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*poofs into existence*


*hugs Neko and Detra*


*grabs a slice of cold COLD pizza*



Work! Welcome back Detra!


*poofs out of existence*


Hi Rook. By Rook.


I swear that bird has too much going on.


*kicks back for a day of work*


The long weekend was nice.. Got to play quite a bit. Saw so many awesome character concepts and costumes out there. I love the creativity this game inspires.


*poofs into existence*


*flops into the waiting Purple FBBC*


Hells yeah. Somedays I do. But its over now. I r have been trained. Weeeeee!


*rolls eyes*


Now I need a drink and a donuts and to kill some goons.


I got to pretend to be Obscene Jester last night. Woooooo! There is something wrong with that guy. Anna got to have a brief convo with Detra some last night. She's ACES!


Anyways, how is everyone here?






Well right now I'm jonesing because I want to play some City before work but apparently the servers are down for updates. So... mixed feelings there? I got to talk to Detra last night too, though it was during a trial, so I was kinda pre-occupied. I also finally convinced my room mate to try the game. Sadly I fell asleep before she finished character creation, so I think she'll do well. :)


Nutty characters can be fun to play. I was having a lot of fun playing Alison Chain (chains was already taken, sadface) and chatting in the RP channel. She's a very happy and cheerful pyschopath who once touched an alien artifact and gained a symbiote... You know, kind of Witchblade, Guyver, Venom kind of deal except it's not intelligent or anything. She's spines/bio armor, so the symbiote manifests by growing out of her skin, all the time. So her clothes are always shredded, it's difficult to touch anything because as she puts it, she has 'razorblades for skin'. But still, she's very happy... slicing things to bit. Also she's more than a little of a masochist since there's no pain-deadening aspect to her symbiote... Instead it feels good for her. And she can't die. So.... yeah. She's crazy, but happy about it.


I just love the roleplay opportunities this game give. :D


Pretty good so far. I'm in the high teens.. 19 I think. Ran a bunch of DFB and DiB with it where I was just acting as insane as my character, considering I'm a scrapper and not brute. I'd run into the middle of a pack of enemies, fire off my AOE and just start going to town. The only thing that really caused me trouble was the giant shivans at the end of DiB. Once you get to the point where you unlock your stances (offence, defense, efficient) you've got a couple of 'oh shit' buttons when you draw too much aggro being a fool like me. And the 'you get gradually armored up as you activate powers' visual aspect really fits the characters aesthetic. Or you can choose to shut off the lumpy armor with minimal FX is you want. Spines/Bio-armor just really works well together so far, both as a combination as visually.


*poofs into existence*


Let's see.... blueberry waffles this morning. And some bacon and scrambled eggs.


It might be the end of the world but at least I'll go out well fed.

*hums a tiny tune wandering around the place which sounds a lot like 'This is Halloween' from Nightmare Before Christmas.


On unrelated news, I got Nixie up to level 45. Woooo!


With several people deciding they want to make family members of my character Alison Wonderland I've sat down and written up part of the family history, who they are, why they have such a famous name and why they tend to dress and act kind of odd. For anyone else who wanted to make a Wonderland sibling or other family member they have some basis to work from. This doesn't have to be set in stone if anyone has some ideas they want to add or change..


A Wonderland of the current generation should be of Magic origin, have at least one of their powersets be Dark to represent the family magic and they tend to have alliterative names. All of Alison's sisters and brothers have names starting with A.


For your perusal, the curious tale of the Wonderland Family;


The people known as the Wonderland family are a peculiar bunch of magic users that have been around for many generations, working to preserve order in the Prime world from encroaching chaos. They make their home, Wonderland Manor in a pocket dimension, a bridge between the Prime plane and a plan of pure Chaos. They usually prefer to work in secrecy, even from other magical societies like Oranbega or the Midnight Squad. One side effect of living so close to chaos is that the Wonderlands have an extended lifetime. They can live 2-3 times as long as an average human. Between that and their reclusive nature many of them dress and act in manners that seem old fashioned to modern people. There also tends to be several adult children of various ages as well as extensive networks of cousins.


On rare occasions someone is adopted into the family. Usually due to a member of the family falling in love and marrying them. Sometimes unwanted guests stop in. More often it’s chaos demons but there are rare cases where someone from the prime dimension slips through. Such was the case of young Alice Lidell who stumbled into Wonderland Manor in the fall of 1864. She was lost for several days in the chaos realm before one of the Wonderlands found her and sent her back to the Prime dimensions minutes after she fell through a portal. To try and preserve her sanity William Wonderland erased the memory her harrowing experience and replaced it with dream images that Alice’s uncle, Lewis Carroll published over the next several years as fanciful stories. Amused by these tales and impressed that an untrained young girl manages to survive several days alone in the chaos realm, he named his next daughter Alison in honor of her.


Current events being the way they are, with magical and alien threats on the rise several of the Wonderland children has started to take a more active role the Prime world, hiding their origin among the many heroes of Paragon City. Using their dark magics they fight against the rising Chaos and groups that would damage the world.



