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Changing supergroup leadership


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Just wondering what the options are when it comes to (as the title says) changing leadership in a supergroup.

Couldn't find any mention of a command or interface option that lets the leader (/owner?) transfer their title to another player/character.

So question 1: Is letting the timed demotion kick in the only way of making this happen?


Follow-up questions..

2: Can I use this to switch leadership between my own characters?

3: Is there no way to disable the automatic demotion?


I'm aware of why the system exists but other than the answer for question 1 being "yes", I have no need for it.


Thank you!

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To change leadership just have your leader character open SG tab and promote the other character all the way up.  You will get a pop up that says you are promoting them to your level and there can only be one that level so you will demote yourself and are you sure you want to do it, click yes.  This works for any member, your own characters or others.


I dont know that you can disable the auto-demote but try playing with the length of time on it, you may can set it for like 1000 days or something which being more that 3 years is effectively disabling it.  Surely you can log in once in a super long time like that lol.


Good luck!

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Ah alright, I didn't know it worked through regular promotion. This wasn't an issue back when I played it on Steam and I was just asking here before making my new groups along with a friend.

As for the demotion timer, I'm not sure if the Homecoming team changed this feature?


Again, had no experience with it directly last time but according to the regular wiki the minimum is 15 days and the maximum is 45 days, with any amount higher or lower than that automatically adjusted to be within the limits. Just asking because I'm pretty sure I also didn't have (for example) 1000 character slots on the old game or a bunch of free costume slots!


Thanks Emmy, I'll check it out! It may be silly to others but I like to figure out which of my characters would be the most likely leader and have them be at the top - even if they're created after the group has already been established.

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Max days for the auto-demote is 600.


Be careful when promoting other members.  My (former) supergroup leader rapidly promoted one my new characters in the group and made me supergroup leader.  Rapidly clicking "Promote" several times will skip the pop-up.


When he noticed it, he DEMANDED that I give the group leadership back and FLIPPED OUT when I didn't give it back IMMEDIATELY (I was in a mission with some other friends.)  If I had thought about it at the time, I owuld have kicked him out of the group and not let anyone else invite him back in.  Needless to say, I quit that group after giving it back.  They suck at missions anyway.

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@Super Whatsit

Superbase passcode (Excelsior) is "passcode-6475"


It's all a Nemesis plot.  But not everything is a Nemesis plot!

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Thanks for the clarification. I'm not certain I will HAVE to worry about it, though. My original intention was just to play this game by myself, casually. A friend may be joining me at times soon as a result of me asking him for help in inviting my characters in.


If the maximum is indeed 600 days then even if I get other players in the groups at any time, it should be fine. One can end up without access to an online game for extended periods of time for multiple reasons but longer than that is very unlikely for me.

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My SG is just me and my son (who rarely plays because he has two jobs).  I love how easy HC has made it to invite your alts, build a base for free, only need power/control for minimal stuff.  Once you get some porters set up, a rez ring and some storage tables you will be off and running!


Good luck!

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