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Mr Isotope

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Everything posted by Mr Isotope

  1. Great to see a healing set with damage. Feral feast has only I end redu, I would switch a heal for balance.
  2. Got mine fixed, many thanks for the advice.
  3. i am having the same problem, i have an older laptop 6 years so its taking ages trying to resolve any help out there ?
  4. Bopper many thanks for posting this, i am happy with the way the changes are being proposed ie i get to fly faster and get a free booster, but given that 90 % of this thread is all about fly maybe its a compromise thats needed, what about doubling uptime for afterburner or halving down time. Im at work right now so my brains sort of wired into that right now. I am not trying to make things worse but it all seems focused on fly that tells me mabye we should be taking a step back and giving it another flyover/recon/whatever you want to call it. As for the binds and macros i wont even go there as i dont use them.
  5. I see its all getting a bit heated, personally I love fly i take it more than any travel power. The issue with the changes from what im seeing are fly is slower than the others but if you invest a few extra slots it gets you near the cap where the others need no extra investment slotwise. This seems unfair as what i read and hear are most builds are extremely tight for slotting. Lets say you leave fly as is but to get to the new caps for ss and sj you need to allocate the SAME investment slotwise as fly. Would this seem fair. I only use the initial slot that fly gives you so what about that the single fly slot and the single afterburner slot takes you to cap that a compromise??
  6. Guys i've been following this discussion for a while, sorry its gonna be a long one, I agree with the poster who said its run its course but not in the way he thinks. first of all I can absolutely see why the OP posted, he was upset in game with some other players reactions. that being said how he came across has gotten us all here, for me it could have been put across a bit better. A little back story from my point of view ive played from the first day the game went on sale I was one of the players who was, ill say it "upset and very angry" when the rug was pulled from under us all at sunset. Where I am now is working 6 days a week having a wife and family 3 boys and also a grand daughter so my time online playing is limited. i'm also probably in the oldest 1% or maybe that's just how it feels. We have been given the chance again but im saddened by some of the comments im reading on this topic i'm guessing Gravitus you play a LOT, I wish I could say the same you obviously have a great deal of in game experience and in depth knowledge of the game which I don't as I cannot have the time to get into every post and try every powerset and AT or get into options at Null. In that regard my hat's off to you sir. Berkley some of your comments I, and I see some others, find abhorrent. getting people banned on what seems like a whim and then proudly boasting about it while also saying that you have decided to become a "mentor" to new players. All I am seeing is that telling others that your way, what ever that means to you, is the best and dare anybody to question you or diverge from what you are doing be it in a team or anywhere else they will have to be chastised/banned or whatever. I don't think the word you are looking for is mentor, I can think of a few others . I did not know about Null being able to turn it off but some people think that im lazy/ignorant or bad at the game, sorry that position hold no water for many of the other people posting, see reason above. People are talking about being efficient, we are not at work guys/gals, its a game, games are supposed to be fun and to be enjoyed. im not seeing much of that on here. Lets try this example the OP was on the BAF 2 people on it with him are myself and one of my sons Specifically my middle son. he tells me that he if flying ??? and needs help. I go to team chat I ask if anybody has GF on and its you. I ask politely if you could turn it off. You quite rightly refuse for the reasons that you gave. I then explain that the other player is my son who has ADHD and Autism and he cannot understand what is happening because I/we don't know about Null for the reason ive given before. I feel its a small accommodation for a mission which you must play often but we together cannot. Would your reaction and others have been the same. who knows. I would have posted the topic by saying HI Everyone i've come across a situation where I assumed that people have the same in depth knowledge of the game as I do with regards to GF, can we get some momentum behind getting the GF option at null out there to a wider audience or get a petition going so that its an option if someone in your current team has that power it can be turned off for you ? I would be 100% behind this where can i sign up. What about a specific set of mishes for Null so that newer players can get up to speed with the quality of life options that are here now ? I don't know i.e. when we hit level 20 or 25 or 30 some of our contacts suggest a visit to Null to find out new options for your character give it lets see a badge or 50 merits or a new title for your character only when you complete the mishes ?? We must remember newer players are getting to 50 and into incarnate stuff way faster than before some are getting boosted via AE or whatever and are joining any team they can then find out they are in over their heads, when starting this type of content a simple "experienced players only need apply" i find works wonders. Everybody learns at their own pace, please dont force feed your playstyle/ opinions down peoples throats. what works for you might seem boring to others. i dont mind jogging along at say +1 having a team thats getting along having a laugh and meeting new and interesting people. A few hours spent like this for me is time well spent. This community has always been about helping others for me anyway don't make us Elitists looking down our noses at less able/knowledgeable players that attitude should be for WoW. I don't think ill be checking the forums for a good while other than updates as im deflated by some of the stuff on this thread. We need to be strong, for me it means sticking together and not getting at each others throats we're a small community we want more players not less. Thank you for your time and patience. PS ive typed this after a long shift forgive any spelling mistakes.
  7. Ill second that
  8. Hi there did you come to one of the meeting we had in Glasgow. Borders Books i believe it was??? Im on Excelsior as Mr Isotope mostly playing as Major Neutron right now.
  9. HI all I've just tried Pines for my SS/Rad brute, I cannot get Beta Decay to work with the correct enh's. It's Acc debuff and Def debuff their not showing up as able to slot ??, is this just me or I am not doing something correctly.
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