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RWZ number cap

Queen Nefertiti

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So tonight we did a mothership raid which went flawlessly. The raid leaders were organised and people had a blast, with only a handful of faceplants. Getting it going on the other hand was something of a nightmare due to the max 50 cap on number of players in the zone. We had a full league of 48 players but a number of them couldn't enter the zone as it was full. We tried to zone into RWZ 2 but it was still difficult.  Eventually some people quit the league and those already in the zone were able to fill the spots. I don't know if it was done because of pressure on the servers, but it does seem a bit daft to limit the number of players to almost the number in a full league. Mother ship raids are always popular and fill up quickly. People zone in from far and wide looking for an invite. My personal feeling is that the cap needs to be raised to at least 75. Is that possible? Or is it something we will have to live with because it commits too many server resources needed elsewhere? I get that homecoming doesn't have the same kind of unlimited server space as live did, but with a limit cap this low it's going to cause problems.

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Valid points.  Though the "Suggestions" thread is probably the place where you want to make your appeal.  In fact, I'm pretty sure there is a thread for this specific subject there already, so add your voice their theirs. 😎

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The only zones with a 50 player cap are The Abyss, The Hive, and Rikti War Zone.  Most zones are capped at 100.  Atlas Park, Kallisti Wharf, and Pocket D are capped at 200.


I held a test of the Rikti mothership raid trial in Pocket D on the beta server last weekend because I figure that's where many will form up on the regular servers as it is one of the two co-op zones with a 200 player cap and many people already use it to form Incarnate trials in.

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