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Captain Powerhouse

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Everything posted by Captain Powerhouse

  1. The proc has no way to know if the damage on a power has a delay, so sometimes it will just trigger first because it wont have a delay on it. Other times (cases of no delays,) it seems very arbitrary what order the engine decides to execute either the power attribs or the global procs. There is no much i can do for that other than force a half second delay on all procs, but that has its own issues. I also have not found a way to make it just report the name of the power the proc is triggering from, if i find a way to do that, I'll definitively update the message to do so.
  2. You mean you dont see the message when using, for example, Impale?
  3. It’s actually because I thought no one ever would see that so I never bothered to change the name from the template I used.
  4. Sorry my bad, posted the above while in a bit of a rush. I'll do some more testing of my own but if you try again, and enmies are not taunted by the damage aura, just toggle it on and off and let me know if it shows taunt messages. The proc is no longer granted on a timer and is always granted as soon as there is a zone-in event. Not sure yet if the server does the necessary assignment in a specific order or if its some arbitrary order, but a wait should not be necessary either way.
  5. This test batch should remove the no-proc thing and you should now reliably be taunting with your auras. To test and make sure this is happening, look at your combat log and make sure you see a “You taunt X with your Fury” message for every tick of damage from Blazing Aura. If that taunt message is hitting , we have another non-power related issue for the AI behavior.
  6. The fix to the Taunt Aura is still in test. The icon you see is not because you are taunting yourself, it's likely an oddity with the chunk of it that is granting you bonus +Rage on slow attacks.
  7. If you know of any other than the ones listed, please post them.
  8. Griffins approach should also help (it’s just less convenient than zoning wirh the power toggled off,) but there is also, i think, a timing issue on top of the application bug, and that can be more random and non-controllable. Both things should be fixed in the next patch, that is already in the queue.
  9. All auras. Edit: there are a few exceptions, like Invincibility, that continue to have a weaker internal taunt on top of the inherent taunt. Those technically work right now, but they still are subject to the bug.
  10. I have a fix for this now, but for the time being: Next time you face this, try de-toggling Blazing Aura and give it 12 seconds (exactly, or more) and reactivate it. The proc gets granted every time you zone, within 10 seconds of zoning. If Blazing Aura is running already, the proc wont trigger until its deactivated and re-activated. There is also an additional issue with timing even if it applies, so that might not fix the issue, but might alleviate it. Ideally: zone into missions with Blazing Aura turned off for now. Edit: BTW, *this* issue is different from the last one, and also affects Tankers.
  11. Just a heads up: the taunt fix helped but not completely, there are still some odd timing issues that causes it to not work. Working on a fix for that right now. This side of the bug also happens to affect Tankers, but its also a lot more random.
  12. The starting origin attack power's reward message, that should had been blank.
  13. Of the top of my mind (might be missing Trip Mine and Time Bomb) it has an 80% chance.
  14. Specific proc that you tested? Is this also happening right now live?
  15. Not fixed in the current test iteration, but soon (already fixed internally.)
  16. Not a bug, might change in the future as some things are updated to use newer tools, but so long as its a pet it just wont help you if it triggers any self-buffs on itself.
  17. There was a shelved AT called the Striker, it was supposed to have a primary set that would be pretty much Assault-Like and a secondary that would be similar to Blaster Manipulation sets (with armor powers instead of melee attacks) One of the big gimicks of the AT is that Melee attacks would be empowered by stacking buffs generated using ranged attacks from range. If you ever played Final Fantasy XIV, the AT would play VERY similar to Red Mages, only no black/white balance. Instead just build up the meter, and use it as a secondary power source to turn those melee strikes into extremely powerful attacks. For the most part the AT would be playing a DPS role with some hard crowd control on their secondary and some team support on their epics. It is a concept I still hope to realize at some point. If it was to happen, it would very likely start with just 3 or 4 primary and secondary sets, at least at first. Getting sentinels out the door was ridiculously hard, and it still needs lots of work.
  18. Bug found and squashed internally, on the queue now.
  19. WAI, unless someone finds an extremely exploitable use for Sands of Mu and force my arm into nerfing it. It should apply to almost all AoEs, regardless if they are epics, armor powers, power pools, inherents, temps, etc. Pseudo-pet powers should not be affected.
  20. On the Phantom Army zoning issue: Can anyone confirm if this occurs with both, the Mirror and the old power themes? Can anyone verify if it also happens with Fire Control's Imps?
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