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Reaction Time from blaster secondary


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As much as everyone who is going to open this post thinks I'm going to say make all the buffs all the time. That's not what this power needs. The power's values are just fine. But...


I feel that the rooted animation of turning the power on is counter productive to the concept of the power. If it is going to give a sort duration buff when it gets turned off, especially one that is movement based, then allow this power to be toggled back on while a character is moving. The simple ability of turning it on and off without being rooted will encourage players to use the power as it was intended.


Please post thoughts and opinions. Do you agree or not? Why?

I have a Darkness Manipulation Proposal: Let me know what you think!

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Taking away teh rooted nature of the 'turnon' isnt a bad idea, but I still think the power NEEDS to have teh +rech part not tier no the utterly stupid (and totally unique, because it just makes no sense) mechanic of having to turn a power OFF before i does what you want. Sure, the +rec and absorb is really nice, but every blaster (I still think someone in the power area had a blaster with bad end issues, so just decided that all blasters need a huge recovery boost)  gets that (with some exceptions, making the sets with that even better).

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