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Suggestion for Rescue Trapped Citizens, in Crotoa


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In Gordon Bower's mission Rescue the Trapped Citizens, in the last room there is a fight going on between a Tuatha boss and a Fir Bolg boss.

The PROBLEM is that they start fighting LONG before the players get near the room, so usually by the time we arrive one of the bosses is dead.

I suggest changing the mission so the enemies do not fight each other until the player is nearer to the room.

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A lot of AI interactions are less polished now than they were on Live, actually - a running boss will start their sprint usually before you get within visual range, for example.  I think it may be an unintended consequence of some of the changes 'under the hood' that were made during the Dark Years, possibly related to making Ally-type NPCs able to follow through most stealth powers or maybe to some of the other tweaks they did.

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21 hours ago, sacredlunatic said:

In Gordon Bower's mission Rescue the Trapped Citizens, in the last room there is a fight going on between a Tuatha boss and a Fir Bolg boss.

The PROBLEM is that they start fighting LONG before the players get near the room, so usually by the time we arrive one of the bosses is dead.

I suggest changing the mission so the enemies do not fight each other until the player is nearer to the room.

The reason why they fight each other is the same reason why they fight each other in the open world.  The two factions are opposed to each other and are programmed to attack each other on sight.  That's why you get NPCs attacking and defeating each other without PC "help" out in Croatoa.


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