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On 1/15/2020 at 4:39 AM, Chris24601 said:

(I still don’t know exactly what’s going on in the TPN trial and why I’m being teleported from building to building by the teams practically every minute).

In fairness, this is because there really isn't any sort of legitimate reason you're going back and forth from building to building, outside of "the old devs needed to think up a trial, so they decided to just put all the awful ideas still left after Keyes in one place".

On 1/15/2020 at 2:23 AM, Greycat said:

One type runs to where you are when it spawns - which is a very sensible ambush. "Evildude spotted in room 7! Get him!"   Also can be easy to avoid - I've just stepped into a side hallway and watched them run by.  (I *think* there's a type that waill run to wherever you've gone to when each wave spawns. So you get a trail of breadcrumb-ambushes behind you standing around.)

A good example of this type of ambush is in the "Rescue the homeless people" mission you get around level 4-8 in either Atlas Park or Kings Row. When you rescue the first homeless person, it triggers an ambush of Lost that run toward you from the entrance that runs to the back of the mission. What I've found works as a ploy to avoid this is to aggro the pair of Lost  guarding each of the captives from far enough away that, when I defeat them, I don't immediately trigger the 'rescue' of the captive, and then work my way back to the rear of the mission to defeat the other guards and the end boss. Then I run past each of the captives, triggering their 'rescue' so they follow me, running back to the entrance. Generally the first real room in the map has a section wide enough that, even without stealth, I can pull everyone to one side and watch while the ambushes thunder past on their way to the back of the mission, after which I can run out without incident, and if I decide to, I can go back and whack the ambushes as they stand around wondering where I am.


One of the things I did after getting my feet wet in Homecoming was roll up some Praetorians.  I started a lot of them before Sunset, but never carried any character much in to the first arc of the second area.  I would either not be satisfied with the powersets or get distracted and go play SWTOR or WoW.  Truth to tell, that was the case with most of my characters (and still is now, for the most part) and then I started knuckling down on my Stone/Energy Tank namesake so didn't spend time in Praetoria.


After finally pushing through 4 different characters on Praetoria in Homecoming, the rest of the blue side arcs seem easy, while the red side arcs seem almost bland and boring.

Are you a Wolf, a Sheep, or a Hound?

They called me crazy? They called me insane? THEY CALLED ME LOONEY!! and boy, were they right.

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