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I'm on a Discord server with Jeremy from TheQuartering and it has hundreds of people on it. I was wondering, how much should I proclaim the amazing awesome that is the rebirth of COH?  Do we want to limit how many know about this or do we want as many as who want to come to join?


Me, I'm Just glad to be back.


That was a joke.  Despite some affiliation with the people who were running the invite-only private server for several years, Homecoming is not invite-only.  Anyone who wants to can join.

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There are gears turning in an effort for full legitimacy, but we don't know when, or even if, that will be successful.  So, for the time being, tell anyone you want.  That, and some articles from Massively are where most people came upon the knowledge that the game was back.  If the aforementioned efforts are successful, you can bet there will be a full-on shouting from the rooftops by us, the Devs, and anyone else who cares to join in.  Until then, it's pretty much word-of-mouth.

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What was no more, is REBORN!

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