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Melee in PvP

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7 hours ago, Epsilon Assassin said:

You should refrain from reading into others when you have never spoken to them before in any meaningful manner, nor have any relationship with them. It makes you come off badly.

By the by - this is good advice for all forum posters...

"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." - Niels Bohr


Global Handle: @JusticeBeliever ... Home servers on Live: Guardian ... Playing on: Everlasting

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  • 2 years later
On 8/24/2019 at 6:23 AM, barrier said:

Hey, Killa, remember the test leagues from pre-i13? I mean the mixed ones with drafted teams (I ran one of those teams once).


Can you honestly find a single villain AT that would have been found in an optimal mixed team? Let me clue you in: None. Not a single one.


That's not the case in the current state of play.


We are pretty much at the height of build diversity in KBs. The only time I remember more diverse play was i14 or so when the new meta was falling in place.


Also, if I were lining up a vill team right now, my team comp would be quite a bit more varied than the standard fortunata jump team from i12. I dare you to argue that a fort jump team is optimal on i24.


You're way off base.

Yes, because stalkers 1-shotting squishies with unresistable ET crits wouldn't be in an "optimal team". Sure, bud. 


The "current state of play" sees 8 ranged ATs with spike damage and pocket heals. Where's your melee? Yet to be seen, bud. "Height of diversity" isn't spamming corrs/blasters/anything with a ranged primary burst set. That's called one niche, and that's not "diverse" at all. 


Additionally, I'm not the one who's so "off-base" that he considers arena, which wasn't by far the most popular method of pvp, the pinnacle of pvp. You seem to forget that most people were playing in Sirens/WB/RV, and that was far more diverse and entertaining pre-13 than your KB's will ever be. 

On 8/24/2019 at 7:59 AM, Glacier Peak said:

Killawar, I don't know much about you besides you're disdain for everything that is counter to your opinions, but if you don't like the game meta don't play. It doesn't sound like you're having fun. 

See, that's the thing: pre-13 having more viable options for people to use isn't "an opinion", it's a fact. You could roll into SC with just about anything and play the game whereas now "I hAvE tO hAvE mY oPtimAl oNe-DiRecTioNal buIlD aNd iF yOu DoN'T dO iT lIkE thIs yOu'Re WrOnG!"


It's quite literally just an excuse for you wannabe elitists to shell everyone else who wants to have fun out of whatever clubhouse you think you're in.

On 9/3/2019 at 7:03 PM, Dan Petro said:

You strike Sub-Zero EpsiIon with your Crushing Uppercut for 413.38 points of smashing damage!
You knocked Sub-Zero EpsiIon from their feet!
You blast Sub-Zero EpsiIon for 53.58 points of bonus negative energy damage!
You hit Sub-Zero EpsiIon for 78.45 points of bonus Lethal damage!
You hit Sub-Zero EpsiIon for 78.45 points of bonus Smashing damage!
You blast Sub-Zero EpsiIon for 79.98 points of bonus negative energy damage!
Your Offensive Adaptation hits for 9.15 points of Toxic damage!

Your Fossilize crushes Sub-Zero EpsiIon for 354.5 points of smashing damage and reduce his Defense!
Your target takes 78.45 points of bonus smashing damage!
You hit Sub-Zero EpsiIon for 78.45 points of bonus Lethal damage!
You hit Sub-Zero EpsiIon for 80.54 points of bonus Toxic damage!
You blast Sub-Zero EpsiIon for 79.98 points of bonus negative energy damage!
Your Offensive Adaptation hits for 29.77 points of Toxic damage!

You gain 973 influence.
You receive a bounty of 5.00 reputation!
You gain 1.00 reputation. 

This is a Bio/Street Justice Tank, with Combat Readiness up, alpha only incarnate and no outside buffs.  It has Just over 5300 HP with its absorb shield up. 


Melee isn't bad.  

Ouch, then someone points out your BS one-of stars-aligned example. It's almost like every other i-13 supporter in these forums.


Oh wait, it is exactly like the other i-13 supporters. Weird. 

On 9/4/2019 at 8:40 AM, CR Banana Man said:

Melee can do a bunch of damage. Melee is almost unkillable. Melee (and many other non melee things) can’t do the sustained damage to kill anything reliably. 

Is it "sustained damage" that kills things or 8 ranged pouring all their burst into you in 2.5 seconds that "kills anything reliably"?


Right, the second option, but continue cherry-picking and misconstruing. 

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6 hours ago, Killawar said:

Yes, because stalkers 1-shotting squishies with unresistable ET crits wouldn't be in an "optimal team". Sure, bud. 


The "current state of play" sees 8 ranged ATs with spike damage and pocket heals. Where's your melee? Yet to be seen, bud. "Height of diversity" isn't spamming corrs/blasters/anything with a ranged primary burst set. That's called one niche, and that's not "diverse" at all. 


Additionally, I'm not the one who's so "off-base" that he considers arena, which wasn't by far the most popular method of pvp, the pinnacle of pvp. You seem to forget that most people were playing in Sirens/WB/RV, and that was far more diverse and entertaining pre-13 than your KB's will ever be. 

See, that's the thing: pre-13 having more viable options for people to use isn't "an opinion", it's a fact. You could roll into SC with just about anything and play the game whereas now "I hAvE tO hAvE mY oPtimAl oNe-DiRecTioNal buIlD aNd iF yOu DoN'T dO iT lIkE thIs yOu'Re WrOnG!"


It's quite literally just an excuse for you wannabe elitists to shell everyone else who wants to have fun out of whatever clubhouse you think you're in.

Ouch, then someone points out your BS one-of stars-aligned example. It's almost like every other i-13 supporter in these forums.


Oh wait, it is exactly like the other i-13 supporters. Weird. 

Is it "sustained damage" that kills things or 8 ranged pouring all their burst into you in 2.5 seconds that "kills anything reliably"?


Right, the second option, but continue cherry-picking and misconstruing. 

This is great satire - welcome back and thank you for the humorous reply.

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3 hours ago, battlewraith said:

LOL 2 years later?

Two years later and the response I get is relatively instantaneous. 


6 hours ago, Glacier Peak said:

This is great satire - welcome back and thank you for the humorous reply.

What's "great humor" is your inability to form a coherent response as well as your seeming ability to reply relatively instantaneously and implicate yourself in have nothing better to do. Yikes, you'd think that having so much time spent on a forum would mean that you'd be able to navigate the language of its game competently. Time wasted indeed. 

Edited by Killawar
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