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International characters and copy/paste function


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When you copy a selection from the chat that have accents or other typographical enhancements (be it in the input box or read box), the paste option will result in an string with escaped characters.


The problem is with the copy function since a paste outside of the game gives the same result.

A copy from outside of the game then paste inside will work juste fine.


Annnnd...I cannot give you an real example since the forum will reject a post with any kind of accent.


Of course, I mainly use english characters to chat in the game but I happen to meet fellow players speaking my native tongue from time to time.

I would say a low priority bug for the game but maybe annoying for the forum (even if it may be more comforting for moderators to be sure only english is used  ;))


Tested on Reunion (EU)




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Confirmed during the creation of my...not very few Alts. Even in the character creator (Icon confirmed the same) doesn't like them. Well, not All of them. I don't recall if the OG did or not, but I know that Some work and some don't. I'd have to check my Alts to find out. I use a mix of French, Spanish, German, Japanese...and maybe a few others in my Bio's, so I noticed it a bit. :p

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No wait, I read you wrong. I was copying from Word (I have a file with all my Alt Bio's) into the game and some characters/letters got trimmed from the paste.

OG Server: Pinnacle  <||>  Current Primary Server: Torchbearer  ||  Also found on the others if desired  <||> Generally Inactive

Installing CoX:  Windows  ||  MacOS  ||  MacOS for M1  <||>  Migrating Data from an Older Installation

Clubs: Mid's Hero Designer  ||  PC Builders  ||  HC Wiki  ||  Jerk Hackers

Old Forums  <||>  Titan Network  <||>  Heroica! (by @Shenanigunner)


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The game supports Unicode in chat, but as I found when pasting a bit of character background, the forums will show the Unicode characters in the text entry window, but when they're saved to the forum database and redisplayed, they come back as the escaped Unicode characters. My supposition is that the forum code doesn't properly support Unicode, so it doesn't process the Unicode characters correctly.


When I discovered that CoH supported Unicode back in 2004, I started making characters with ex-Soviet histories, looking up actual research institutions like the I. M. Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry, making up Soviet superhero and supervillain group and individual names ['Narodnaya Armiya', 'Krasniye Orli', 'Krasnaya Ugroza', 'General Zima', etc.], research projects like the 'Polniy Kyborg' total-body replacement for radically-injured individuals and the 'Brigadyr' combat-direction robot program, and the like, but while I was able to put the Cyrillic in text areas like the character background, copying and pasting elsewhere only worked if the application that I was pasting into could handle Unicode. Other applications either turned the Unicode characters into '?' characters or showed the escaped Unicode.


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