*poofs into existence, feathers askew*


Sorry haven't been around....training...oooh


*reads Wonderland description*


I like that. That is good. Thanks Neko!


*turns on the waffle machine*


Gotta go again.


*poofs out of existence*


I am glad people enjoy it. Originally Alison Wonderland was to be a witch who was older than she looked who helped protect against chaos and all that, still the same. Her name however was meant to be a punny pseudonym. With people making Wonderland sibling characters though I expanded it out to make a whole family. So feel free to add what you like to the story. William and Willamena are the sibling's parents, but I haven't fleshed out the rest of the family tree in case people make more characters.


*wanders in wearing dusty overalls and a hard had and heads over to a chefbot*


Water, on the rocks and make it a double.


Well, I'm getting the hang of this 'building outside the base now'. Though I do wish that things like walls and fences had snapping points instead of having to line them up by hand. It's not horrible to do, but it could be a lot easier to run a length of fencing if they would just snap together. Unfortunately I don't think I can really do what I was wanting to do originally. My thought for Wonderland Manor was to build the house and gardens above the base area, then go back inside the base proper and build catacombs with teleporters to get between. The trouble is that the base builder was never really meant for that kind of big outdoor building and there's not a large amount of pieces suitable for building a home. Especially an older, brick and wood spooking kind of place. I could probably still do it... but it's kind of an amount of investment would be way over the return situation.


So time to rethink... I'll probably do a more traditional base with rooms decorated and divided up to represent the house. Probably do a large open space for the garden with a fake sky roof and all. I could still do an 'above the base' garden area. Then I can use the new teleporter beacons to link the 'garden', 'house' and 'catacomb' areas.


*poofs into existence*


*turns on the pamcake machine*


*shines medal on chest indicating 'Bestest Data Mapper Person*


I HAVE been trained. Although in five months when I need the training I will have likely forgotten it. *shrugs*


I was given a mandate by 'teh dog' to get Abigail some training, specifically 35 levels worth of it. By the time they got back.


Almost got Nixie to 50, like 48.6 as of last night. She got distracted by meeting a cookie witch.


But man I swear I have missed so much content...I can't remember, can I exemp down to do content or is my only option Ouro?


On the other front, maybe I should buy a ostritch for the place?


*jumps in the purple FBBC and zooms around the place*


To go back and do content you've missed  you have two options. Ouro or find someone who can get the mission and play it with them. AFAIK there is no way to willingly 'de-level' yourself to pick up missions you missed. Ouroboros was their answer to that. It should be noted that you can get a base item that gives you Ouro missions. No need to visit the Menders.


Lesse tank is 50 +3 getting very well kitted out, corruptor at 45, defender at 37 I think. Abraham Wonderland is 18. Stuff all over da place!


Good job working on the base Neko!


*poofs into existence*


I thought so...


*noms on a donut and holds out a box for everyone else.


Ignore the holes in the creme filled ones. I had to check what flavor they were before I got one.


*hangs a sign out on the front window saying "ALL ARE WELCOME"*



*poofs into existence and falls face first into a bean bag chair*


So I was playing around with macro n cheese last night instead of apprehending bad guys and I found out you cannot trigger two animations in a single macro. I am Le Sad. I was hoping to have Abigail be able to transform into some howling horrible thing with her two dark toggle powers but both have animations so it would only do the one.


SO I made two animation buttons unneeded but in doing so, hitting one so close to the other, actually cancels the smoke effect from the other one. At least until I go in mission. It was quite odd. I think I was breaking COH a little.




Anyways, how is everyone this morning? Halfway done with mah steroids so yay! F U Bronchitis!


*pours some OJ in a frosty mug and watches the sun come up*


*watches a bird take wing*


*hears faint music somewhere*


I think I am in a commercial.




City of Heroes is an over the counter medication. Please see a doctor if your joy lasts for more than four weeks. Side effects may include giggles, giddiness, extreme happiness, loss of sleep, altitis and rage at that damn layer cake room. Please use as directed.


*poofs into existence*


*flutters over to the breakfast machines and pushes a few buttons*


"I think it's time for waffles this morning, chocolate chip waffles to be more precise."


A ping and a couple of piping hot waffles with melty chocolate chips pops out of the machine.


For a moment, nothing happens then with trepedation, the sound of air releasing as a huge dollop of whipped cream is applied to the waffles.




*grabs the waffle plate and saunters over to a FBBC while looking at newspaper*


*reads headline* "Local faerie creature reaches maximum security clearance, claims, "I didn't know drowning things was wrong!"

"City says will give Incarnate abilities anyways."


*nods and goes back to waffles.*



Good Morning everyone!


Hey Rooky. Congrats on Nixie. Now I kinda feel like I wanna work on one of my fae concepts. Unfortunately the only one I have right now is the ebil Lucifer's Flower. I had several fae based characters back on live... I guess maybe my druid beast MM works the same? She's not fae herself, but works with em?


*hops up on a FBBC and pokes the servers*

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