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Captain Powerhouse

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Everything posted by Captain Powerhouse

  1. Text error, that never made it out of testing but forgot to remove the label. Will be fixed soon.
  2. Working from memory because I don’t know the current meta, but EQ is a game where basically everything is an elite boss and you don’t want to fight multiples. AoE spells are highly disliked in that game as they likely will bring unnecessary aggro and not speed up things much, or they might break sleeps that are keeping everyone alive. You can (or could) also use sleeps there to interrupt powerful enemy spells, if you are attentive enough to see them casting. Overall, it’s just a different game, and sleep just fits under their game structure.
  3. Quote for truth. Sleeps need help, but they are indeed far from useless. One of the many potential fixes is actually look into content and potentially give more situations for sleep to shine, that's not a trivial task, though. But imagine if... for example, sleep could cancel out Nemesis Vengeance.
  4. Why? Wouldn’t it be better just to remove that unnecessary movement penalty from Rooted? Only power that should have penalties is Granite.
  5. What if the maker of the set wants it nerfed because they realized they <bleeped> up big time?
  6. If all values were considered, the controller version of all these powers would receive a true and harsh nerf. As to the "why fix it now?" question: this was fixed long ago, internally, but was never pushed because of crash bugs that were fixed during Page 5 development (the crash bug some might had seen when customizing Faraday Cage earlier in testing.)
  7. This is not the complete picture. The powers still obey the same modifier tables, they are just balanced differently by giving them higher recharge and endurance cost. Modifiers in this game are not "shortcuts", they are the Archetype equivalent of a class's base attributes on most MMOs.
  8. By definition, if a power in a Controller secondary set is doing any buff or debuff (other than -speed) at the same level as the Defender equivalent, the set is over-performing, even if not by a ridiculous margin. That said, Twilight Grasp is tied 1st place (with Transfusion) when it comes to AoE heals, and adds -dmg, -regen and -tohit to an enemy, plus is easier to use than Transfusion by virtue of healing around the caster instead of the enemy (and for reference the heal from Transfusion does scale with AT modifiers). A mastermind with Twilight Grasp can heal in an area for 188.65 HP at level 50, after this change. A defender with Healing Aura heals for 133.86. Before the change, every version of twilight grasp was healing for 238.81. Even after this change, Twilight Grasp remains the strongest and most versatile AoE heal on any given archetype that has it, and on all ATs, it's still a stronger AoE heal than an Empath Defender's Healing Aura. So the alternative option of Buffing the Defender version instead is not in the table. Yes, every pseudopet power that ignores AT modifiers will be looked at, but for clarification: None of the leadership toggles ignore AT modifiers. This issue is mostly a problem with very old Pseudopet powers. We implemented new tech a long time ago to make pets automatically inherit AT modifiers with far less chances of human error. There are no AT modifiers at the moment for +Recharge, +Recovery, +Regen and a few other common stats either. If that ever changes, in those cases, the Defender version will see a buff instead of the other way around. New tables wont be used to retroactively nerf sets. Titan Weapons will see significant adjustments in Page 6. It was going to happen on Page 5 but we want those changes to come at the same time as the update for Energy Melee and another round of Dark Melee buffs.
  9. Cant get into details right now, but Trick Arrow is getting tons of love in Page 6
  10. Power Boost is only 12.5 seconds, no current plans to change it. I already mentioned in another thread about issues with Farsight, but that will be addressed in Farsight, not in Power Boost. Further discussion of that would be ideally done on that thread.
  11. This is something that applies to two new powers, and any future power that grants +Boost for longer than 15 seconds. No existing build has these powers, and they have not provided any +Def Str since they entered testing.
  12. Quick note on the AE thing: that particular change is being pushed to next issue. Right now, with some outliers like KoB, many powers actually do less damage when creating a custom critter than they do on equivalent AVs in the game. The change is being pushed back to attempt give all these outlier avoidance mechanics where an AV will warn before using extreme attacks like KoB, or maybe a Ranged Nuke, so players can move away or take some other safety measures. This will take some time and wont make it into Page 5.
  13. No, we are adopting a rule where long duration +Boost powers do not boost defense buffs. Same goes true for Amp Up.
  14. For what it’s worth we will not be touching Time until Page 6 at the earliest.
  15. Sorry me, thought I was replying in a different thread. All defense debuffs and defense debuff resistances are base defense only. Player powers are all typed or positional defense. Technically the power also boosts personal force Field, but that power is already so far out it means little.
  16. No, the feature has always been there and used on any power that provides resistances and those resistances can be enhanced. Its a flag that blocks all buffs from affecting that power's attributes (buffs, debuffs, damage, etc.) Things that alter base power factors, like recharge, accuracy, end cost, radius, and other stuff like that require a different flag.
  17. Very likely. Had I noticed it earlier i would had patched it centuries ago. Its a big game and things can easily fly under the radar.
  18. The power does not boost defense, it boosts Defense Debuffs. Due to mechanics this also means it boosts any enhanceable Defense Debuff Resistance. This is not a traditional Power Boost, even if its very similar. Note it also boosts damage and recharge.
  19. Farsight and Fade have been considered problem powers for a while now, and brought up a lot internally. Fade just happened to be caught in an audit. We have been developing tools to enforce rule sets that might have been missed over the years, similar to how we have been addressing many PvP rule loopholes. That audit also revealed Elixir of Life and Sentinel’s Genomic Evolution, powers that should had been flagged to be ignoring buffs. Without this flag, +Resistance values get boosted by inspirations, damage buffs and Build Up, so it needs to be there. Farsight is being looked at currently, no announcements on that front yet, maybe next week, but the power does not break rules, it just happens to be too good within the rules. It might need a focused change, but no, it won’t just get slapped with token resistances to the power so it can get an ignore flag.
  20. Unless its an urgent bug fix that gets tested here, all that is being tested right now will be patched live as part of the Page 5 bundle.
  21. Traditionally, of the first two powers, the one that has the most impact while solo at low level is the one that gets stuck at T1.
  22. At lease at this time, pending testing, the idea is to bring the damage back to fully enhanceable.
  23. Saying this now so it’s not a shock when it testing, the DoT will be over a long period of time, likely 15 seconds. It will likely be a fast ticker, though.
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