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Vidiotmaps Map Overlay


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It works fine, just extract the data folder into the Tequila base folder.


However, some areas never had a Vidiotmaps map, like Faultline Echo, so be ready to do some searching for badges in some areas.


Thank you.

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It works fine, just extract the data folder into the Tequila base folder.


However, some areas never had a Vidiotmaps map, like Faultline Echo, so be ready to do some searching for badges in some areas.


Regarding this and I mentioned it in another thread: I did reach out to TheSteiner but it seems likely that he will not be continuing this project. So until someone else takes up the mantle, we won't get those maps.

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I'd forgotten all about this addon for the game.  Thanks!  I had a copy stored away on my computer, but the link seems to be more up to date than what I had.  I'll have to wait until server maintenance is over to give it a try.


Also extra thanks for letting us know where to install the thing.  I'll have my fingers crossed.  If I don't post again here later today, then you know it must have worked.  =)


EDIT:  Yep, it works just fine!  I was briefly in Atlas Park and it looks good as well.



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