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Captain Powerhouse

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Everything posted by Captain Powerhouse

  1. I understand this, but due to some current engine limitations, the only way to make the pet not-stack is if it either targets location or caster. Foe-focused pseudopet summons cant delete the older pet before summoning the new one, and with the buffed numbers, this power would be too strong if allowed to stack. If it is any help, bind commands are also useful. You can bind a key, like 1, to activate the power at the target location and then place the power on spot 1, it would be visually the same as just having it on spot 1 and targeting the enemy.
  2. Clarification about Glue Arrow: The power should be a location targeted power, but due to an error only the Controller version is doing this right now. Next patch that will be fixed.
  3. For a while now we been looking at means to give players a way to pick the movement animation via power customization, potentially on an inherent power.
  4. For clarity, since it is not visible in the power info: When you do Focused Barrage, the stun is not 10% chance of Mag 2, scale 6, but instead 100% chance for Mag 3, Scale 8.
  5. Quickness is a relatively weaker passive buff more similar to Swift. Run speed buff in gymnastic should also not be subject to the stacking restriction, since it's a copy or the small Quickness speed buff. Shinobi is a full copy of Ninja Run.
  6. Force of thunder will remain separate from the sustain because the players should never be in a position where they need to spend their AoE CC just to refresh or restart their sustain buff, the power shoulf be free to be used as needed to control foes. That was the reason for it to be split from the sustain.
  7. The reason Whirling Hands got the double damage with focus was to compensate for the lack of a cone (second AoE.) Double damage was simply too much for this, since it suddenly allowed too much AoE damage in too quick a burst. Given the goal was to make up for a second AoE, having it auto-recharge allows it to be chained with itself, and delivers the initial result in a much more balanced way.
  8. There is currently a timing bug where the damage comes too late in the animation, a fix for that is in the queue.
  9. The problem is not just combat jumping though, in theory those two buffs could be made to override each-other easily as they are identical movement buffs, but when you enter powers like Super Jump or Ninja Run and many other jump powers into the question, then controlling the stacking becomes extremely challenging as the replacement becomes intermittent, or potentially results in the player getting the best of either power at once, what jump grouping is designed to prevent from the start. It is something that was attempted. If I manage to actually make it work without loopholes, then the movement buff can come back.
  10. Old [current live] gymnastic was literally a merger of Combat Jump and Acrobatics, it was a copy and paste job. As such, it should had always been exclusive from other jump powers, for one. The second issue there is that it resulted in the set getting innate immob and knock-back protection. One of the goals with the revamps, if someone has noticed (it has not been stated explicitly) is to give some form of protection to one type of mez. In other words: TA ended with 2, another problem. The merger had one of the protections removed due for balance and the movement removed so it would be allowed to keep working with Combat Jump or Super Jump active. If an overwhelming majority (not just more than half) of people are fine with Gymnastics becoming exclusive from other jump powers, the movement buffs can be restored into it.
  11. The power for tankers will still say 10ft, but tankers get an inherent radius boost that will result in the power still having 15ft (without that extra radius being used for PPM calculations.)
  12. The glue arrow was changed simply because the new buffed duration/scale means it needed to be changed so it cant be double stacked, something that is hard with pseudopets unless the pets get entirely killed off and replaced with a new one. Currently, Disruption Arrow is doing that. I will look into doing the same for glue arrow and restore its location based form.
  13. Oil Slick itself does not take damage enhancements so it wont proc any proc that comes from a Damage set. It will pass those through to the flames pet. At the same time, the flames pets does not accept -Defense enhancements so the flames do not proc any proc that comes from a -Def set. Enhancement types that can proc on the oil: -Def and Slow Sets Enhancement types that can proc on the flames: Damage Sets
  14. It's just 30% of your health, take some risks, live a little.
  15. I been here, patiently and secretly waiting for the first gif showing 3 fast ETs in BU window...
  16. It started the other way around. Energy Assault picked up stuff that was in the works already for Energy Melee.
  17. It is being explored, and something might end up hitting test in the next or following iteration if its determined worth giving the change a shot.
  18. That was not the reason. The reason it went into Bone Smasher was to keep some parity with Energy Assault, something that is not necessary, just a sometimes "nice when things match."
  19. Poorly phrased, sorry, that is my bad. I phrased that way because you will often see a robot held and, given the identical scale, not notice them stunned. If you enhance for stun, the stun becomes longer duration than the hold. Once the hold wares off, the stun will be still in effect.
  20. By proxy, it also impacts EBs (most are downgraded AVs and retain their resistance powers.) But i guess that's where the partially resistible, partially irresistible nature of Flash will come even more useful.
  21. It seems the -Res(-ToHit) might not be very effective against most lts/bosses, BUT it will be effective against almost all AVs, since they have additional +Res(-ToHit.) At level 50, many AVs have around 85% resistance against ToHit debuffs, so that -Res(-ToHit) will make a big impact. Bosses and lts ritters with things like targeting drone, i think, also end up having +Res(-ToHit)
  22. The power can stun all targets equally. In addition to the stun, electronic targets can be held. As for the thread, i personally prefer to retain all blaster sets in this single thread. I already find it a bit hard to jump between the two separate energy melee threads.
  23. Not a bug, it seems. AVs have a min resist for -ToHit of 30% Bosses a Min resist of 20% Lieutenants a min of 10% Minions and players a min res of -300% The debuff still will eat through any additional -ToHit res the critter might have (level 50+ AVs tend to have powers that grant them very high resistance to most debuffs.)
  24. Hello guys, sorry I had not replied here yet but been busy juggling many things (and reading every single post on this thread all today.) I don't have answers for everything right now but I want to clarify a handful of things When we say we want to give more incentives to get into melee range, we mean that we want the melee powers that blasters get to be more useful. This is not about forcing all blasters to get into melee, but to reward the use of these powers beyond raw concept characters or set mules. No one will be forced to jump into melee range with a set they would not do so in the past. I could had phrased that part of the patch notes a lot better and avoided some confusion. Net Arrow's high range was simply a mistake. There is one set that has some of its powers intentionally at higher-than-standard range, Mind Manipulation, as Mind attacks in this game have had bonus range from the start. You will notice Subdue is still 80ft range. The high CC blasters got was an extreme over-correction from the live state where blasters where forbidden from having reliable AoE mez that was above mag 2, it had to be toned down. What is right now in test is still higher levels of CC out of manipulation sets than was allowed by the live team, just not enough to start stepping into controller or dominator territory with a single power. On the resistiability of Flash Arrow: resistance in this game means that a foe that happens to have 50% perception resistance might have (for example) its view distance cut by -10feet instead of -20feet. They still will have their perception reduced. Device's Smoke Grenade is basically the same, it has always been resistible. Be assured homogenization is not at all my goal, but some deviations from the standard just are too loop-sided. Case in point, we will not be turning every single sustain power into a toggle, much less a passive. Some will be toggles, some will be clicks, some like Mind and Dark will require an enemy to use. Oh, one more thing: Currently all versions of Total Focus are bugged while flying, 50% of the time they execute the old 3.3 second animation. This will be fixed in the next patch. Don't have a full list of future changes, but there will be some tweaks to a few powers based on feedback compiled from this thread.
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