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I was messing around on test last night with a Fire/FF, just taking powers I usually skipped or frankenslotting ppwers I usually put sets into, and what I saw led to some questions.


 First set of questions are in regards to Annihilation: Chance for -Res...


The description says it "... provides a chance to reduce the target's damage resistance by a moderate amount for a short time."  


What is a moderate amount of -Res?  What is a short time?  Does anyone know if it messages back to the combat window if it procs?  Does anyone know if it triggers just on firing, or, if I slot it in Bonfire will it 'stick' to the resulting pet and fire off at random for the life of the effect?  


Second set of questions has to do with Force Feedback: Chance for +Recharge.  I slotted one in Bonfire, one in Force Bolt, one in Energy Torrent EPP, and another in Repulsion Field. 


I noticed the proc firing off ALL THE TIME but it never stacked, i.e. my base Recharge without Hasten was 67.5, and it would pop to 167.5 for a few seconds, go back to 67.5 for a few seconds, spike to 167.5, and so on.  When I had Hasten up, it would spike to 237.5.  As often as it was firing, I would have expected to see an occasional 267.5 or 337.5, but I didn't in about a half hour of testing.  Is it possible the Attrubutes window was bugged, or was I just unlucky, or does that just not stack?


I'm also not exactly sure where I was getting all those 'hits' from;  with the recharge I was able to have two Bonfires up at all times, and Repulsion Field is a toggle, but it seemed to be pretty much more time spent at +100 than not. 


I will test the individual powers/slots more tonight, but since that's like 12 hours away, if in the meantime anyone has general info to share regarding how procs work in 'pets' like Bonfire or toggles like Repulsion Field, that would be great to know.

I killed them.... Con Carne


I don't think I've ever even slotted annihilation proc. but I can answer the Force Feedback question. No. It does not stack. If you look at the Paragon Wiki entry, the fourth note on this proc is: "The proc is not unique, meaning it can be slotted in multiple powers, but does not stack - instead, multiple procs will simply refresh the duration of the buff."


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Trademarked Name (@Trademark)

Hocus-Pocus, Assault, Joan (of Atlas), Homunculous, Ensorcellress, Seismic, Wolfin, J0LT, The Limit, Transparency, Fastball, Loremaster, Monkey-Boy, Presto Chango, Kazam

Posted (edited)


41 minutes ago, roleki said:

Is it possible the Attrubutes window was bugged, or was I just unlucky, or does that just not stack?

The Attributes window does occasionally bug or not include things. I have seen that Hybrid incarnate powers occasionally just don't get added onto the total but appear on the list. Also, you might have been unlucky. The fact that is doesn't stack with Hasten is weird - maybe it just doesn't stack with any recharge buffs.


41 minutes ago, roleki said:

I'm also not exactly sure where I was getting all those 'hits' from;  with the recharge I was able to have two Bonfires up at all times, and Repulsion Field is a toggle, but it seemed to be pretty much more time spent at +100 than not. 

Bonfire, probably, but because of it resetting the timer every time it procs, it's probably those two working together to keep you fired up with +recharge.

Edited by Gulbasaur
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1 minute ago, Gulbasaur said:

Bonfire, probably.

I hope so, Bonfire is actually useful. 


Math is as inscrutable as magic to me, but if I was reading the PPM posts correctly, the small radius and lack of slotted recharge should(?) have made Repulsion Field a pretty decent mule for procs, but having slotted Repulsion Field with both the FF: +Rech and the KB:KD procs, all I ever saw in the combat window was hundreds of notices that my RF had knocked down so and so, but, nobody ever falling down.

I killed them.... Con Carne

17 minutes ago, Trademarked Name said:

I don't think I've ever even slotted annihilation proc. but I can answer the Force Feedback question. No. It does not stack. If you look at the Paragon Wiki entry, the fourth note on this proc is: "The proc is not unique, meaning it can be slotted in multiple powers, but does not stack - instead, multiple procs will simply refresh the duration of the buff."


Awesome, that explains exactly what I was seeing.  Thank you!

I killed them.... Con Carne


I tried the FF +recharge IO in repulsion field and I never saw it proc once (in about 20 minutes of use). I figured it's be a sure fire way of getting the proc to ahem proc, I know it worked in Repel (used it on live anyway). Also the KB -> KD proc from sudden acceleration just turns repulsion field into a cheaper version of the force bubble.


I'm fairly sure that when they added IO sets it was said that when a proc was added to a pet/pseudo pet that proc affected the pet and not the caster. I don't know if that changed and I haven't tested it on my own Bonfire (Fire/Rad) as I don't have spare slots for testing it (though I might one day).

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2 hours ago, Lost Ninja said:

I tried the FF +recharge IO in repulsion field and I never saw it proc once (in about 20 minutes of use). I figured it's be a sure fire way of getting the proc to ahem proc, I know it worked in Repel (used it on live anyway)...

This doesn't surprise me. Procs in toggles are a bit wonky sometimes. Personally, when I see a "toggle" i just assume only globals will work effectively unless someone has confirmed otherwise. I put performance shifter +end and a Panacea in toggle that appeared to not fire a single time over 30 mins, but then I just slotted performance shifter +ENd on a toggle on a lev 50 toon and it seemed to work fine. 

Trademarked Name (@Trademark)

Hocus-Pocus, Assault, Joan (of Atlas), Homunculous, Ensorcellress, Seismic, Wolfin, J0LT, The Limit, Transparency, Fastball, Loremaster, Monkey-Boy, Presto Chango, Kazam

7 hours ago, Trademarked Name said:

This doesn't surprise me. Procs in toggles are a bit wonky sometimes. Personally, when I see a "toggle" i just assume only globals will work effectively unless someone has confirmed otherwise. I put performance shifter +end and a Panacea in toggle that appeared to not fire a single time over 30 mins, but then I just slotted performance shifter +ENd on a toggle on a lev 50 toon and it seemed to work fine. 

I tried out the panacea proc in health on a DP/FF corrupter and found that every 15-20 secs I got a heal going off (only heal on the character too was great). Don't know about the +end effect.

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After doing some more testing, it looks like the +Rech proc in Bonfire only fires once - on activation - no checking back again after 10s or anything good like that.


Surprisingly enough, I seemed to get the most +Rech out of Repulsion Field, with multiple hits as I waded through throngs of goobers.  


The Annihilation -Res seems to be 20% for ~8 seconds; far as that goes, it seems like Energy Torrent was the better vehicle for the -Res proc, usually hitting multiple targets on every activation.  Bonfire *does* seem to check multiple times during the life of the pseudo-pet, but it sends no information back to the Combat tab so I am judging solely off the sudden appearance/disappearance of triangles and a small uptick in damage numbers.


Individually, this all seems underwhelming but when you stack everything together it seems to add up.

I killed them.... Con Carne

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