of many actual sources of power creep, like leadership, hasten, fighting pool, and so on. Some builds will indeed become a bit more powerful, but this mostly applies to ones that were comparatively weaker to their peers in progression. Picking many of the capstone powers by passing on many of the other powers in the path there will also result, at those level ranges, with plenty of idle play due to not having enough abilities nor the recharge to make those abilities cycle fast enough. Either way, we will be monitoring things. Difficulty is something we have been looking at for a long time and trying to adjust over time, even if not directly, we always are trying to create foundations for future changes that will get us there. If you do find some situation that becomes game breaking, potentially some thing that was never meant to be (maybe nukes become usable in a task force that was obviously never meant to have anything nuke things away) please bring up those situations so we can evaluate the content. Might not change immediately, but we will look at them. As for everyone else, please respect others opinions.
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